What would life without technology be like?


if we didn't have modern technology such as radios, tvs, computers, vehicles of all sorts, modern irrigation systems, etc. etc. how do you think your life personally would be different?
Just by removing computers and video games, I'd either be a really big bookworm or I'd have found something else to pass the time. I'd have a much narrower view of the world too, as a lot of what I've learned has come from contacting people over the Internet.

I'd have a whole lot more 'simple' life, with a focus on day-to-day chores, and probably would be closer with my family and my community.

Or maybe there's something I'm missing that would make me completely different. Really technology is too big a part of my (and well, everyone's) life, so what I think it would be like is probably pretty inaccurate.
I imagine myself as Amish.
It would be very hard to adjust to unless I had been raised that way.

Or perhaps like Laura Ingles-Wilder..
Just by removing computers and video games, I'd either be a really big bookworm or I'd have found something else to pass the time. I'd have a much narrower view of the world too, as a lot of what I've learned has come from contacting people over the Internet.

i think the world in general would be a lot more divided without the internet, and individuals a lot more ignorant. it really has challenged the old ways of discovering information. probably has had a greater impact on global culture than we even realize.
In a word:

*Hits April with club*

*Drags April to cave*
We can have life without modern technology? :m077: *cannot live without tv/computer*

epic fail . . .