What do you do when you're depressed?


Community Member
When I get depressed I often have trouble getting myself out of it. I actually seem to make it worse by over thinking and self-pitying. How do you cheer yourself up when that happens?
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You have to be shaken or shake yourself out of depression sometimes, becoming physically active helps me, as going out and talking to people. When I was sitting around I allowed depression to magnify itself with time.
I sleep alot, I dont eat, I sulk, I cry. Morealess. I eventually come out of it for no apparent reason
When I get depressed I often have problem getting myself out of it. I actually seem to make it worse by over thinking and self-pitying. How do you cheer yourself up when that happens?

I would say to replace the self pity or "poor-me-syndrome" as I call it, with positive thoughts and dreams and aspirations of Spirit. Also to give yourself self-love and acceptance.

Just the fact that you have a human mind and have the ability to do this is a huge wonderment. Think about it!

If a human dreams it is an Angel; How sure is it, that it isn't an Angel dreaming that it's human?
Think of a depression as a whirl pool....if you do nothing you continue to spiral down.

You can't always stop stumbling into the whirlpools along the road of life, but you CAN make the choice as to whether or not you stay there or not.

IMO Once you self-identify as being depressed, you no longer have an excuse for doing nothing.
When I experience depression or prolonged negative thinking, I meditate using the Transcendental Meditation (Maharishi) technique.. It dispels the bulk of the depression, enhances my focus, and tends to make me act more responsibly and conscientiously in different areas of my life. It has been a genuine blessing for me, and I strongly recommend it to anyone, seeking inner fulfillment,less depression and more focused thinking.
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You have to be shaken or shake yourself out of depression sometimes, becoming physically active helps me, as going out and talking to people. When I was sitting around I allowed depression to magnify itself with time.

Yuppers, physical activity and interacting with people is usually the last thing I feel like doing but I make myself cause I know it's what will slap me about and get me back to feeling great.

One of my favourite things to do when stressed is a stretch class at my gym that incorporates yoga, tai chi and relaxation techniques, it works wonders and I feel like a new person when I walk out cause it brings me into the moment, I have to focus my attention on breathing and movement which makes thinking about the things that are troubling me near impossible, that's exactly what I want cause it than means I can then tackle whatever’s bothering me with a clear mind.
Thank you for all your answers :m149:

I definitely need to start going to some kind of yoga class. As far as talking to people having no one to talk to was the reason why I was feeling down... Or something like that. Thank you again for all your advices.
I down loads of bitter coffee. I feel less depressed knowing that a cup of coffee is even more bitter then I am.

Either that, or I like to be near nature, preferably at the beach. Listen to the waves and look into the blue horizon, where the sea meets the sky and dream.
guess I also need to find a place near the sea :smile:

Actually, I'm positive that I would be happier would I live closer to nature, not in the most populated area of Europe...
guess I also need to find a place near the sea :smile:

Actually, I'm positive that I would be happier would I live closer to nature, not in the most populated area of Europe...

Being in a serene place amongst nature would help fo' sure but with your love of art I'm sure you could find places in your city which would elicit the same kind of peaceful feeling without needing a seachange.
Try thinking up all the reasons you should be miserable, cry a lot, then look at those reasons the next day and maybe you'll feel better. Sometimes its necessary to let those emotions out even if they aren't as significant as they feel. The longer you sit and feel bad without release, the longer you stay depressed. Maybe this isn't true for you but it definately is for me.
Being in a serene place amongst nature would help fo' sure but with your love of art I'm sure you could find places in your city which would elicit the same kind of peaceful feeling without needing a seachange.
That's a very good point actually. :smile:

The longer you sit and feel bad without release, the longer you stay depressed.
That's true. Though in general I don't have a problem with the releasing... Crying is a bit of a second nature for me (of joy as much of sorrow). I've been thinking though that I keep a lot for myself, thinking that other people wouldn't understand, when in fact I know a few people who will listen, on the phone at least (far away :(), and help me feel understood and not forgotten by everybody... Had a good cry yesterday at one of my closest friend's and it made me feel better...