What is it changes the heart of man?

just me

Well-known member
What is it changes the heart of man? When we grow older and change, what is it cannot accept this change from our earlier peers from our past? Why is it people cannot be easily accepted in their own hometown when change works its wonders? Do not most all people change, yet few drastically?
And if one were to pray for a people, why is it they think they are the only ones being prayed for? Do not they know one may be praying for others different from themselves? Is it so difficult understanding someone may pray for all peoples? If they so do, why would one people boast of it as if they were the only ones? This pride I see in mankind is but a lack of understanding and a stumblingblock should they not be humble. Paul, the persecutor, became an Apostle. Surely there were those with doubts and fears. Why is it one group must try and rule over the other? Why does the one group seek to destroy the other?
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What is it changes the heart of man? When we grow older and change, what is it cannot accept this change from our earlier peers from our past? Why is it people cannot be easily accepted in their own hometown when change works its wonders? Do not most all people change, yet few drastically?

I believe that change comes when a person is defeated into accepting it. Even then it comes down to the pride of the individual and how they view themselves. I think most people would rather live in denial than accept the concept of change and if they choose to accept it, it has to be on their terms.
Humans are truly stubborn creatures of habit.