What is Te like? | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

What is Te like?

Yeah, the “limitation” comment was acknowledging Ni seems to take less and extrapolate more and coupled with Te or Fe that time to “execute” may even be less. Which could sacrifice accuracy of an assertion. Like Te or Fe tend to force an action quicker just because

Just a thought
Completely agree with that thought

Also, I feel like an INTJ born by the golden pair INTP male and INFJ female is quite a pedigree and a stable of wise counsel

When do you plan on taking over earth ;)

Well, if anything it has enforced me to understand and communicate more effectively like/with an INTP or INFJ. I'm less stubborn and more open to the how and what behind people (although I do look more behind the motivation of a person than to how a person feels) than the average INTJ and more focused on diplomacy than pushing an agenda. Although I sometimes do have the tendency to push people a certain way for effectiveness, if I grow tired of seeing the same mistakes done over and over again. I used to be more hotheaded though in my early 20's while more Introverted in my teens. Nowadays people tend to confuse me as an
extraverted person on first sight as I have developed a larger battery for interacting with people, but at the end of the day (let's say after 2-3 days of going out) I really do need that time alone. In either case a value both opinions of my parents (and friends) a lot when I have a unresolved question because I do know they have those strong perspectives and inner thinking in regards to the topic.

Having said that, personally, I think that mbti traits are developed during and after birth, you are born with certain cognitive traits from the genetics of your parents, you strongly develop cognitive traits during your early childhood year due to observation and communication with your parents and you further develop your cognitive traits in a later stadium due to the environment (experiences, friends, people in general). I think I could have been born as an INTP but have developed more and more towards being an INTJ. The traits that I do have are typical INTJ (NiTe for fixing a problem, an internal Fi world in regards of my feelings and I'm currently further developing my Se -it's fun by the way- to sense the world around me and take in all the information through physical activities, working with music, painting, ...).
I can understand the working behind TiNe or NiFe (from the point of view from my parents) but I do not have the natural process to use this powerful combinations. I just don't.

And no worries, not taking over the world on any pace, I hate managing people. But I do tend to focus on solutions that could push people towards (albeit more theoretically or incomplete). Currently I just observe and learn and focus on the development of the people in my near environment. The world as it is now has some serious mismanagement on top, with a priority agenda that is not taking the future into account. Which is normal evolution for a world where Sensors (nothing against them) are thriving. But I do see positive development as well (the scientific community that is rejecting large publishers like Elsevier and sharing papers between each-other, the climate protests, communities working together with each-other) in between all the negative developments in the world. So good hopes after all, in time.

Also I do have one sister, an ISFJ, who has a strong intuition which makes her, honestly, a very interesting person. More interesting than me (she's precious to me).
When I first started teaching secondary school and college/sixth-form history in the UK (11-18 year olds was my age range), I began in a department that was very unorganised and run by a charismatic but disorganised ExFP head of department. The curriculum was ad-hoc, ‘planned’ week to week or even day to day just to keep things afloat, and the department was plagued by a lack of high-quality resources and organisation.

Somehow, I gradually ‘took over’ the whole organisation and planning of the department because I couldn’t tolerate how disorganised everything was and I obviously just had an inner confidence that I knew best.

I reorganised ‘Staff Common’ to make sense (this was the common drive on which all of our teaching resources were stored – PowerPoints, &c.) with a logical file structure. I re-planned the entire curriculum from foundational teaching aims and government policy. I created a new departmental PowerPoint template (these were the main way we delivered lesson plans) which was both attractive and functional, and ordered all the lessons by numbered sequences. I organised all the staff timetables and instituted new, common policies for behaviour and homework, &c. All of this I organised in a single, centralised ‘Departmental Handbook’ so that anyone could know everything about how the department ‘worked’ from this single document (including a successor as head of department, for example).

This sounds very much like me, but perhaps the motivation is different - which it should be.

It frustrates me when information is not clearly laid out. For years, at work, I've taken unorganized clusterfucks of information and reformatted them to bring clarity to the material. This is a compulsion that I've always had.

It occurs to me, however, that I often never bothered to tell anyone I did this. Everyone was still looking at the chaotic documentation. Once in awhile, people will find my documentation and exhibit a thankful reaction.

The clarity was primarily for me, though. It seems like Te has an intrinsic "need" to exert control over its environment, much like the other extraverted judging function, i.e. Fe seeks to control the social harmony of the environment. My Ti clarifies for my own benefit, so that I can easier make sense of things and be capable of organizing my thoughts more effectively.

It is true that I frequently utilize external facts and data when coming to conclusions, making arguments, etc., but this is inevitable and these facts are necessary for any sort of logical supposition. I would imagine a Te brain uses this data as the model for correctness, though, which is not how my brain works at all.
I'm trying to follow the train of logic behind what you are saying, noisebloom.

The disorganisation is created due to the organisation itself, existing of a variety of (groups of) people each doing their own thing, which I assume can happen when you have different teams/departments in the same organisation having their own leaderships (you see this especially in large enterprises).

Te tends to enforce their will (and logic) unto an organisation when it is on a power position to create a structure that works in its point of view of efficiency, that I could agree on and in that extent I can understand your position in regards to Te. So when different point of views of Te's clash (say between 2 departments), you'll get fireworks as both are combatting against each other's structural integrity. Hence the chaotic mess of information.
So a need to exert control over an environment will result in a disharmony in the environment (or at least a false harmony?). That will result in an inefficient environment and will eventually work against Te, especially in an environment existing of multiple Te who all want to exert their own control.

a Te brain uses this data as the model for correctness,
I can't follow on this one..

Anyway I'm starting to get the impression Te is getting demonised a bit in this thread..
I'm trying to follow the train of logic behind what you are saying, noisebloom.

The disorganisation is created due to the organisation itself, existing of a variety of (groups of) people each doing their own thing, which I assume can happen when you have different teams/departments in the same organisation having their own leaderships (you see this especially in large enterprises).

Te tends to enforce their will (and logic) unto an organisation when it is on a power position to create a structure that works in its point of view of efficiency, that I could agree on and in that extent I can understand your position in regards to Te. So when different point of views of Te's clash (say between 2 departments), you'll get fireworks as both are combatting against each other's structural integrity. Hence the chaotic mess of information.
So a need to exert control over an environment will result in a disharmony in the environment (or at least a false harmony?). That will result in an inefficient environment and will eventually work against Te, especially in an environment existing of multiple Te who all want to exert their own control.

I can't follow on this one..

Anyway I'm starting to get the impression Te is getting demonised a bit in this thread..

"Exert control" was my way of trying to describe outward expression/focus. I don't think I care as much about the organization of external systems as long as I can keep the information structured in my head. I was providing an example of how Te and Ti expression may look the same, but the motivation is entirely different.

I have a tremendous amount of respect for strong Te and Fe types, and the best relationships in my life have been with these types. Their ability to directly influence the world cannot be overstated.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for strong Te and Fe types, and the best relationships in my life have been with these types. Their ability to directly influence the world cannot be overstated.
You should see me in a crown.

While all of this talk about my dominant function appeals to my deeply narcissistic core, I would like to add that I couldn't have engaged in this discussion without viewers like you.

Thank you.
