What do I do? | INFJ Forum

What do I do?


Capitalist pig
Dec 30, 2008
I'm writing this thread here because basically in my life I have no one who can support me, at least not the people I typically rely on for support. My mother had 3 deaths in her family (people I did not know so it didn't effect me) about a year ago and so she is in a perpetual state of grief. My father is in an abusive relationship with a drug addicted woman and he is constantly in financial strife and borrowing money from my sister and I, and he is basically hostile unless he is borrowing money from us (I refuse to give him any). So I cannot get support from my parents.

I don't know what triggered it, but about last week there was just a switch that flipped in my brain of panic. Like complete and total panic. I cannot turn it off, sometimes I can during the day but at night time when it is dark and it gets near bed time I start to have all of these racing panicking thoughts that end up making me unable to sleep. I feel miserable, and totally on the brink of crying all of the time. In fact today I did break down crying.

My dad, whose wife has strangled him in front of me and I had to pull her off of him- and she is an on and off drug addict- came to the house today. I live with my grandparents while I go to school, rent free. He used to live there too but he got married in may 2014 and it was a spur-of-the-moment wedding type deal, he was specifically married to her so he could see her at the drug rehab program she got sent to after being charged with filing false police reports (which was, the day she strangled him and I WAS THERE, she tried to claim to the police he assaulted her, which she didn't, and so the state charged her with filing false police reports and my dad who is an attorney represented her in court, even though in the past she's alleged things like he had child porn on his computer, which he did not.) anyway she is banned from our house for obvious reasons and he brought her here anyway while my grandparents are out of town.

I have been talking to his sponsor, my dad is an alcoholic, recovered and never relapsing for my whole life, but nonetheless he has addictive tendencies and I got into contact with his sponsor when all of this happened. I had initially gone to my mother for support but she is in such a state of grief she actually defended by father's marriage and blah blah blah. So she told me to go to his sponsor, which I did, and I am going to meet with him tomorrow about all of this but basically the whole point is everyone agrees he is in a toxic relationship since his wife has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, has distracted him from doing his work which has resulted in him being financially unstable and his business collpasing in front of him to the point that he cannot pay our cell phone bills and my sister is constantly having to fork over money in order to pay for these things. She works a part time job at a thrift store so she can't exactly afford it.

Anyway I'm derailing I'm just giving context of the situation...This, all of this stress, I called the police and the police said that because his address is our house he can bring whomever he wants there and legally they can't kick out this wife. My dad literally charged in my face and was aggressive towards me when I asked them to leave, even though yesterday I had assisted him in getting money and all of that. This brought me to tears, this stress, and I get it is a really stressful situation to begin with but it made me feel totally overwhelmed.

What I have realized over the past few days- I've been feeling the weird feelings since oh, Sunday, but the past few days I have been THINKING about shit. There is a constant internal dialog going on in my head about things that I cannot turn off, it's like I'm psychoanalyzing myself. What usually happens is I start thinking about how I have been financially dependent on my grandparents since I was 18 and I am soon to be 22 and how I have never worked a real job, and that it has taken me 4 years to get my associates degree which should have only taken 2 years. I am thinking about how if things continue I will have my Bachelor's at 24, still never having had a real job and still having no idea what I want to do and then at that point I will have to get a job and make a decision. I am feeling bad because I am realizing that at some point I will have to be living alone in some apartment, having to go to some job every day and work the same routine over and over. I realize there are certain areas which I could be happier in- nonprofit work or maybe somehow becoming involved in writing for television or movies or something, but basically these things are pipe dreams and it's kind of like...they are "so far away" and "impossible" that my dreams of these things are more of an escape from reality?

Here is the deal. I have withdrawn from my life over the years. Like In 2011, I was part of this nonprofit organization that I formed when I was 15 years old, I was meeting important people like the mayor, I was going to school, I had a semi-active social life and I felt fairly good about myself. But an incident happened- basically this girl ran away to be with her girlfriend who she had a restraining order against and because I did not have all of the info, my sister and I offered to pick her up if she was ever in danger and we basically encouraged this girl. The rest of the people in the organization found our emails by looking through her facebook, printed them out to everyone, publicly humiliated us in the group and so I no longer felt comfortable going there. This is the BEGINNING of my withdrawal, because for a while in 2011 and part of 2012 I tried to find a support network to replace that, by helping to start up the first asexuality organization in Utah, by getting involved in LGBT activism groups for teenagers, I went to the pride center and stuff. Basically what happened there is I was a racist turd and got sort of 'kicked out' of that group because of it. I have since educated myself about racism but back then I was ignorant. So I stopped going to that group and 2012-2013 is a period where I tried to make a "conversation" group with a close group of friends to talk about current ideas and stuff, and that fell apart, so I ended up never leaving the house for various reasons and getting really into the internet and roleplaying (not sexual, just fictional stories like collaborative writing). In 2012 I was dieting and exercising and dropped a lot of weight, but then problems in my famiy like 3 deaths on my mothers side happened and I kind of stopped exercising and dieting and gained a bunch of weight and as a result of that I think I ended up staying home more, I had car problems, I didn't have money to go out anyway so a lot of the time it was easier just to be at home. I stopped talking to my friends to the point that I only see them now like once every 3 months-- the last time I saw my BEST friend was Halloween. In 2012 I had this weird nervous breakdown thing where I decided I was taking too long to get my degree and that I needed to work and get an apartment and moved out I got a job at discover card for a week and what happened was I did *badly* and they were going to play the call of me on the phone in front of everyone to say what I had done wrong (they were doing it for everyone though) and the thought of that was so traumatic for me that I quit the job before that could happen and then I went back to school and that was that.

