What The Media Did Now...


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I am not posting a link as I am already very disturbed as it is.

Why on earth would cnn, or any media outlet, put such a horrible story on the front page of there news, let alone with an EXTREMELY disturbing photograph! I might cry over this if I see it again. that is just wrong of the media to show something that disturbing to the public...
Was this the polar bear thing?
Because the Polar Bear thing is hilarious. That's natural selection.

Stupid bitch deserved her death. Or would have if they didn't save her.
I was pretty surprised to see the photograph on the front page, but then I realized that the headline is the only thing that makes it alarming and potentially disturbing. It's not like there was a bloody wound on display.
Because the Polar Bear thing is hilarious. That's natural selection.

Stupid bitch deserved her death. Or would have if they didn't save her.

This is my F talking, I can not handle reading stories of that nature, pictures even more so x10. Those kind of things effect me very strongly. I understand that kind of thing being in the news, completly. However, it was wrong of cnn to put an image like that on the front page, where you are forced to see it. I send them a rather long email about it.
I agree that it was a bit tactless to put it in automatic view of everyone. They should set those stories up so that only those who care to click on the headlines will see the accompanying photographs.
I thought it was awesome. I finally got to see a human body ratioed against a polar bear body.
CNN and Fox, along with many others in the media, will do just about anything for ratings. Most news media is all about 'sensationalism'.
Which is why most news media is going down the drain and a lot of newspapers are failing...

You'd think they'd learn their lessons. If people can't trust them, people won't buy them.
I agree that it was a bit tactless to put it in automatic view of everyone. They should set those stories up so that only those who care to click on the headlines will see the accompanying photographs.

Although I do agree with you, the picture is pretty benign in itself, people are just letting their imaginations run with the image. (She jumped in, she deserved to face the repercussions if you ask me )

The Hyena and the Lion Cubs were getting on well for a bit.
Although I do agree with you, the picture is pretty benign in itself, people are just letting their imaginations run with the image. (She jumped in, she deserved to face the repercussions if you ask me )

Yes, it's all about the context really.

I was pretty surprised to see the photograph on the front page, but then I realized that the headline is the only thing that makes it alarming and potentially disturbing. It's not like there was a bloody wound on display.
if anyone wonders what we are on about


BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A polar bear attacked a woman at Berlin Zoo Friday afternoon after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat during feeding time, police said Saturday.
The bear attacks the woman during feeding time.

One adult polar bit her several times after she plunged into the moat, police said.
Zoo workers tossed rescue rings toward the woman to hoist her out and distract polar bears swimming nearby, said Goerg Gebhard, a Berlin police officer.
At one point the woman fell back into the water and was grabbed by a bear before she was eventually hoisted to safety.
"They saved her life," Gebhard told CNN.
The woman was severely injured and was being treated at a hospital, police said.

It's unclear why the woman entered the bear habitat, but police issued her a citation for trespassing.
Berlin Zoo is home to Knut, the first polar bear to be born there in over 30 years. The bear became a huge talking point in Germany when his mother gave birth to him in December 2006.
and here's the video, linked, as well youtube makes you confirm your DOB anyway


the polar bears only wanted huggles:hug::hug::hug: