Who Is Your Perfect, Hypothetical, Composite Partner?


Saw this posted in an article online this morning, thought you all would find it interesting.

Tell us what your ideal partner would look like…

Sense of Humor:

Someone posted their preferences on the site:​

The face of: Hugh Grant or Matthew Broderick, 10 years ago.
The brain of: Matt Damon
The sense of humor of: Vince Vaughn
The body of: Ryan Reynolds
The charisma of: George Clooney
The devotion of: Jake Gyllenhaal.
The accent of: Prince Harry
The style of: Chuck Bass alternated with Kelly Slater

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*ehem* can we do this for women too?

pwease? :m033:
Tell us what your ideal partner would look like

Face: Stewart Lee 10 years ago
Brain: David Mitchell
Sense of Humor: Charlie Brooker
Body: Hmmm...can't think of specific example, broad-shouldered & slim
Charisma: Dylan Moran
Devotion: don't want them soppy, thanks.
Accent: Chris Morris like this
Style: T-shirt and jeans (No random words or numbers anywhere!)
Face/Bone Structure: Colin Firth (unsure)

Mind/Spirit: Jacques Derrida + Ghandi

Sense of Humor: Craig Ferguson (Scottish charm) / John Stewart (American political satire)

Body: Hugh Jackman (preferably) or Hugh Grant

Charisma: Billy Campbell / George Clooney (understated charm)

Devotion: Tom Cruise (family man)

Accent: Pierce Brosnan or "proper" British accent

Style: Gabriel Byrne (apparent sensitivity) + Christian Bale (bad boy vibe without the violent streak)
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Just for fun!

See the first post.

If you don't want to list particular people, then you can simply describe characteristics or features you would like for each.
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my perfect partner isn't based on appearances.

Um, did you miss the "Brain:", "Sense of Humor:", "Charisma:" and "Devotion:" categories? Or am I just misunderstanding your post in some way?

Restraint said:
Christian Bale (bad boy vibe without the violent streak)

"Without the violent streak"? I suppose that depends on how you define "violent". :/

"Without the violent streak"? I suppose that depends on how you define "violent". :/

Just jokingly making reference to the domestic abuse charges. But he has an appealing "bad boy" streak.
Face: paul bettany. i'm a sucker for blonde/blue. negotiable.
Brain: intelligent, but not to the point of arrogance. can't really name a celebrity, because i don't know any of their brains.
Sense of Humor: jack black. goofy, but in an intelligent way.
Body: teddy bear, or at least not too skinny. preferably taller than me.
Charisma: bruce willis. something about him...
Devotion: as close as possible to mine.
Accent: damien rice. this also is negotiable.
Style: casual, not messy, not overdone.

i try not to be too specific, because i always surprise myself with the attraction i have to all different types of men.
How am I supposed to describe someone's brain, charisma and humor? I guess what I'm saying is I take people when I get to them. I don't have preconceived notions of how a person should be- I don't have an ideal for any of this stuff I guess.
Erm... needs more skoff?