Skip to 2014 of october when the girl who had been the reason basically I was kicked out of koppir is murdered by her girlfriend, and I got back involved in KOPPIR but it was like A LOT. I would be gone for 9 hrs straight and the whole time I remember all I wanted to do was get home and roleplay. At this point writing online has become the center of my life to the degree that thinking about not being able to do it brought me into a panic so at this point I know I am addicted. I am also feeling bad about not being able to maintain the exercise and diet I had started- I had felt so good when I was lost all that weight but it also made me feel like I had ADHD because I had SO MUCH ENERGY and could not focus on anything to the degree that I failed my classes when I was really into exercise and diet, at that time all I wanted to do was excerise and diet so maybe I had become addicted to that too.

Anyway, skip to last Sunday when suddenly I realized I need to make major decisions in my life, like what university to transfer to, what degree to get, and my thoughts are panicking about how I have not been doing enough, how I have been "Wasting" all of this time. It got to the degree the other night that I realized roleplay had become a way for me to live life without really having to live it. My friends were online and especially in december, my roleplay habit had become SO BAD that with my mother and sister and most people I knew, all I had to talk about was what was going on in my roleplay. I used to read books and be able to tell people about politics or thoughts I had or conversations with my friends but it got to a degree where even I knew consciously that no one was interested in hearing about my stories but it was literally all I had to offer. So a couple of nights when I realized this suddenly I felt no interest in roleplaying. this is BAD because roleplaying is arguably my only interest and so now I have lost interest in the only thing I seemed to care about. I also feel like it's a good thing but it just makes me panic. I am in a constant state of panic trying to figure out what I am going to do with my life and like even little things like for examples I need to renew my driver's license by june- that gives me so many like fears and it seems like such a "big" task to accomplish. At the same time this fear caused me to apply to the universities I need to get into and also register to take the SAT this march, which I normally have to be prodded to do things but I just did it because I realized these things needed to get done. I guess a lot of what I realize lately is that whenever I would have an emotional problem I would go to my mother and call her for comfort, but since she has been in grief when I call her typically she will reject me or want me to comfort her, so it has gotten to a point where I realize perhaps I have an unhealthy tendency to not be able to regulate my own emotions, that I need other people to help me solve problems of affirm/validate my feelings which is true, like to day my sister was annoyed with me because I called the police and she thought it was "Dramatic" and I could not stick to my guns and feel justified, I began to self-doubt and feel bad and wanted her just to tell me she wasn't upset with my decision because her rejecting my decision made me feel bad.

I'm thinking a lot of this might root in low self esteem? The thing is I have been in denial about it for a long long long time because I am not the type of person who is suspetible to peer pressure. I have never felt the need to fit in with my peers but basically I do feel the need to be approved by the people I care about- like my family. I have bad social anxiety I think which is a result of being bullied as a child severely, so badly to the point that I literally don't remember most of my childhood. I am being completely honest, I don't think it's normal, I think I have blocked out most of my child. I think this has created trust issues within me, including the fact that I had two parents who were recovering alcoholics so they were not the most emotionally healthy people. My mother for example was neurotic and nervous all of the time- she had been abused as a child sexually and otherwise- so she has PTSD and I remember if we made a mistake she could yell hysterically at us for hours. We also as children would get dragged around the house by our hair. I know these are mild things but basically how it resulted in me growing up is I was constantly afraid of doing the "Wrong" Thing and I would turn to video games or the computer to escape my reality since at home and at my school I was not feeling very safe. Couple that with the fact that my dad has always been absent in my life even though I've SEEN him usually every weekend and since I was 16 I've been living in the same house with him, he possibly suffers from Bipolar disorder and prioritzes women and friends before his family, his life is a mess. My mom also possibly has bipolar, at least one therapist has said this but she later denies it was ever said. Plus on both sides of my family there is major depressive disorder.

I mean when I think about it the very fact that I dropped out of school at 15 then went to online school then dropped out of that school at 16, having moved into my grandparents house, and then at almost 17 moviing in with my other gradparents and starting to attend college that probably says a lot about my upbringing, because I feel like that's not usually normal? I'm pretty sure when I was 16 I was suffering from some form of depression and I had 2 panic attacks in that year, so I have been suffering from mental health stuff for a long time but it never seemed "serious"? I even contemplated hurting other people (never had been suicidal) and was glad that I had been taken out of school because there was the chance I might have acted on my impulses. A lot of things changed when I moved out, namely being separate from my mom and sister helped me but I still struggle with anxiety and it effect stupid areas of my life, like my #1 fear of getting a job is having to drive to work in the snow because a couple years ago I slid out of my lane while driving in snow because it was really bad and i literally cried about it for hours I was nearly in a carwreck it was very very scary.

So I don't know if I have bipolar or depression or just anxiety or what is wrong with me, but I'm pretty sure something is wrong with me and I don't know what to do or what to make of the situation. I've been to therapy before, in fact a few years ago when my sister had attempted suicide I went to therapy because I was struggling with fears of her hurting herself and stuff and then I went to therapy when I had dropped out of school to work and more recently I went to therapy for aneixty and when I was 15/16 I went to therapy but none of these times seemed to help or do anything. I don't think I was able to express what's going on in my head and even when I did like my last therapist said "well just break down your goals one step at a time" and like I get that but he let me go saying I seemed to understand myself and could think through my own problems and I didn't need therapy and it was like now here I am with all these issues again and I just don't know how to get help or what to do. I know this post is long and disorganized and blah but really I know how to EXPLAIN what is wrong with me, I don't know how to EXPLAIN this feeling of like...almost....it's gotten to the point where, no, I would not hurt myself, but the dread of thinking of my future makes me wonder why I am alive at all, like what purpose is there in me being alive? My big fear is that I will have to work a boring, miserable job and be "Stuck" in it the rest of my life to pay the bills and I realize this is a reality for a lot of people and it just makes me think like what is the big deal why is this so devestating for me there are some people out there who live in on the streets like so many people have it worse, I have so much to be grateful for and so I don't understand why it seems like i don't want to do anything or rather, I want to be successful but at the same time it seems so hopeless and I feel stuck where I am. Like I have NO worries, my grandparents are helping me financially go through school, and all I can think about is how I am "using" them and what is going to happen when I get my degree and am forced to do something, like I'll be 24 and that's assuming I don't flunk any classes and everything goes smoothly, like I'm just not sure if I am cut out for this world because it all seems to be going nowhere, like what is the purpose of anything anymore???
You are in a tough situation. I cannot psychoanalyze you or diagnose you but I can sympathize with your pain. If you want to change your life, the only thing stopping you, it sounds like, is depression/fear. You might need need to shop around for a therapist to help you through this part of your life. The one you had as a teen doesn't sound like someone you trusted enough to talk with openly about your life. Goals are secondary when you are dealing with the level of psychic pain that you seem to have. A good therapist would have known that.

I wish you the best. This is not permanent. Things do get better once you are able to support yourself. You are not using your grandparents - they are the best part of your life and you are theirs. It is noble of you to think that way and maybe you will be there for them later in life when they need you. You need them now and it is okay.
Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough patch. I wondered if maybe you could find a Jungian therapist or one more familiar with that school. It worked wonders for me, and I saw echoes of me in your post. Many of the people you are dealing with are not going to be able to give you support while they are in such pain and in the dynamics present. Try to make a habit if you can to set aside some time every day just for you. Don't let them guilt you, that's just them anyway. I wish you strength in this. :hug:
I think you are very wise to seek out support here. For me this forum is a 'normal' place to find support.
Reaching out for support is the first mayor step into the right direction. You are brave to be so open about your life.

We are no professionals and I can only echo what TooShyToSay said. Find a therapist. Some therapists are bad, but many are good.
I cannot guarantee that the therapist you find will be able to help you, but if someone really can, it's probably a therapist.
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Wow. I'm about the same age as you, and reading your story brings up some images about my past. But this.. I can only imagine what hell you went through, and are still going through. I'm very sorry to hear you are living in this situation, and I admire your strength. Seriously, I can't tell you how good and brave of a decision you have made to seek support/help! I can imagine this post has already lifted some weight of your shoulders, if only just a bit.

You seem to be suffering from severe fear of failure and like you said, low self-esteem. Though I'm no professional, I'd like to get some things out of the way:
1. You ARE worth it! Do NOT let anyone, nor your feelings, tell you otherwise.
2. There is a purpose to living for everyone. You just need help to find your path.
3. Making mistakes is okay, everyone does it.
4. You are NOT to blame for your parent's mistakes!

I can totally relate to some parts you have told us. I have been severely bullied in the past as well. For me, it was just because I was different and had trouble standing up for myself. After that I was also insecure and afraid to make mistakes, because I would fear ending up in the same situation again. The luck I had was that my family took the situation very serious and helped me to get in contact with the right people to get my self-confidence up and to learn how to avoid and deal with bullying. It was a tough road, but in the end I had so much profit from having talked to experts and other trustworthy people. That is why you have made the right choice in trying to find help and support, even though you had to (as far as I know) find out for yourself.

Yet any of us will only be able to provide you with some kind words and well meant advice. This will maybe make you temporarily feel good, but it will not solve the problem. What I get from your story is that you are already quite aware of your problems, and where they came from. Good. The next step would be to find a way to deal with your current feelings, and learn to accept they are there at the moment. There is no moving forward without acceptance. This is where I sincerely advice you, just like the others above, to find professional help. Not every therapist is for you, so by all means take the time to find the right person for you. The most important thing is that you feel like you can trust the person sitting opposite of you. Tell him your story, just like you told us. If you have trouble bringing some of it to words verbally, just write it down and let him read it. It will help once you have gotten things of your chest, trust me. And try to be as honest as you can. I know it can be hard, but he will need your complete honesty to help you.

Finally, don't stop working out/exercizing! For me and many others this is, bottom-line, THE best way to clear your head and blow off some much needed steam. I have a friend who suffered from severe panic attacks, just like you. In the end she realized it got that far, because she had no way to relieve the pressure building up inside. You need an outlet to get rid of stress. Exercising is a perfect way to do this, and it keeps you healthy as well! :) So, once she started doing this it helped her alot to reduce the amount of times she succumbed to the stress.

I really wish you all the best in your fight against your problems. Find professional help that you feel comfortable with, continue to exercise and just remember the 4 things I typed out above. Stay strong!
Hi Slant.

There is a lot of information in that post and I am not quite sure where to begin, but I will say that I relate to the anxiety, the racing thoughts, the depression, the avoidance, weight gain, fear of the future, being immobilized from taking action and feeling like you have no support.

To me, it seems like so many things through the course of your life have been turned inward that you aren't quite sure how to turn things outward.. For example, isolating yourself from people, not expressing yourself or feeling that you cannot, not actively engaging in the world through school, work or other hobbies, etc. I don't see a problem with writing online but for the sake of mental and emotional help having human connection face to face is so important. I went through a period myself where, when I was about 16-19 I did most of my socializing online and also did a lot of writing whether it was collaborative and otherwise. I was pretty obsessed with getting on and writing and getting feedback and only talking to other people on the forums I participated in and neglected my own life. I did the same sort of thing a few years a go where I isolated myself so heavily that I was actually unable to go outdoors, even just stand outside of my own apartment without having a panic attack. I had to seek therapy and get medication to take in "emergency situations," which felt like ALL THE TIME.

I think something to remember about the future is that it's not static. Of course you have to sort out all of the things you have to do and the steps you have to take to get there, but you also have to remember that once you get a job you don't have to stay there forever. I don't think most people are happy with the job in and of itself. If they had to go in and just perform the tasks of their work exclusively without interaction of their colleagues or customers I think most people would hate life and would drown in the monotony of it. For example, my job is very technical and quite boring and tedious, but if I have people around me who I enjoy working alongside, it makes the job a lot easier to handle. That goes for where I am at now, and also when I used to just serve people coffee and donuts. Other human beings can really enrich the experience, so if you choose a career that you think suits you and that you like the idea of, most of the time you can at least form connections with people who make it bearable if you end up not quite liking the job itself. But nothing is permanent including work. I think now it's a matter of getting your foot in the door and practicing being part of the world, even if it will be very uncomfortable for you.

There is a personality disorder that is called AvPD, or Avoidance Personality Disorder and I thought of it while reading your post. Not that I am qualified to diagnose anyone, but if you read up on it, it may point you in the right direction. I think the therapist you saw was right in the sense that you are self-perceptive and aware and understand that an issue is happening, but he didn't provide you with any tools to calm your mind and anchor yourself a bit so you don't get swept up in your own catastrophic thought patterns.

As for the situation with your parents, I think you may be better off associating with them as little as possible. They are the Ultimate Chaos. I think it is OK to love them and have compassion for them as humans and recognize they are flawed and likely also suffering, but as your parents I think they should want to see you flourish but you will never be able to do that if the only relationship they can form with you right now is one where they only take from you.

I would try counseling again and see if there's a way that you could even get into a group therapy setting. It took me 4 tries in therapy when I was 12, 17, 21 and 27 before I found someone who really helped me change my life. You need someone who can understand that a lot of this stuff runs deeper than being afraid of getting a job or what your future may look like and the fear of getting locked into a life you don't like. Right now it seems like your anxiety is running the show and even if it's not expressing itself through panic attacks, it is turning your mind into a little jar full of bees which has just been shaken and now they're buzzing all in a swirl in there. Essentially a therapist should help you to keep still and peaceful enough to calm that down so that you can more objectively and clearly sort out what needs to be done and you can do it without associating all of your anxious thoughts with the action. Anxiety is anticipatory and usually is baseless but that doesn't make it any less difficult to endure.
I'm trying to figure out how to go to therapy. Thats one of the big problem is that I have insurance but it does not cover mental health services and I am too poor to afford any. There are free counseling options but I have gone and they have not helped me, so I am not sure how to get help when I cannot afford any.
Have you looked at changing your insurance? Free therapists are usually under experienced.

Look at your diet (nutrition) and exercise. (just moderate is helpful)

engage in some kind of mindfulness practice, try to practice changing the thoughts that come into your head by not following them and concentrate on your inhalations and exhalations for twenty minutes at a time, don't move while doing this (and keep out of earshot of anyone talking).
I don't have any money so I can't change insurance. I've gone back on the diet that helped me to feel better/be healthier before. I haven't been doing much exercise but I am looking to doing it, maybe walking the dog or something. Money is an issue for a gym membership. But basically yes, I am going to be getting more active and I am eating healthier, it is a step by step process and for me I can't do everything at once, when I get into something too quickly I have a tendency to overdo it- the reason I quit working out last time was I was doing weight training, zumba, HIIT and swimming all in one week every week and I got some injuries from pushing myself too hard, was fatigued, and I might have been starving my body a little because my anxiety got really bad. I lost weight and was healthier but mentally I was not doing very well, so I have to find a way to improve my physical health but not do it in a way that endangers my mental health. I mean it was legit crazy, 85% of my time was spent on working out, cooking diet meals, reading stuff about diet, etc. to the point where I failed all of my classes and 15% of the time left was not enough to do anything really. So I am trying not to be too ambitious with the working out right now since I have a tendency to be addictive with it- I am trying to just keep to a diet, be more active in my day to day life, do less screen time and really focus on my mental health.
I'm trying to figure out how to go to therapy. Thats one of the big problem is that I have insurance but it does not cover mental health services and I am too poor to afford any. There are free counseling options but I have gone and they have not helped me, so I am not sure how to get help when I cannot afford any.

You mentioned that you are in college. Most schools offer counseling at a very reduced rate and the counselors are usually top notch.
hey slant- i have hope for you. It's clear to me how you can miss out when someone else’s pain can very much become your own. With your parents, you put up a boundary to distance yourself from the relationship you value but wouldn't heal. It's okay, space is good. Luckily, you are 80% there because you are aware of all of whats happening. You know how to protect yourself emotionally because of experience it came natural, and there is nothing wrong with that. It seems you hit rock bottom and you're fed up seeing for yourself there's limits to everyone. You don't have to accept the fact that being alone is a bad thing. I was afraid of myself once because I thought I was a bad person, wrong. It's easy to let anyone especially your blood to make you believe that self-pitiful lie. It's harder to let go and be free then stay attached and hope for the better, and you will be wiser for the first. You did exactly what you believed was right in your circumstance. Now you may judge yourself from the frame of "normal" people to give the right to make you feel behind,hopeless, dependent? fuck society for a moment.

You battled with people who are unable to deal with their life the way that would be in harmony of your highest wishing ideal. It's cool, you are compassionate and caring and knew it's difficult for anyone to relate to you from the outside. It might of made you feel even more alone. It's okay, you got this. Those closest to you may not always understand you, but you on the other hand understand what it is about them. They create fear which is the cause of all the negative emotions that rebound on your feelings and thoughts of yourself. Because you loved them there was no other escape than what you described. When there's no escape, I was there with you on those panic attacks. It is at an age like yours when you're still reasoning out personal identity and then balancing why all this has happened, who's fault, who's to blame, and conclude wtf is this life. There is nothing wrong to understand. You have every right to not care and look doubtful into the light. I can tell you how encouraging for someone like you to share your story of what you've been through. Because when life is all about people, and those people give you reasons to give up, you were there for them and put yourself last. Even when someone may of wronged you, you forgave them because you're incredible like that. You are not a test subject, you're a human being too.

What you can do sounds so little, and not serious enough, but I believe have fun. We all have to have fun - you, the family, grandparents, friends, everybody should feel everything will be alright, because that is the only way to be open and enjoy a kind of lightness. If everybody involved feels the seriousness, the heavy weight of money, it somehow influences which is anesthizing to life. Forget about society for a minute and center yourself. Meditate and don't try to fix anyone or anything, including yourself. You're going to make it. I don't know how, but you've got this far and that's why I have hope.
You mentioned that you are in college. Most schools offer counseling at a very reduced rate and the counselors are usually top notch.

I have actually gone to the school therapists in the past and they told me that I "seemed fine" and ended up dismissing me from coming back.
I did end up talking with my godfather. Basically he was saying the same thing about identity and how it's normal for someone at this age to sort of not know what they want to do, be trying to figure out what they want, etc. He is a social worker. That helped. But it kind of led me to this awful realization that although I have never been influenced by peer pressure, I have basically religiously followed what my parents wanted me to do. Anything they thought I "should" do I have done, and all of my decisions for years and years and years have been because my parents thought I should do something so I did it. I'm coming to realize I have no real motivations morals or guidance of my own, which is weird, because for a long time I always thought I did and that I had strong convictions. But it turns out these were all my family's thoughts and ideas. I have no goals in life, no wants or desires of my own. I don't know how that happened or how to come forward knowing this.
Here is my opinion (and I am not a dr or certified counselor, blah blah). You are and have always been a smart person (even on this forum.) You are incredibly articulate, to the point that you know yourself and your issues well enough to learn how to handle them yourself. I have been to therapy, and therapy is more about YOU acknowledging YOUR problems. A therapist will not tell you what to do, and will give you little guidance. I think what you should do is see your medical practitioner about medication, even if it is temporary to get you through this time. The medication should help you to slow down and focus. I think you should make an appointment with a career counselor at your school to discuss your future options as well. You say that you enjoy writing. Why not explore journalism in your future? I do not like seeing someone who has an interest in a particular area go into something off the wall because they think fine-tuning a skill they already have is not challenging. If writing comes naturally to you and makes you feel good, it just might be your path.

One thing you need to learn about derailing anxiety, is that you have to expose yourself to your fear. For instance, you are afraid of driving in the snow. I had anxiety of driving in the snow when I lived in Colorado. What I did was find an empty parking lot and allowed my car to slide around on the ice (usually with a friend.) You have no idea how much this would help. I knew which roads were typically the safest to drive and I avoided hills since I did not have 4wd. Regarding your social anxiety, you won't know how to relate to others if you continue to live in the shadows. You are worthy of giving and receiving love by a friend circle, you are not perfect, you will make mistakes ... and it is okay. You have to expose yourself to opportunities and just realize that friends will come and go. One thing I do know about INTx, is it is difficult for them to relate to others because they cannot find others to match their level of intelligence. With this stated, I think you will find more fulfilling friendships when you look for others with matching intelligence (not necessarily matching interests.)

I think your post resonates with me in some respect b/c my oldest son is an INTx. Like you, he's strongly opinionated and not afraid to share ... which doesn't make him a well-liked person by his peers. He says that he is bullied b/c of his disagreements in class regarding trivial subjects ... such as the science fair. His peers see him as being a devil's advocate, he just sees himself as offering his opinion. His biggest lesson this year is learning how to shut his mouth. What INTx have to remember ... is there is a time and place for offering your opinions, especially when it is not solicited. This might go against your grain, but most other people have to learn to step outside of themselves in order to function in society (this rings especially true for the awkward introverted types.) Unfortunately, he is not seeing the cause and effect of how his actions have affected a particular group. Should be always be silent? Absolutely not, but he does have a greater ability to control what is going on around him by controlling himself. Do you agree?

Focus on finishing school. Remember to breathe. Remember that the sun rises everyday. In a few more years you will look back and see how fast this time has gone by. Every last one of us on this earth has some embarrassing story from our past or a cross to bear. You are a bright young woman, and you have your whole life ahead of you.
I just read your story intj and I have to say I have no context with which to relate to your situation.
For the most part I have always had people in my life I could lean on when I neeeded. Kind of like a safety net. I cant imagine a life without that. All of the people you should be able to count on seem to be having their own issues which in turn effect you. In short you are living what I see as a nightmare.
So...is there a way out. Is there happiness in your future. Will you be able to live YOUR life and not fit your life to others.

First regarding not being able to turn things off. Yeah I relate to this. My cousin had me read a book called "the power of now" and for as unbelievable as it may be, it actually helped me get control of my mind back. Try reading it. Its not a cure but its a piece of it I think.
Second, its your life. Do not be bound by anyone in a way that drowns you. Do what you can when you can how you can to help others when you are able but the majority of the time has to be about your own survival. You can not save others if you yourself are drowning.

Follow your interests. Make the most time for the things that bring you peace and joy. Continue to look for new things that do this as well.

You sound like an incredibly strong person. Believe in yourself and your right to the best life you can make for yourself.

Head up, one foot in front of the other. Breathe.
I think what you should do is see your medical practitioner about medication, even if it is temporary to get you through this time. The medication should help you to slow down and focus.

I second this. Not to push the medication route necessarily, but personally I definitely found it very helpful to go on anti-anxiety medication for a while. It gave me a sense of clarity and helped me to build better habits for taking care of myself. And when I felt more balanced, I talked with my doctor about weaning off it and felt much better than I had in years. I had felt very trapped and hopeless about escaping, and all of a sudden I could see a way out, see a way to change my life for the better. I had hope for the future again, and things didn't seem quite so dismal. And such meds are often covered by insurance when it's referred through your health care provider.
I'm sorry to keep bumping this thread up but until I am able to figure out how to see a therapist or some sort of solution ( I may look into talking a doctor as soon as things slow down in my math class) then I feel the need to document what is going on. And it's still going on to a degree. I feel like it has "Gone away" and then something will happen where I will act in a certain way and think "Why did I do that" which normally I would not do. Normally I would use my mother as a crutch or anyone as a crutch to "be on my side" but now I am analyzing why I do things and anyway I have discovered...

I do have some goals. "Dreams". I don't like to think about them or mention them because I am afraid if I make them 'real' as a 'real' goal, and they do not come true, then I will have failed and that will be crushing. This is why I generally do not allow myself to voice my "dreams" or "goals". But I do have some which are:

-I would like to visit the country Sweden
-I want to change my name, basically just dropping my last name and using my middle name as my last name
-More of a pipe dream, but I'd someday like the opportunity to ask my childhood crush out
-Another pipe dream, but sometime in my life I would like to try to do stand up comedy, just once to see what it is like

I also realized another fear that I have...what do they call them...a pathological belief that I have is that no matter what I do I will always be 'wrong' and people will dislike me for it, that unless I am correct then I am disliked, that I cannot trust anyone but family because people outside of my family have consistently betrayed me. I have never had a close friendship outside of family that had any amount of emotional intimacy to it. People open up to me, but I never open up to them, probably because I do not like thinking about the bullying I went through. When I think about the bullying I went through I just feel as though I'm worthless, I feel ashamed of the things that have happened to me even though I realize they were not my fault on an objective level. I suppose why I feel ashamed of them is that I have reasoned there is something about me that is inherently unlovable, some terrible trait I have that would have caused everyone to turn on me mercilessly throughout my childhood. The reason I believe/d that is because I just can't understand how or why people would have done the things they did to me and targeted just me unless there was something wrong with me. Why would other people make friends and I wouldn't be able to? Why was I the target? Because I was never able to figure out a conclusive reason naturally I have blamed myself for my own abuse and as a result of this I have the pathological belief that people outside of my family cannot be trusted, that I cannot be sure if they are going to hurt me or not and so I must keep myself emotionally unavailable. Now that I think about it, as a child I was incredibly emotionally open and would tell people the truth (I always thought it was important to tell the truth no matter what) to the degree that people would use what I said against me as weapons. I've always cried easily at conflict and just had a tendency to 'forgive' people...and the reason that I did that was...what the hell was I supposed to do? If you're being mercilessly bullied by your peers every day, and some days they are nice to you and other days they are mean, the only thing you really can do is forgive them and give them another chance to preserve that hope that maybe things will work out. I did not want to give up that hope.

I even remember vaguely that I got invited to a slumber party when I was like 10 or 11 and remember, I am hated by my peers for reasons I don't understand, and this whole slumber party it turns out was set up to bully me and trick me. The event was so traumatic I don't remember what happened at the party, all I remember is going home crying about something or other and the aftermath. I literally DO NOT remember what these girls did to me at this slumber party. Like, that is scary that I am able to block out shit like that. But this would happen all of the time...people would be nice to me and I would trust them, and then they would turn it around and use my trust against me in order to hurt me. I think it completely severed my ability in a way to be able to fully trust anyone with anything. Coupled with the fact that growing up, it was better not to cry or family members would get upset with you if you cried or expressed much of any negative emotion and I had to just kind of bury it deep down.

