What was the last Robin Williams movie you saw or remember?


Rothchildian Agent
The last one I watched was a Bicentential Man, the one I remember was one I saw before that and I dont remember the title, it featured a poetry teacher whose son is a total douch but the son's suicide allows the father to reinvent him through discovered phony diaries.

What do you remember about Williams films, I think hope and a deeper meaning were as important as the humour a lot of the time.
The last one I watched was a Bicentential Man, the one I remember was one I saw before that and I dont remember the title, it featured a poetry teacher whose son is a total douch but the son's suicide allows the father to reinvent him through discovered phony diaries.

What do you remember about Williams films, I think hope and a deeper meaning were as important as the humour a lot of the time.

"World's Greatest Dad". I saw that one too :) My favorite was Dead Poet's Society. The again, I liked almost all of them. 1 Hour Photo, Final Cut, Goodwill Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Popeye, Hook...

Hearing the news yesterday was one of the only times I was truly shocked about celebrity news. It's like a piece of my childhood died when he did. He rose to fame the year after I was born so I pretty much grew up with his movies.
Last movie I saw with him in it was Night at the Museum. I think that was in 2006 which is around the time I stopped watching movies (except maybe one or two a year)

I liked that Williams was an all around human being. He was vibrant and had depth in many regards - a real aura you could say. Being funny, being serious, being poignant - some times all at the same time.
Jumanji, and Hook. As a kid, I remembered him because he had this exceptionally kind face. Both films have stuck with me till today.
What dreams may come
Mrs. Doubtfire, love that movie ever since I was little :)