what makes ENFPs so likeable?


every ENFP I've met in real life has such a genuine charm about them that it's impossible not to like them. they're so sincere and genuinely optimistic, as a personality type I think they're the easiest to be friends with.
I like to follow and give love in life. As enfp, i would like to share is: They do what they like, they first try to realize the thing, its nature and then they go ahead. I consider myself as mere human with alive heart.

Now you can see, this is safest path to be with friends, families and other relations of life.
I agree, but the inconsistency and sometimes fickle nature of their friendship are things I find it hard to reconcile, but then, I recognise that I am incredibly idealistic about people, and I do generally love ENFPs anyway. Even if the 'quality' of their friendship doesn't match with my vision of how things might be, they are still hard to dislike.

they are always so chearful and jolly. They like EVERYBODY, see good in everybody, want to know or be friends with everybody. They are interested in people and genuined happy when they are happy. They listen without judgement and always see the positive thing in your story, giving you a good feeling.

That is why i find them so annoying because the jump around like crazy and have dificulties to hold there base, changing there mind every minute, changing subjects every instance and wanting me to respons on every silly thing that comes out of there mouth. It is hard for me to find out who they really are because they switch faces every two seconds ...
she makes me all jumpy and lose touch with my base and energy source ... SO EXHAUSTING :becky:

what I admire the most is that they don't judge, while I judge all the time. For instance, an ENFP friend of mine just told me about her wonderful evening where a guy was soo nice to her, giving her so much attention and compliments, that she has been so dreamy and happy ever since. She directly said in her mail "please be happy with me and don't laugh with me". She already knows that I will have a huge judgement about this because while reading this story I get this huge warning in the back of my head "HE IS USING YOU!!!!!!!!". I would rather give her a wake up call than support. but yeah, she wants support so ...

It makes me feel like such a brutal ... why can't I be just happy for her and chear with her??
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They can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk..................aaaagh. I'm not sure if the person I'm thinking of is an enfp, but I think so. He is intelligent but gets a little bit annoying. He is very nice though and does have interesting ideas, especially when he can focus enough to finish something he starts saying! I would say he's very likeable, but the difficult qualities become more evident when you get to know him. Overall, I do like him and would never want to hurt his feelings!
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That is why i find them so annoying because the jump around like crazy and have dificulties to hold there base, changing there mind every minute, changing subjects every instance and wanting me to respons on every silly thing that comes out of there mouth. It is hard for me to find out who they really are because they switch faces every two seconds ...
she makes me all jumpy and lose touch with my base and energy source ... SO EXHAUSTING :becky:

They can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk..................aaaagh. I'm not sure if the person I'm thinking of is an enfp, but I think so. He is intelligent but gets a little bit annoying. He is very nice though and does have interesting ideas, especially when he can focus enough to finish something he starts saying! I would say he's very likeable, but the difficult qualities become more evident when you get to know him. Overall, I do like him and would never want to hurt his feelings!

I can control this things because it is natural within me. When something goes out of boundary my nature says don't go ahead otherwise it may considered as overwhelming or nonsense by your friend. :D
every ENFP I've met in real life has such a genuine charm about them that it's impossible not to like them. they're so sincere and genuinely optimistic, as a personality type I think they're the easiest to be friends with.

..until they decide to start a campaign to manipulate everyone you know against you...

I agree, but the inconsistency and sometimes fickle nature of their friendship are things I find it hard to reconcile, but then, I recognise that I am incredibly idealistic about people, and I do generally love ENFPs anyway. Even if the 'quality' of their friendship doesn't match with my vision of how things might be, they are still hard to dislike.

...otherwise, this ^
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Extroverts are exhausting. Yak Yak Yak.
Completely agree with you there. I would much rather be in the company of introverts, where the silence isn't awkward and no one is pressured to talk and talk and tallllllllkkkkk.
not all E's are big talkers

i know a few ENFPs and ENTPs completely ok with silence

some of my fav people too
this says it all:
For me the main reason is because I can have deep and meaningful conversations with them about things that interest me, such as spirituality, religion, morality, etc. I think that a lot of people I come across aren't really interested in the same things as I am, so we often end up talking about trivial things such as celebrities, movies, and blahblahblah just so that we can relate.

What I also like about ENFPs is how independent they are, and how it's important for them to be true to themselves, something which I also value highly.

I also agree with Morgain-I think that they are less judgmental than I am, even though I try not to be.
I LOVE ENFPs! :D They are always so charming and expressive. But I do like to get after an ENFP friend of mine because she CAN'T STOP THINKING OUT LOUD. LOL. :lol: