[ENFP] Weird technology


Permanent Fixture
Hi everyone,

Seasons greetings to you. I'm not sure who is going to read this but I am very much worried about the state of the world at the moment. Society is in the grips of a profound evil that wants to destroy life. I sound like some sort of action film hero but I believe it's real. I'm struggling to post this because I know I will lose much respect here. But for those who know me, I want to know if you can help me understand this awful world. Please, I want to speak to you in person.

I was confronted by a man that gets off on watching videos of young girls getting their fingers chopped off. He said that they also get their organs harvested. I need to know what we can do about this. Its horrible. We need to get together to solve this.
Well that sounds like a pretty disturbed individual. What makes you think it's a widespread issue?
Of course people with similar psychosis will congregate. There's all manner of crazy people out there. The internet has allowed them all to become emboldened by finding other like minded people.

How is this "weird technology" though? Where are you going with this?
Of course people with similar psychosis will congregate. There's all manner of crazy people out there. The internet has allowed them all to become emboldened by finding other like minded people.

How is this "weird technology" though? Where are you going with this?

I don't. The shit I've seen is absolutely horrible. You have no fucking idea. No fucking idea. This is not fringe, it's common. Now that I've seen it these psychopaths are everywhere. I put this under 'Weird technology because I'm scared. I'm so scared. But I want you all to know about this.
I mean, there are cannibals out there. To pretend that cannibals are some sort of primitive version of humans is incorrect. There's lots of really crazy shit. Welcome to reality.
Of course people with similar psychosis will congregate. There's all manner of crazy people out there. The internet has allowed them all to become emboldened by finding other like minded people.

How is this "weird technology" though? Where are you going with this?
I mean, there are cannibals out there. To pretend that cannibals are some sort of primitive version of humans is incorrect. There's lots of really crazy shit. Welcome to reality.

Excellent, you are aware of it. Time to make this whole forum aware of it now.
But I still disagree about it being common. These are just a well networked minority. It is shocking discovering the reality of the magnitude of things sometimes though. To some extent the police force is more a comfort to society than actually capable of protecting people. It's an uncomfortable truth. They disband networks periodically sure, but you can't change human nature with a baton. But hey maybe one day we'll all be geoengineered to be perfect slave workers for the system and not cannibals or pedophiles.
But I still disagree about it being common. These are just a well networked minority. It is shocking discovering the reality of the magnitude of things sometimes though. To some extent the police force is more a comfort to society than actually capable of protecting people. It's an uncomfortable truth. They disband networks periodically sure, but you can't change human nature with a baton. But hey maybe one day we'll all be geoengineered to be perfect slave workers for the system and not cannibals or pedophiles.

This is bullshit. There is a reality you are ignoring. Why?
Really? Could have sworn I just acknowledged it. You don't know what I'm doing. You don't know my life. I'm not about to fight you. That's wasted energy. What are you gonna do about everything? I'm all ears.
Really? Could have sworn I just acknowledged it. You don't know what I'm doing. You don't know my life. I'm not about to fight you. That's wasted energy. What are you gonna do about everything? I'm all ears.

Well if you understand I'm all ears. How do we help this?
It's your thread dude, I'm just an ignorant space coyote. There's bad shit. Stay away from it, that's all the wisdom I have.