I'm at a point where I am EXTREMELY codependent and unhealthily so with my mother and my sister. The reason is that they are the only people in my entire life that I trust completely and could tell anything to. Whenever they make friends outside of the family and I feel that the friendship is 'threatening' to my bond with them, I become emotionally distressed and find ways subconsciously to ruin those friendships and relationships because in my mind, if a person does not put me first, then they do not really love me. Reason being I remember always being put last by my peers. Consistently. I would be last picked for a team, I got the crappy pieces of the game, I pretty much was always put on the back burner and so when I interpret my family, the two people I trust, doing this to me it makes me feel totally worthless like there is no one in the world who will ever truly put me first because I am worthless and not good enough to keep even them around. I understand on an objective level this isn't true- but you also have to understand that on an emotional level I have been conditioned to believe these things to be true because they have been my experience. My sister especially has strong bonds outside of our family. I'm beginning to wonder if this is even possible for me. I do not know how to create a friendship with a person that is as deep as with my family because these people are STRANGERS who I don't know, who I have no reason to trust. They could easily turn on me or reject me, and then what would I do? Why would I want to put myself through that again? Those are the thoughts. But subconscious thoughts, of course. Truly I just don't know how to change my perception. Right now I know I need to make outside bonds but I feel like I don't want them. I feel like I am content with my mom and my sister. But I know these relationships are unhealthy but the friends I do have, I do not believe they are capable of that kind of bond, or maybe I'm just not capable of having that sort of bond with them, I don't know. The idea of connecting...so difficult.

I also heavily agree with whoever said that therapy is for them to help you realize your own issues and fix them- that has been my experience and it is frustrating, because I feel like I'm figuring out all my issues all by myself, I don't need any help figuring them out I need to know what to do and that's the one thing therapists refuse to do is to give you direction or solutions and I feel like that's why it has been unhelpful for me. I get that people have to solve their own problems but I just see no way how I can solve this problem by myself, like, it seems so hopeless, complicated, I'm not sure what could ever help. I go for days feeling fine and then will just be triggered into crying. I am not kidding. I bawled on Saturday, and then now I am crying again over something different on Tuesday. Count the days- that's like 2, 3 days. I have never cried this much in my fucking life. I don't know WHAT has caused this. It scares me so much. I feel like it's a good thing that needs to happen but I also feel like my whole life is falling apart and the worst part is, I know it isn't, everything is exactly the same as it was before, but it seems so different and I cannot reconcile my perspective with reality and it is horrifying.

I appreciate your guys' input and I don't know if you guys could just keep replying that would be great. If not, I get it, but I'm just struggling here.
The world is what it is. Why people would choose to bully you might be many reasons and none of them are right. Perhaps it is because people feel as if they can get away with it. Perhaps you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe they see you as a threat. We could guess all day.

So.... Walk your own path and be who you are. Stand up for yourself when then need arises. Thats going to mean different things to different people. When I was in Intermediate school I was a very different person. I kept to myself most of the time. One kid did not like me for whatever reason. Kept threating me in the halls. I never said anything to him much less anyone. One day he confronted me, started pushing me. I couldn't understand what he was saying so I told him I couldnt understand him because I did not understand pig Latin. He did not like that and punched me in the face. I do not remember how that ended. Only that I started to cry. Partly because I had never been in a fight. Partly because I was not the type of person who wanted to fight anyone. Partly because the guy was black and I knew if I touched him it would look like a hate crime on my end even though I was the one being bullied. So here I am a big guy crying in school. I wasnt balling my eyes out, just tears and an incredible feeling of sadness. I went for a very long time believing that event had defined me. In somd ways it did but mostly in the way I built it in my mind. Later in high school another kid started bullying me. Again for no reason I ever knew. Probably because I did not talk much. After a month I had enough. I beat the hell out of him in the locker room to send a message to him and anyone else. Leave me alone.
So whats the story here? There is no easy answer to why people do things but the effect it has on you is very real. Strong feelings about it are not wrong but we need to be larger people and forgive people for being ignorant and less intelligent than us. I kept to myself in school and did not know why when people chose to communicate with me it was to hassle me or confront me. Later after I was out of school I would occasionally run into people that had been part of the "popular" crowed who acted as if I was someone they knew and wanted to know why I never kept in touch. Explain that one?

Stand up for yourself. Believe in yourself. I can only suggest taking time to do the things that make you happy, bring you peace, peak your interest. If you like art, visit art displays. If you like being outdoors hike and find local hiking groups and get involved with them. Find groups of people with similar interests to your own and join those groups. You will find friends this way just keep at it. If you dont want friends you will still be pursuing the things that sustain you.
Its going to take a little effort on your part but once you get used to looking it will get easier.
The world is what it is. Why people would choose to bully you might be many reasons and none of them are right. Perhaps it is because people feel as if they can get away with it. Perhaps you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe they see you as a threat. We could guess all day.

