Where does an INFJ focus their attention in a healthy state?

Zero Angel

Permanent Fixture
Possibly 4w5
I'm a pretty 'logical' type INFJ. And I have tried focusing my awareness on various things, rather than letting my inner chatter have free reign, I would try granting control of my personality to various 'sides'. In my opinion there are many subsystems of the brain, and I have taken the liberty of categorizing them in a very J like fashion!

- Logical Subsystem, frontal cortex. Consistently calculates, evaluates and predicts. A rather slow, yet consistent process.
- Instinctual subsystem, rear right. Awareness is focused externally due to the suppression of logical thoughts. Behaviour is unusual, and cannot be predicted ahead of time.
- Emotional subsystem. Forms judgements about how people relate to each other. Focusing on this process grants awareness of others feelings, but also intensifies your own.
- Intuitive subsystem. Action and release, it is difficult to describe. The intuitive subsystem is similar to the instinctual however because its directed inward, it can encompass all other of the subsystems. Behavior can be screwy and focusing on this subsystem causes one to lose credibility especially since its difficult to transmit the nuance that this subsystem encompasses.

Now that i've described them. What in your opinion, is the place that healthy INFJs allocate all of their resources to?
I know for me. I use the intuitive subsystem and emotional subsystem WAYYYY more then the other two.
I'd say I go more to
"- Emotional subsystem. Forms judgements about how people relate to each other. Focusing on this process grants awareness of others feelings, but also intensifies your own."
I have a curiosity about the emotional subsystem then. Doesnt focusing on this lead to excessive moralizing? And then, isnt moralizing thusly restrictive?

My father is an IFJ type who tends to moralize quite a bit. The things is that when I look at FJ types who tend to moralize things, it creates expectations of other people. Moralizing = evaluating = judging. The judgements which are feeling based are pretty good at pushing other people away. "I deem your behavior unworthy, fix it" is the impression I tend to get from an FJ who is engaged in a lot of moralizing. Not only that, but it also seems that the FJ while under stress, cannot live up to his own moral expectations -- and thusly projects these deficiencies upon other people.

I'm of a looser morality. I have a well developed ethical outlook and insight, but I do not project these onto other people unless their actions cause real harm to others (I think, 'if i were in his shoes' -- and either take steps to correct the problem, or simply let it pass over me with understanding that allowing his behavior to continue is the result of his personal reality and my unwillingness to act to change that).

So then does the emotional subsystem of the INFJ (Fe) a positive or negative thing, or simply a balanced function that the INFJ must have to thrive without expending energy resisting it because 'moralizing' is the function of the INFJ personality, which is balanced out by other benefits (higher awareness)?
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