What do you look forward to?

just me

Well-known member
Heard a long time ago, it was wise to set your goals where they could never be fully reached. When asked why, they stated how bad it felt when not having anything to look forward to any longer.

Some look forward to the weekend; others, vacation time.
Some look forward to retirement; others, getting out of debt.

On some occasions, we find what we looked forward to to be surrounded with what we were hoping to leave behind us or just get away from. We are reminded that people are weak. Everyone is told they would be a whistleblower if they say anything. Worse yet: a rat. Fact is, we cannot look forward to that any longer because of our surroundings. If we say anything, it should be to the individual. If we are not true to our own selves, or if we do not love our own selves, we settle for their world instead of our own.

I have heard people looking forward to world peace, but peace must start within oneself. Maybe, they look forward to peace so they can be at peace?

The world really does fight with our spirits, though many fail to recognize this. Can we be at peace with our selves when someone insults our intelligence continually? Maybe we could look forward to others doing as we feel they should, but that may never work unless they die and go away. Maybe some of us look forward to death? Heaven? Our spirits being as one with others like-minded?

We reflect in the past, hope in the present, and most of us look forward to something. What do you look forward to?
I so look forward to being out of debt. Why? The stress would dwindle away on more things.

I look forward to finding an answer to a painful body. Neurologist or pain management? I was told they were my two choices. Sleep helps for short times.

I look forward to learning how to control my thoughts. That is a rather high goal, I admit.

Those are a few minor things I look forward to. Anyone else?
I look forward to when this social hell is finally over and humanity has moved on otherwise I am done with this.
I'll ask again without the song. I am inclined to believe we each look forward to some things, however small they may be. Today, I was looking forward to getting off work. I look forward to seeing the first big flight of teal migrating. I look forward to finding the time to fish and go crabbing. I look forward to fall in the air and the leaves changing colors in their brilliance. I look forward to releasing the first 36" redfish of the season. I look forward to the first mess of spotted seatrout for the table. I look forward to seeing a big buck I passed on last year, and finding out if I harvest it or not. I look forward to sitting in a tree in the woods watching life all around me. I long to hear my owls again close by.
I'm drawing a blank. I don't know. Everything I can think of is just a passing moment or not guaranteed and then I think there are things I should be appreciating right now.
The more we think on positive things, the less we feel admonished by all the bad things going on. The world and the media are destroying our own little worlds, and we are becoming prey to the times.
I look forward to a picturesque sunrise in a duck blind: the kind that impels us to get our camera working. We can then view it for many years to come and remember how wonderful it was to have witnessed.

I have seen some of the most beautiful sunsets while enjoying the outdoors. I look forward to more.

I have my plans and contingencies extending for decades, accepting that they may come to an abrupt halt at any point. However, when asked what I look forward to, it isn't so much centred around what I have chosen in my forward plan, but rather the things which are not subject to my plans.

It's night here. I look forward to getting tired and falling asleep. I look forward to the morning and seeing what kind of day it will be. (I don't look at weather forecasts because it ruins the anticipation.. and I have contingencies for all weather regardless). I look forward to feeling hungry and enjoying breakfast. Just simple things like that.
I feel like this thread combined with the what do you fear thread is you trying to make a psychological profile of us for the FBI. I sir shall not cave. My fears and pleasures are a mystery to all. Perhaps even myself
I feel like this thread combined with the what do you fear thread is you trying to make a psychological profile of us for the FBI. I sir shall not cave. My fears and pleasures are a mystery to all. Perhaps even myself

I am one and the same. What I AM trying to do is clear the air of the negativity it is filled with and try to get us to face our fears and have them step aside out of our way. WE will walk in fields of gold.

A spiritual group hug with six feet distancing... Having the time to visit this forum is something I obviously look forward to.
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