What books are you currently writing?


Regular Poster
Anyone here writing a book, or wanting to write a book? What kind of book do you want to write and what will it be about? I know at least Shai have around 100 titles in his head, love to hear more of them.. (how is you zombie script/novel going btw?)

Ive tried seriously to write a book once, a very down to earth post apocalyptic love story set in the aftermath of a huge-scale children uprising that went marching trough Europe.

I did write around 110-120 pages before i stopped. I wrote it in 2000/2001 i guess, and read the parts that i had maybe 6 months ago. Really embarrassing stuff, but still good fun.Some of the ideas are actual quite good. Maybe ill try to re-write it, or finish it at a later stage in life.. who knows.

Books i really want to write is:

- An unbiased biography about cannabis.
- An epic trilogy fiction called The Bible
- Post modern folk tale/children story about two children that escapes from an evil emperor that have caged them inside a candy house, and fed the girl with drugs for years.

I have several vague ideas as well.. but i wont bother you with any more. Tell me about yours... but pitch it short please
You should sign up with NaNoWriMo, it'll make you write or make you realize you aren't a writer hah.
Not books but scripts. Wokring with a small production company on a short horror at the mo. But they keep changing their minds about what they want! Argh!!! Also working on a one act comedy for stage. Have thought about writing prose but every idea I come up with would work better as a script. I'm a film graduate though. IT's bound to happen.

Two of my friends are doing an MA in novel writing. One is doing a kind of disaster novel and the other is doing a Tim Burton style surrealist comedy (also a film student...)

I however am giving up! Going back to uni to do a PHD in critical theory and become a lecturer. I'll still write in my spare time but the industry is just too stressful (and full of arseholes!) Good luck with your writing!
That's cool... can they be a patented drug specifically designed for that girl??
That's cool... can they be a patented drug specifically designed for that girl??

What to you have in mind? Something like this?


The chosen drug for the advanced molester! Active ingredients includes Ecstasy and GHB. Your chosen destiny will never resist again. Have it YOUR way, get Molestorzide today!

Available at most shops and dealers that dont ask questions!
What an interesting thread! I'd love to write a book someday, and it would probably be a novel, with lots of characters pulled out of my RL (not in a way they could recognise themselves though), since I've met some crazy, narcisitic, choleric people. I don't have a story line, but boy, do I have some interesting characters!
What an interesting thread! I'd love to write a book someday, and it would probably be a novel, with lots of characters pulled out of my RL (not in a way they could recognise themselves though), since I've met some crazy, narcisitic, choleric people. I don't have a story line, but boy, do I have some interesting characters!

From my own writing experience, I can tell you from one INFJ to another, that writing from character is the way to go. It's what we know, and many of us tend to collect interesting, eccentric characters in our lives. The trick is to write from inside the character. We NFs have little problem with that. You might try starting off with a character, and just see what he/she does, which can lead you into a storyline.

You need only 4 elements to write a good story

1. A hero or anti-hero

2. An antagonist (a bad guy, a corporation, an opposing ideal, etc.)

3. A clearly-defined goal

4. A series of obstacles in the way of that goal

All of this leads to conflict, which is part of what keeps your reader reading. We NFs have a difficult time with conflict, but once you start making your hero suffer, it gets to be fun.

I started off with vignettes, that had no real point other than to put a character I liked in an interesting situation. They were usually 3-5 pages, went nowhere, but it got me off to a good start, because I finally found that character who went somewhere.

Good luck!
I'm starting on my first novel at the moment. I'm only like 8 or 9 chapters (and 20,000 words) in right now though. Tis slow going.

Its kind of a sci-fi/modern fantasy type endeavor. I twist around the idea of "soulmates" into something really bad, have these mafia est Guild things that collect magic from wind (while merrily kidnapping and brainwashing children), throw in some demons for flavor, characters with selective mutism...

I enjoy it at least. :mpff:
Sir George Timenhook - On hold for 5 years running.
Code Wing Obsession - On hold
SalMar = Scrapped
Ocean SalMar = Scrapped
Yozuki Drive - Working
Yozuki Drive 2/DX2 Blue Lightning - Codenamed/Planned
Haven't actually started anythign quite as ambitious as a book yet. But I have a lot of ideas and characters "ready" (these things usually really take their final shape only when I'm writing. I don't know why, but I think it has to do with structuring the text I'm writing in a satisfying way)
I'm on the way. I've written a bunch of short stories and scripts and I've finished the NaNo thing. I have a long outline completed for a book, but I'm not sure if the timing is right for me to publish it. It's easier for me to work on short stories or short-short stories.
Anyone here writing a book, or wanting to write a book? What kind of book do you want to write and what will it be about?

An AVISynth+ Tutorial/Reference/Project Book for Both Beginners and Novices

AviSynth+ is an improved version of the AviSynth frameserver, with improved features and developer friendliness.

Currently, I'm digging deep into the multimedia coding/encoding/decoding/processing world on my free time. There are some excellent tools out there with either scant, incomplete, nonexistent, or overly complicated documentation(.aka ffmpeg, avisynth/avisynth+,sox, etc.)

Especially avisynth - there aren't any published reference books, so far as I have seen, for this software. I have been interested in this software for a long time, but haven't gotten around to messing too much with it until recently. It's pretty amazing, very fast, and the scripting is very simple and straightforward.
The downsides of it were that it was meant and originally written to be run in a Windows environment, but can be ported over to Unix/Linux or Mac, but with some issues, limits, and bugs. Another downside is that, although the software being open source and command-line base could still have a long life of use and or on the shelf, without regular community support it could end up eventually becoming forgotten or stale. After seeing the AviSynthplus project, I would love to support the project, not just financially, but with a published book tutorial. It will not only go through the basics of AVISynth scripting and tools, but make the case for why these tools are useful/important and need to be supported for the future. It will also give real practical examples of being used for projects and open the reader up to suggestions for how to most effectively implelment this tool.

I write a lot of notes when I'm learning a new scripting language, tool, technique, or process. I would like to make some money and possibly support the world of tech knowledge with my notes - by turning them into a published book, hopefully!