warring functions | INFJ Forum

warring functions


Retired Staff
Jul 11, 2008
messed up
how do you handle it?

I am at war with my functions...my idealism wishes to do one thing, while my practical/logical side wants another thing...

...honestly? I let Ti sort it out. If I'm seriously at war with myself, my logic will win out everytime. I get tired of being in the middle, so I just go cold and make the most relevant decision that needs to be done. It's not always the best, but it ends up being the quickest.
...honestly? I let Ti sort it out. If I'm seriously at war with myself, my logic will win out everytime. I get tired of being in the middle, so I just go cold and make the most relevant decision that needs to be done. It's not always the best, but it ends up being the quickest.

thats what I always do too...but it always makes me SOOO unhappy...

Why is it harder for us to allow our idealist side to take over I wonder?
thats what I always do too...but it always makes me SOOO unhappy...

To be honest, I don't think it make me unhappy, but maybe it's because I'm not doing it out of anger or frustration or anything else. I know it has to be done, so I do it. I actually feel empowered when I do it because I feel I've finally done something productive.

Why is it harder for us to allow our idealist side to take over I wonder?

I think it might be because we don't trust it enough, or we're not using it as well as we could (i.e., in a balanced way). There's nothing wrong with NF, but it's volatile. xNFx is like ether...and our emotions are the match. :p
very good point...

My emotions always get in the way of a logical choice though....so I know logically I SHOULD do this...but my emotions get in the way for what would make me happy...The logical thing doesnt suite me emotionally, but its logical...The emotional thing is illogical but it suits me emotionally...

UGH...viscous cycle.
how do you handle it?

I am at war with my functions...my idealism wishes to do one thing, while my practical/logical side wants another thing...

Idealism... undoubtedly Ni. Logical side Ti. Um... unless Fe is involved in the idealist side, they should not be at war with each other. (I am assuming you are INFJ)

Anyway... Ti always wins out over NiFe for me. I still have my ideal vision of course, but I know it will never be reality. That is what happens. When you create an ideal vision with NiFe, Ti becomes involved and lets you know that the emotionally charged ideal vision will never come true. The functions really aren't supposed to war though. A balanced INFJ would create an ideal vision with NiFe, then adjust it with Ti so that it is practical. It shouldn't be Ti outright denying the NiFe creation. Sounds to me like you use too much Fe and too little Ti. Ti should support NiFe by making an emotionally charged ideal vision applicable in the real world by logically changing the semantics and portions which would just not work.
how do you handle it?

I am at war with my functions...my idealism wishes to do one thing, while my practical/logical side wants another thing...


My J function is out of control. I have not learned to reign it in to make it work as part of a team. Instead it just wants to fly solo all the time :(.