What's your Thanksgiving personality?

Your Thanksgiving Personality is Rebel

You detest Thanksgiving. All that family drama mixed with unappetizing side dishes? No thank you!
You'll make an appearance if you absolutely have to, but you won't enjoy it. You probably don't even like pumpkin pie.

Your ideal Thanksgiving would be spent completely alone... or with the few people that you can tolerate.
You'd eat whatever you want - even in front of the TV if you felt like it. And there's a good chance you wouldn't be eating sweet potatoes with marshmallow. Gag! ...yep thats me
Your Thanksgiving Personality is Thankful

At Thanksgiving, all you want is a warm bed to sleep in and a home cooked meal to eat. As long as you have those things, you're grateful.
You're able to rise above any of the stress or drama associated with the holidays. You are just happy for what you have.

Whether it's been the best or worst year of your life, you take this day to count your blessings... no matter how small they might be.
And if possible, you try to help someone in need - anyone from a hungry stranger to a lonely friend.
Your Thanksgiving Personality is Thankful

At Thanksgiving, all you want is a warm bed to sleep in and a home cooked meal to eat. As long as you have those things, you're grateful.
You're able to rise above any of the stress or drama associated with the holidays. You are just happy for what you have.

Whether it's been the best or worst year of your life, you take this day to count your blessings... no matter how small they might be.
And if possible, you try to help someone in need - anyone from a hungry stranger to a lonely friend.
Your Thanksgiving Personality is Foodie


You love Thanksgiving, as long as it's done right. And that means no funky green jello salads.
Thanksgiving is all about the food for you, and you like it to be top notch. There's a good chance you do all the cooking... that is unless you dine out.

Your ideal Thanksgiving would include your favorite dishes, as well as a few funky new experimental favorites.
And it would also include friends and family who can appreciate good food as much as you do. No instant mashed potatoes lovers welcome!
Ha! Cute.

Well, I got Thankful, but it should have been Rebel.
I just like to help people cook!
Your Thanksgiving Personality is Foodie

You love Thanksgiving, as long as it's done right. And that means no funky green jello salads.
Thanksgiving is all about the food for you, and you like it to be top notch. There's a good chance you do all the cooking... that is unless you dine out.

Your ideal Thanksgiving would include your favorite dishes, as well as a few funky new experimental favorites.
And it would also include friends and family who can appreciate good food as much as you do. No instant mashed potatoes lovers welcome!