Variations of Metal Music

Not sure if these were posted on an earlier page yet...

Symphony X



You don't get much more variation than that selection!
I absolutely love Chthonic
Melodic/Doom Death metal;

Technical Death Metal;

Folk/Melodic Death Metal;

Straight up Death Metal;
Annnnd to wrap it up, some more melodic Death metal by one of the best melodic Bands out there;

You can listen to their new album in its entirety here! Brutal death metal with a heavy dose of jazz influence, by far one of the best bands of this style. Do not click on this expecting an easy listen. :wink:
Time for some black metal!


The essence of seraphim
Merging with sword, onto them
And the seamless garment like the morning
Dipped in the blood of men
Made as the filth of the world
And overwhelming to direct vision

Becoming the agents of torment
Veins filled with the serum of prophesy
Becoming the agents of torment
Eyes weeping the tears of prophesy
Become the agents of torment
Ears filled with the semen of prophesy

Ultimate acts of perverted intimacy
Nary a soul left without the punishment
Mountains now full of yours
Surrounded by their own graves
Let no warning sound from the trumpets of gold
Become the beginning of the end for the land of the living
Delivered to death those of the whole of the globe

From the death of all
Also claims those who call for it
And none shall escape this

Be as shadows amongst the nations
And cause great mourning

Wings upon wings upon wings
Cause men to die
Filled with iniquity and perfection
Swallowing the holy mountain of god
And its fiery stones
Incense down from capsized center
Raise this voice to the ashes of the world
Still hemorrhaging from the intoxication of rhema
Dwelling within the hand of desolation
Merging the sword, onto them
The heir apparent
And inflictor of delicious agony
The whole of the human race
Gone as T-lymphocytes

A glory that shines in every atrocity
Reveals itself in every vile act
Cleans itself in despondence
And the pit known only to broken men
Deafening are its secrets
Again attacking sanctity
With blasphemy and fornication
A law written as it is spoken
Past crooked lips
And the pit known only to broken men
Deafening are its secrets
Every particle of hatred
Sends direct for convocation
This world is for death
Parched and barren
Conduit to the suffering of the universe
And the grasp of its destructiveness
Cannot slumber
From this pit of degradation
Eyes, tongue and sword
Suckle at the honey
Sour, dejected and wretched
Risen above the calls of the flesh
Tearing deeper
Tearing deeper
And again the massive conspiracy against all life
No air
No exit
Futility is the first gradual
Then utter
All are, at once, taken to the destroying place

And under the crossroads
To keep the corpses down

There are weepings and sighs in the distance
reminders of those who fell into the deep
an Abyss once living and dead.
Four rivers cutting through a timeless mystery .
The path that is the barren and abandoned paradise
where the waters are but poison, and everything is destroyed.
I walked with the inner voice.

At the end of the fallen desert.
The spine of the worlds split to form hell anew
and the moment was separated from time.
The sight became fourfold therein
revelation entangled in revelation
and I beheld... an abandoned, bleak house
in the mist of the Darkness, levitating through a higher Will,
staring through the mirror.
That revealed the Face that stores all Death within.

...and a path devoured itself from all sides
unveiled forgotten words.
I beheld the illumination of Job
before the entrance to the brightest Darkness
the moment separated from time.
Every aspect of the self utterly destroyed

The circle of Leviathan is broken
an ageless principle of cathartic darkness
that turns justice into spiritual tyranny
...and restores the balance through a justified torture!
suffering in excess, they say...
But how can these lives be worthy even a single breath,
when the harlots are are blind to this revelation open for all eyes to see?

woe unto all ye, whores to the flesh, for the heart of Leviathan is healing
pulsating in destroying rhythm, in constant penetration of the worlds
from the heights of the left pillar, descending in sacrosanct wrath
becoming the bane of all merciful sins,
smashing the chains, again and again, in the face of a whore!

There will be new blood, rushing forth through the veins of the fallen Eden,
streams of dark Water, cleansing the filth...

Oh, most holy bringer of fear!
Thy punishments are righteous...
The Deaths spread by the many arms of Severity...
are Holy!

The temple of Fear has risen in this world, and yet you fail to see...
that the works of Death are shining with brilliance
that the tension between - and - is the divine, natural law
that the serpent is a key to equilibrium
and thereby to the path that shall give me the bliss of perfect silence

I look beyond my cold and frail gaze upon the mist floating by
I feel stigmatic-like pains and lightning through my ever so fragile being
I have now died and been awoken to life by spirits unknown

All that remains is our cold dying breath
All that has been done
All that is yet to come
Decades have passed on through fresh blood
For thee to feed the flames of a divine supreme faith

Perpetuated in Evil I withstand death
One with night's dark and I shall never live again
For Death is but the beginning

Unclean spirits drag me through forgotten passages
Hidden lands of nocturnal ghosts
I feast on fear of the living races
At eternal hours my worship kills men

It all has a beginning.
It all has an end.
This road of thorns laying ahead of me.
In the visions of what I've seen!
It is never to be of peace!
Restless and hungry. cold as ice!
Numb of feeling of this earth!
As a ravenous night.
Cold content, the shade of blood
layed against the moonlight.

Delirious! Struck by weary
wonder at the graveyard in sight.
Shall I never die?
Or am I forever cursed to this life!!!???

Visions of vast depths!
The devolving galaxies asunder!
Withering delight in roaring lunacy!
An elusive wonder!

Struck by weary wonder at
the graveyard in sight.
Shall I never die?
Or am I forever cursed
to this life!?

Stare wide-eyed at this dense pitch boiling by the art divine
Amniotic liquid of another kind
That flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of god
Behold the transformation, servant
Incise and devour your tongue for all men are liars
Gnaw at the saintly visage of your beloved
Receive a rapturous communion of flesh and skin
And do not cease until you swallowed her nose host-alike
Do not cease until the Baptist collects
Three quintessential drops, progeny of that torment,
And anoints you thrice ... and anoints you thrice... and anoints you thrice...
Like a malignant tumour and sudden growth of cancer divine
A rebirth in putrefaction irreversible, corruption does not inherit uncorruption
Blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde
Say it loud the ultimate paradigm: Blessed are the dead whiche dye in the Lorde
The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law
The law of man is His presence and dominion...
We will submit ourselves unto Him
And henceforth walk in His ways
And immolate on thine altar the spirit of individuality
As thou, Lord, desireth sacrifices and obedience
What rewarde shall I geve unto the lorde, for al the benefites that he hath doen unto me?
We will submit ourselves unto Him
And henceforth walk in His ways
And immolate on thine altar the spirit of individuality
As thou, Lord, desireth sacrifices and obedience
We grant you all human love, kiss the burden that crushes our bones
And yell ecstatically at the spectacle of your abominations
What rewarde shall I geve unto the lorde, for al the benefites that he hath doen unto me?