Vampires in movies


Permanent Fixture
What are the best vampire movies/shows? It's on the brain at the moment (thanks, lurker!)

Off the top, "Underworld" was awesome!
"Dracula 2000" Gerard Butler pre-phantom (loved the whole Judas turn. plus, the actor who plays "Hide" from "that 70's show" played a minor role)
The "Wraiths" from Stargate Atlantis are worthy of mention . . . plausible, fully developed dying society

Can't think of any others at the moment (unless we're counted those from "nightmare before christmas," ;) )
Interview With The Vampire
Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt
How dare you forget Brahm Stokers Dracula! My all time favorite Vamp flick! :o :lol:
:o :o :shock: :shock:

OMG really You should see it Very good movie! I think i might pop it in the DVD player tonight just for a refresher :D
Was over at my BFF's apartment (she's across the street!) and she had it!! I just mentioned it, and it was thrust at me. "You must see"! she said. So I have it here and will watch . . . :)
entyqua said:
How dare you forget Brahm Stokers Dracula!

One of Coppola's finest imo, and one of my favorite movies of all time.

just thinking of gary oldman as dracula gives me the chill.
Kwistalline said:
Was over at my BFF's apartment (she's across the street!) and she had it!! I just mentioned it, and it was thrust at me. "You must see"! she said. So I have it here and will watch . . . :)

YEA Its a travesty that you havnt seen it!
entyqua said:
How dare you forget Brahm Stokers Dracula! My all time favorite Vamp flick! :o :lol:
Which one? There have been a few. I like John Carpenter's Vampires, also I am Legend was another great Vampire movie.
. . . . :shock: . . .

Ok, so I got half through "Dracula (Gary Oldman)" last night before I had to come back home and sew. Right, so I wake up this morning with a strange and vivid dream in which I have to save a dragon and a baby . . . the dragon, oddly enough, is ugly, but good, and also trying to save the baby. At one point he swallows the babe to save it, then regurgitates it onto the palms of dracula, whom he thinks is someone else. As Dracula bears his teeth to bite, the dragon realizes the deception and bites off his head . . . if I wasn't freaking out, I would be laughing . . .


Kwissy is scared. Don't think that was the movie for me.

BTw, Gary oldman, that scene in London when he first sees Mina on the streets? Totally Johny Depp there . . eery, actually. Same hair, hat, glasses . . . that JD wore in the "Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory".

. . . still scared . . . going to church now . . . how ironic . . .
ShaiGar said:
entyqua said:
How dare you forget Brahm Stokers Dracula! My all time favorite Vamp flick! :o :lol:
Which one? There have been a few. I like John Carpenter's Vampires, also I am Legend was another great Vampire movie.

It is just called Brahm Stokers Dracula with Gary Oldman Wynona Ryder and Keaneu reeves....I don't watch the movie for the entertainment value of Keaneu its all about oldman and wynona! lol
Kwistalline said:
. . . . :shock: . . .

Ok, so I got half through "Dracula (Gary Oldman)" last night before I had to come back home and sew. Right, so I wake up this morning with a strange and vivid dream in which I have to save a dragon and a baby . . . the dragon, oddly enough, is ugly, but good, and also trying to save the baby. At one point he swallows the babe to save it, then regurgitates it onto the palms of dracula, whom he thinks is someone else. As Dracula bears his teeth to bite, the dragon realizes the deception and bites off his head . . . if I wasn't freaking out, I would be laughing . . .


Kwissy is scared. Don't think that was the movie for me.

BTw, Gary oldman, that scene in London when he first sees Mina on the streets? Totally Johny Depp there . . eery, actually. Same hair, hat, glasses . . . that JD wore in the "Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory".

. . . still scared . . . going to church now . . . how ironic . . .

What an awesome vivid dream!! Im sad however you didnt get to finish it...its a very touching story even though its quite frightening but I quite enjoy being scared of things!

As for the JD reference first let me say that I LOVE JD to the ENDS of the earth and if given the chance I would..... well not gonna finish that thought but lets just say IM A FAN!! BUT One could say that JD was being totally Gary oldman!! As Oldman in this movie was WAY before JD in Chocolate factory! very erry yes!
Exactly that, Entyqua! JD? So hot!! More like GO, though, since this predated CCF. Oooh, both, so hot!!

I actually read the book awhile back, so I know how it ends (really like it, too) . . . I think if I finish the movie, I may wake up drenched in my own blood or something . . . very graphic movie, causing graphic dreams . . . that lasted during all the waking minutes until I got to church and started singing . . . then happiness returned and all was flowers and sunshine again . . . :D
Kwistalline said:
Exactly that, Entyqua! JD? So hot!! More like GO, though, since this predated CCF. Oooh, both, so hot!!

I actually read the book awhile back, so I know how it ends (really like it, too) . . . I think if I finish the movie, I may wake up drenched in my own blood or something . . . very graphic movie, causing graphic dreams . . . that lasted during all the waking minutes until I got to church and started singing . . . then happiness returned and all was flowers and sunshine again . . . :D

Im so glad the sunshine is flowing again! :D
I like Twilight . . . and hope they do a sequel with Renesme and Jacob. :) *waits for poison darts to hit* :D
I feel like I'm still waiting on a sufficient vampire movie, although Let The Right One In came close. I'd like to see something along the lines of Hellsing or Blood+ adapted into a big budget live action film.
This is my favorite by far, although it's not a movie and they only did the one season. Still, the one season stands on its own...

"In an update of Bram Stoker's iconic novel, Dracula travels to London, pretending to be an American entrepreneur with an interest in bringing modern science to Victorian England. The guise conceals the vampire's much darker plans for revenge against those who ruined his life centuries earlier. His plan hits a snag when he meets and falls deeply in love with a woman who appears to be the reincarnation of his dead wife. Golden Globe winner Jonathan Rhys-Meyers plays the title role in this provocative drama."
