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What mythical creature are you test?

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The Chupacabra is a South American hairless mammal whose appearance changes from person to person and from story to story. What is common in all the sightings of this creature is that it hides deep within the forests and encounters people and their cattle to steal a good meal. They are ferocious meat eaters and powerful creatures getting what they want. Many are frightened by their sheer size and power. Other than this the Chupacabra is a rather solitary animal.
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lolololl wtf???

Domovikha is the female version of the Domovoi, both are popular shy little people that live in a family's home. They are similar to the Dobby and Brownies of Celtic folklore in that they become apart of the family and do lots and lots of housework. They love to work and follow correct instructions from a member of the family. They only work at night and do a good job of every task. They are paid with food but are very demanding that their needs are met. If not given any food they will make a fuss and make clean things dirty and hide items.
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Loch Ness Monster



The Loch Ness Monster is one that many people marvel at. It lives in the lake of Loch Ness in Scotland and has been seen only by a few. This Sea Serpent spends its time all alone minding its own business living a simple humble and easy life. The Loch Ness Monster enjoys sleeping as long as it wishes and eating fish. It never shows aggression and is very shy of people.
You are an


  • Culture:
    Norse Behaviour:
    Friendly and Dangerous
  • Attribute:
    Humanoid Attribute:
    Forest Dweller
Elves come in different forms. There are the Light Elves and the Dark Elves. They sometimes appear as humans but are also known in some beliefs to be invisible spirits that bring disease and fertility. They can be friendly and helpful but also harmful depending on whether other people are kind to them or spiteful. In human form Elves have long hair and slender bodies. They live in harmonious societies in the deep woods or in underground worlds and like to live a happy social life.
Black Shuck

The Black Shuck is one of the infamous Black Dogs of Victorian belief. It lurks in the dark with only its burning green and red eyes visible. It stalks lonely travellers out in the country and in the cities and frightens them. They do not deliberately seek to kill humans but their presence on the lonely roads is enough to put great fear into even the most courageous of men. They are generally dark omens of death but in Essex the Black shuck protects people from enemies.

So I'm a dark omen of death...sounds about right.
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  • Culture:
  • Behaviour:
  • Attribute:

The Chupacabra is a South American hairless mammal whose appearance changes from person to person and from story to story. What is common in all the sightings of this creature is that it hides deep within the forests and encounters people and their cattle to steal a good meal. They are ferocious meat eaters and powerful creatures getting what they want. Many are frightened by their sheer size and power. Other than this the Chupacabra is a rather solitary animal.

You are a

The Tripoderoo is a comical creature and one of the Fearsome Critters that originate from the old stories of the North American lumberjacks. The Tripoderoo lives in the forest walking on its three legs and eating fruit and vegetables. However it likes to have lots of fun and play tricks on people. It uses its telescopic eyes on the end of each leg to spot a lumberjack and then it waits and hides in a bush. When the lumberjack comes close, the Tripoderoo shoots of out clay from its nose, knocking out its victim.

Let that be a warning. Beware my clay snot lumberjack man!
The Shedu is a large powerful bull that has the wings of an eagle and the head of a human. They would be seen guarding the temples and palaces in Babylonian architecture. Shedus are friendly creatures and stay awake constantly to watch out for any intruders or dangerous people. They can definitely be trusted to look after property and are very loyal. Shedus have a great physique and proudly wear a black beard. They do not go out much and spend their life dedicated to protecting their masters property and thus they live a fairly simple life.