What kind of partners are INFJ men interested in? | INFJ Forum

What kind of partners are INFJ men interested in?


Regular Poster
Jan 27, 2011
i fogot
Going off of the "What kind of men do INFJ women like" thread that's somewhat popular right now, I thought this would do as well.

Personally, my partners have to be very intelligent. And they have to really care, or be naturally pretty empathetic. Without these things, I'll just feel alone and that won't do because I need relation in a relationship. Ability or willingness to be emotionally vulnerable is required to some degree. I don't want to share my 5th, 4th, 3rd 2nd or 1st story with someone, but the secret underground headquarters where all of the mushiest, most genuine and unfiltered me hangs out, getting bored (to downplay it) of being alaone with itself. . But that's not going to go off very well without the same being offered back.

I really like being able to share interests and do things we're both passionate about together, even though that is most typically internet junkie / recluse stuff like dingling about on the net, watching movies, docus and shows or reading together. I am also so hugely appreciative of being taught, especially things about myself, but anything really. And I really appreciate someone having hte patience to put up with me, particularly in the complications or oddities I perpetuate by being a super sensitive person, one way or another.

And you really have to know me, and be getting it right. It won't do to find that after a certain time and intimacy, you've somehow grossly missed the most important parts of me, which, of course, to me are obvious and what constitute my identity.

Most of my girlfriends have been INFPs but I've had real interests in a few INTPs and ENTP, and once an ENFP. I really want to find another INFJ like me to get on with but.. I don't know, even while networking heavily around INFJ communities on the net, I'm just not seeing it. And they aren't really seeing it in me either, as far as I've been made to know. And it's a shame because I still think it could be the best dynamic for me! And S types are a firm no.

What about all of the other INFJ men?
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Going off of the "What kind of men do INFJ women like" thread that's somewhat popular right now, I thought this would do as well.

Personally, my partners have to be very intelligent. And they have to really care, or be naturally pretty empathetic. Without these things, I'll just feel alone and that won't do because I need relation in a relationship. Ability or willingness to be emotionally vulnerable is required to some degree. I don't want to share my 5th, 4th, 3rd 2nd or 1st story with someone, but the secret underground headquarters where all of the mushiest, most genuine and unfiltered me hangs out, getting bored (to downplay it) of being alaone with itself. . But that's not going to go off very well without the same being offered back.

I really like being able to share interests and do things we're both passionate about together, even though that is most typically internet junkie / recluse stuff like dingling about on the net, watching movies, docus and shows or reading together. I am also so hugely appreciative of being taught, especially things about myself, but anything really. And I really appreciate someone having hte patience to put up with me, particularly in the complications or oddities I perpetuate by being a super sensitive person, one way or another.

And you really have to know me, and be getting it right. It won't do to find that after a certain time and intimacy, you've somehow grossly missed the most important parts of me, which, of course, to me are obvious and what constitute my identity.

Most of my girlfriends have been INFPs but I've had real interests in a few INTPs and ENTP, and once an ENFP. I really want to find another INFJ like me to get on with but.. I don't know, even while networking heavily around INFJ communities on the net, I'm just not seeing it. And they aren't really seeing it in me either, as far as I've been made to know. And it's a shame because I still think it could be the best dynamic for me! And S types are a firm no.

What about all of the other INFJ men?

sounds the same for me requirements wise
Strong, highly intelligent, artistic, emotionally competent, socially/class flexible and not out to fleece me.
Lovely, smart, cute, sensitive and passional women :)
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-A woman with a 'self-growth attitude'; someone who can honestly look within, pointout ( communication ) and strives to strengthen not only the relationship but herself as an individual.
-Someone who doesn't get bored easily; she can find pleasure in the smallest things. For example: a spider sucking a fly to death.
-I don't want to say "intelligent" because that term is too vague imo.....I think "same wavelength" is a more suitable term for me.
-Someone who is curious, passionate and enthusiastic....yeah enthusiasm is important to me.
-Identical outlooks on life/spiritual paths.
-Someone who can learn from the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

And my deal breaker: She picks skittles over m&m's. I can overlook many things but this one...you're simply gone if you like skittles. M&m's all the way!
I think I'd be interested in someone who was giddy and fun but also good with two-way conversation.

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I believe that those little characters at the bottom are there to prevent such an autocorrection. All caps is reduced to lowercase only if there were no lowercase characters in the post.
NOT INFJ, but, historically, I've been attracted to introverts. Now, though, I'm beginning to see extroverts might be a better match for me. I'd never considered it before.
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NOT INFJ, but, historically, I've been attracted to introverts. Now, though, I'm beginning to see extroverts might be a better match for me. I'd never considered it before now.

Good to know. I have felt the same way. My best friends seem to be extroverts (except my recent INTP/INFP friends), even though I'm quite close to a few introverts - when I manage to hang out with them.
I prefer extroverts because its different, tried the introvert route and I ended up just seeing the things I hate in myself.
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I'm interested in someone who is extroverted and time-flexible, as I tend not to be out and about participating in social rituals. And when I am in the mood for interaction, it is usually with an extrovert who is in some way enthusiastic about social interaction.

An ENTP might be a good match, seeing as I have a friend who is that type, and we have gotten along for a long time. There is a mutual tolerance for conversation at random times without the emotional baggage (both a positive and negative feature), yet there is also mutual tolerance for new or random escapades when he or I have emerged from our caves.

Anyone who is devoted, relatively unscathing, and conversationally compatible is good.
Ones with huuuuuuuugggggeeee "tracts of land"...