What major events or experiences have changed you? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

What major events or experiences have changed you?

My wife died. I've spent plenty of time getting used to the idea that I'm single again and will probably remain so for however much time I have left.
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During the past 5 years, I realize that there are good times and there are bad times. I had good memories with people that were my friends and then I was taught by the INFJForum actually that people come and go and friendships come and go and that I should move on, so THANK YOU GUYS!

When things turned sour at home financially for my family, my dad chose to leave us for another woman with money, even though he was the big spender in their marriage! Through that I realized that being independent is everything and to always work hard for the things I want, have a plan and to learn how to be more flexible and self-reliant! My now family(-minus husband/father), ha to learn how to work with what money we had so now I know where to get things for a cheaper price and solve things through home remedies (which actually work, go figure!)

Last summer, I had to look myself square in the face and be truthful to myself. Several tears later I realize that I was enough, I could create my own destiny and learned how to accept myself for who I truly was! And learn how to be my own bestie! Besides, you're with you all the time, and you never leave you! :m131:

P.S. People only do things to you that you allow them to do! Hope this helps someone

Getting married. I stopped some asshole-ish behaviors that were getting out of hand. Like not picking up my dog's poo in the park, gossiping and a few other small unethical things. I found being with someone I really cared about caused me to want to be the person he must have thought I was to love me. He is serious about picking up after the dogs. Will seriously raise heaven and earth to find a bag if we are lacking at the bark park. He decried this bad act of leaving shit around so seriously that I felt like a total fraud when I was like "Yeah those nasty slobs!" (knowing full well that I was one myself). I became for real ashamed and changed my ways. This sounds like a joke, but it's not. The dog doo thing is kind of representative of more changes I made regarding making the person I projected align truly with how I behave.
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The last time i trod in dog shit in a public place it made me want to find the person who let their dog shit there and rub the shit in their face

The even more bizarre ones are when they put the shit in a plastic bag and then leave the bag and the shit; at least if the shit was out of the bag it would break down naturally, but by adding a bag it adds a non bio-degradable aspect and prevents the natural break down of shit

I think instead of all the new paranoia laws the government are passing they should just pass one new law....anyone who is caught leaving dog shit in public places should be put in public stocks so that the public can throw dog shit at their unguarded faces

Clean up your shit....or i'll come and put it on your doorstep so that you can enjoy it all to yourself
The last time i trod in dog shit in a public place it made me want to find the person who let their dog shit there and rub the shit in their face

The even more bizarre ones are when they put the shit in a plastic bag and then leave the bag and the shit; at least if the shit was out of the bag it would break down naturally, but by adding a bag it adds a non bio-degradable aspect and prevents the natural break down of shit

I think instead of all the new paranoia laws the government are passing they should just pass one new law....anyone who is caught leaving dog shit in public places should be put in public stocks so that the public can throw dog shit at their unguarded faces

Clean up your shit....or i'll come and put it on your doorstep so that you can enjoy it all to yourself

Yeah, I am 100% on your team re dog doo now. I did change my bad ways on that. I wasn't a habitual,serial offender. But I wasn't fully on board with the right way either. And my conscience didn't bother me the way it should have when I occasionally found myself sans poopie-pouch. As karma would have it, I have since stepped in it enough now and had it wreck shoes, rugs etc that I have indeed called out known offenders in sly ways like offering a bag "just in case." And yep, I go for the bio-degradable poop bags too.
Yeah, I am 100% on your team re dog doo now. I did change my bad ways on that. I wasn't a habitual,serial offender. But I wasn't fully on board with the right way either. And my conscience didn't bother me the way it should have when I occasionally found myself sans poopie-pouch. As karma would have it, I have since stepped in it enough now and had it wreck shoes, rugs etc that I have indeed called out known offenders in sly ways like offering a bag "just in case." And yep, I go for the bio-degradable poop bags too.

Great...now you just need to see the light on vaccines and we can have a celebratory high five