Whistle Blowers

Motor Jax

randomness included
Retired Staff
INFJ are Natural Whistle Blowers, So Enjoy It and DO IT!

Items about drunkenness and poor mental health at NASA have been a hot topic in the news. Word has it that inebriated astronauts climbed aboard spaceships for luanch and their colleagues felt helpless to do anything about it.

It sounds like we need SOX for astronauts! SOX stands for Sarbanes-Oxley, the bill that mandated whistle blowers to avert another Enron in the corporate world.

According to a recent arricle in BBC Online, “Investigations into both of Nasa’s fatal shuttle accidents determined that workers were often discouraged, even ostracised, for raising safety concerns or voicing objections…. That led managers to ignore evidence of fuel leaks on the shuttle booster rockets before Challenger was lost in 1986, and to gloss over warnings that a debris impact suspected during shuttle Columbia’s climb to orbit in 2003 could have critically damaged the ship’s heat shield….”

Despite paying such a horrible price, the climate apparently still prevails at NASA.

The article continues, “An outside taskforce looking into astronaut mental health issues cited two cases where panel members were told of astronauts boarding spaceships and training jets for flight, despite concerns by doctors and other crewmembers that he or she was drunk….”

INFJ’s are a 1% introverted/intuitive category in the Myers- Briggs personality rating system. INFJ’s make natural whistle blowers and are often witnesses to these situations because it’s what they’re born to do! If you’re an INFJ, you’re just 1% of the population. I’m the IntrovertZCoach and I’m here to suggest that you evolved the way you did to serve your ethically challenged brethren so here’s another opportunity where an INFJ could speak out!b Too bad NASA calls on some many extroverted adventuresome Type A heroic types! One good INFJ would be all it would have taken.Serpico was an INFJ, I’m pretty sure. The 1973 movie starring Al Pacino describes the life of a New York cop who blew the whistle on a lot of dirty policmen and was shot in the face as a result. You can read the real Serpico’s official website here: http://www.frankserpico.com. Serpico is an Aries born April 14, 1936.

INFJ’s, this is your Call to Action! Quit bemoaning the unethical and immoral behavior you see around you. Quit searching ad nauseum for the perfect job, your holy grail. Don’t you get it? The “perfect job” is to blow the whistle … wherever you are and however you can do it. Today, thanks to Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom, Sherron Watkins of Enron and Coleen Rowley of the FVI, society has rolled out the red carpet f or whistle blowers. And you won’t have to worry about gettingshot in the face like Serpico.

INFJ’s, you are 1% of the population and that’s what you’ve evolved for … to teach and correct others. They really don’t realize half the time when they are crossing those lines. So, please, stop complaining, stop going around like a hang dog puppy looking for that “Perfect Job” and BLOW THAT WHISTLE!

The perfect job for you is any job because once you get there you can be sure you’ll be the moral high ground. You are the only type that blows the whistle without any other motive than to improve the ethical and moral environment, to make it safe and a level playing field for all.


Good article.
I dunno. I was raised from a very young age to understand that it is wrong to "tattle tale" or "narc" on others.

I've been in enough situations where I probably should have blown the whistle. I witnessed the wrestlers at my old college shooting up steroids, but I didn't blow the whistle then. I lived with a drug dealer/loan shark and I didn't blow the whistle then. I even worked at a hotel where I witnessed the employees stealing from the employer but of course, I didn't blow the whistle.

I think it probably takes balls and moral conviction to blow the whistle, neither of which I have, so I must be a bad INFJ. :(
yeah, me too

i've just been the observer most times

as long as those people don't piss me off, no one else would know

i think that is what makes me so sociable with people though; they don't piss me off, i don't narc on them

heck, i would even smoke cannabis with 'em
I hear you guys. I'm no a narc either, and even when angry I'm more likely to just confront them, being in someones face and telling them off(cursing them out) and leaving them in a frightened and confused daze is much more satisfying then telling. It also makes you feel bigger, or maybe that's just me.
It is their choice whether to do cannabis or not. Personally, I don't think it should be illegal.

Silently Honest said:
I hear you guys. I'm no a narc either, and even when angry I'm more likely to just confront them, being in someones face and telling them off(cursing them out) and leaving them in a frightened and confused daze is much more satisfying then telling. It also makes you feel bigger, or maybe that's just me.

Sounds like you enjoy deluding yourself. Fe outbreaks?
sriv said:
It is their choice whether to do cannabis or not. Personally, I don't think it should be illegal.

Silently Honest said:
I hear you guys. I'm no a narc either, and even when angry I'm more likely to just confront them, being in someones face and telling them off(cursing them out) and leaving them in a frightened and confused daze is much more satisfying then telling. It also makes you feel bigger, or maybe that's just me.

Sounds like you enjoy deluding yourself. Fe outbreaks?

If you mean the feeling bigger part,then yeah, probably. If you can get me angry enough to get to that point, then I don't care if I think I'm the Incredible Hulk (I'm so going to watch it in two weeks.). All I'm aware of is that someone has pushed me into a point of such frustration, that I can't do anything until that frustration is dealt with.

This may seem selfish, but it doesn't do me or anyone I'm around any good, If I'm too stressed to out to function.
I can relate. I have outbursts that can only be described as "histrionic" when somebody has pushed just the right buttons to piss me off. Until they know how frustrated I am, I can't rest. That seems to happen more online that off though. Probably because people are more outspoken and less reserved about hurting others feelings online.