So.... Walk your own path and be who you are. Stand up for yourself when then need arises. Thats going to mean different things to different people. When I was in Intermediate school I was a very different person. I kept to myself most of the time. One kid did not like me for whatever reason. Kept threating me in the halls. I never said anything to him much less anyone. One day he confronted me, started pushing me. I couldn't understand what he was saying so I told him I couldnt understand him because I did not understand pig Latin. He did not like that and punched me in the face. I do not remember how that ended. Only that I started to cry. Partly because I had never been in a fight. Partly because I was not the type of person who wanted to fight anyone. Partly because the guy was black and I knew if I touched him it would look like a hate crime on my end even though I was the one being bullied. So here I am a big guy crying in school. I wasnt balling my eyes out, just tears and an incredible feeling of sadness. I went for a very long time believing that event had defined me. In somd ways it did but mostly in the way I built it in my mind. Later in high school another kid started bullying me. Again for no reason I ever knew. Probably because I did not talk much. After a month I had enough. I beat the hell out of him in the locker room to send a message to him and anyone else. Leave me alone.
So whats the story here? There is no easy answer to why people do things but the effect it has on you is very real. Strong feelings about it are not wrong but we need to be larger people and forgive people for being ignorant and less intelligent than us. I kept to myself in school and did not know why when people chose to communicate with me it was to hassle me or confront me. Later after I was out of school I would occasionally run into people that had been part of the "popular" crowed who acted as if I was someone they knew and wanted to know why I never kept in touch. Explain that one?

Stand up for yourself. Believe in yourself. I can only suggest taking time to do the things that make you happy, bring you peace, peak your interest. If you like art, visit art displays. If you like being outdoors hike and find local hiking groups and get involved with them. Find groups of people with similar interests to your own and join those groups. You will find friends this way just keep at it. If you dont want friends you will still be pursuing the things that sustain you.
Its going to take a little effort on your part but once you get used to looking it will get easier.

I do have friends, and I am able to make friends. In fact, people tend to like me and want to be my friend, but I am generally "Creeped out" by most people and tend to feel like people are squashing me/violating me/getting too personal. I guess what I am struggling with is that even when I do make friends who accept me, I am unable to open up to them. Ever. People tell me things all the time, intimate personal details and I legit never share anything back...mostly because I have been so independent for so long I don't feel like that would do any good. It feels like "dumping" things on them, that people don't need to hear my crap all of the time or really ever. As a result of this I never feel very emotionally connected with my friends, and so when I hang out with them we discuss common interests- politics, activism- things like that, but I feel very drained and I actually tend to not look forward to hanging out with people, and I will cancel plans last minute because I would rather spend my time watching a netflix movie alone than have to talk to someone and act interested in their life when I am not, or attempt to make a conversation over things that I've already had discussions about that are not stimulating. So I don't know. I get what you are saying and truth be told I have done those things- I have gone to activism/political groups and that's what I did much of summer of 2011 when I joinede 3 separate groups and each one ended up in me getting in a fight or disagreement with the people of the group and having to leave. This is a pattern for me, so I think it's behavior I do and not necessarily behavior that others are doing. I suppose I don't know how to be in a group without feeling often unimportant or being part of the "group mentality" and it the idea of group mentality scares me.

I guess what I am saying is I appreciate your advice. I actually thought of doing this. My mom looked at groups for me and tried to find something of my interests. But I've explored so many of the groups and there is something about groups and me that do not mesh. I think the problem is I don't like socializing with people until we are very close and intimate and know a lot about each other, and I tend to never ever get that close to anyone because I can always find something that they said that pisses me off or something that they did that concerns me/worries for my emotional safety that I just have never been able to get close to someone to the point that it becomes enjoyable, and so, socializing feels like a chore. I don't know if anyone else relates or if this just makes me plain psychotic. It is not that I hate people, its just that often when I am in groups I feel like it's contrived and superficial and like people want me to "be a certain way" and when I am not that certain way what tends to happen is that people do not want to interact with me or think I'm rude or stuck up or intimidating and it's just that I don't know them and I don't know how to get to know them. Maybe it is just a lack of basic social skills. Maybe I never developed social skills to the degree that I hate small talk and I want to skip to the "meat" of things but when other people do this to me I feel they are "opening up too soon"and therefore there must be something psychology wrong with them. When people live their life with their wounds open and raw typically they are pretty fucked up. I dunno. I suppose I should just take your suggestion and suffer through things but I really don't want to. I guess I should try to think about that and explore why I don't want to go out and make a social circle when it's evident that I probably need to.
I think that what you wrote is a pretty powerful realization, and it seems to me that a therapist could guide you to unlocking more of these realizations and seeing how you could get through those blockages. I don't think you need a psychiatrist, but a relationship counselor... Someone who is specialized in human relationships and social psychology who may assist in pointing you in the right direction, or who may be able to give you exercises you can practice in order to work through these belief systems you have learned. I don't know that you need to be medicated or whatever, but I think you need an authority figure outside of your mother who can guide you into a different understanding and perspective of people and who can help you understand the depth of your social anxiety and work through that.

A therapist may be able to help you unlock some of the memories you've blocked and they may be painful to remember, but I think from there you can evaluate the situation from an adult perspective and come to an alternate understanding of what other children were doing. Adults sometimes can bully and are untrustworthy but you are in a greater position now to avoid that.

It is good to have goals and dreams. Those things are work striving for and holding onto. In the mean time, you might consider trying to manifest some of the things you would like in your life and seek opportunities that can be stepping stones to getting what you want.

I think it's good to realize that the bond you have with your mother and sister is unhealthy. I also think you have to understand that bond has formed over your entire lifetime and it is possible to have deep and meaningful bonds with other people, but those take time to develop and strengthen. I think because you already have a well established bond with people you have known your entire life it can be impossible to see how it could ever happen with a stranger because the distance between the two situations is so great, but that gap can be closed but it's up to you to allow it, as difficult as vulnerability can be.