Vaccines Debate | Page 17 | INFJ Forum

Vaccines Debate

As quoted at the end of my earlier quote, seeing as it directly answers the question that you just asked....kinda makes me think you didn't even read it...again.

I literally cannot prove a conspiracy is true no matter what. And neither can you. you just think you can and do even though you are necessarily wrong, lol. I use logic to say why your supposed facts are misunderstood, misrepresented, or necessarily wrong. And also to explain why you think they are right, namely your biases.
What I say is that you can't use your conspiracy theory as proof of anything. It's illogical and unreasonable.

Really I think you need to read philosophy on what knowledge, things that are knowable, truths, and proofs are. Because you often times get that wrong.

If you cannot tell me here what the conspiracy is then shut your big mouth because you cannot deny something if you can't even say what it is
I'm going to save us all some time by bringing you upto speed

Sites like that one are controlled by powerful interest groups

There's literally no point posting those sistes with their opinions

We are now at the stage of posting information directly from doctors and scientists

Please as i have asked you reasonably already, go back over the thread and educate yourself before filling the thread up with more of the kind of stuff we dispensed with at the start of the thread

Also as i asked please look at that article before your penn and teller post with the interview with the whistleblower; he explains as do other articles already posted that go into even more detail how health has been improved not by vaccines but by clean water, improved housing, sewage removal, nutrition etc
Muir that is unfair of you. I can easily make the argument that you are using your conspiracy theory as an excuse or "scape goat" to fuel your confirmation bias. You cannot pick and choose what "facts" you want to include in the discussion muir. Everything listed there has been shown by scientists even if they necessary articles aren't present. If nothing else I've demonstrated that much. Can you prove that is controlled by your conspiracy theory? or is your only reason for saying that because its points disagree with you. [MENTION=12327]Anywhere But Here[/MENTION] has a reasonable post that you should address beyond saying that your conspiracy theory disagrees with it.
Muir that is unfair of you. I can easily make the argument that you are using your conspiracy theory as an excuse or "scape goat" to fuel your confirmation bias. You cannot pick and choose what "facts" you want to include in the discussion muir. Everything listed there has been shown by scientists even if they necessary articles aren't present. If nothing else I've demonstrated that much. Can you prove that is controlled by your conspiracy theory? or is your only reason for saying that because its points disagree with you. @Anywhere But Here has a reasonable post that you should address beyond saying that your conspiracy theory disagrees with it.

You do not know what the conspiracy is therefore if you are a fair and reasonable person you will not say it cannot exist

I find your approach to be filled with NLP whether you are conscious you are doing this or not (i'll withhold my opinion about that)

But because of your constant use of NLP instead of facts i will decline any further communication with you
Dr. Boyd Haley is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Haley discusses mercury toxicity as a causal factor in Autism. He also discusses the two primary sources of mercury toxicity: vaccines & dental amalgams.

I'm going to save us all some time by bringiong you upto speed

Sites like that one are controlled by powerful interest groups

There's literally no point posting those sistes with their opinions

We are now at the stage of posting information directly from doctors and scientists

Please as i have asked you reasonably already, go back over the thread and educate yourself before filling the thread up with more of the stuff we dispesned with at the start of the thread

Also as i asked please look at that article before your penn and teller post with the interveiw with the whislteblower; he explains as do other articels already posted that go into even more detail how health has been imporved not by vaccines but by clean watre, improved housing, sewage removal, nutrition etc

I am trying to figure out why you have such a problem with someone having a view that opposes your own. I posted the penn and teller link, not for you, but for the thread as it is relevant to the subject, whether you agree with it or not. I did not link your name to it.

And there is a point in posting those sites with those facts. You have no say in what is or is not posted in a thread that was not started by you, nor was it made to cater to your theories.

What makes you think that the information you are reading is accurate? And what makes you so much more educated than everyone else on this subject? Listen to yourself.

And if I post something that has already been posted in the thread then I'm okay with that.

I did read that article. And I'm still not convinced that that doctor is legit. And I'm entitled to that opinion.

Back off.
If you cannot tell me here what the conspiracy is then shut your big mouth because you cannot deny something if you can't even say what it is

I'm not denying its absolute existence because I can't necessarily prove or disprove it because of its fundamental nature. What I am denying is your ability to use your conspiracy theory as proof of anything as that is certainly illogical. However, if you want me to list a few points that you seem to think of as relevant, then sure.

there is an elite among the rich, you think them psychopaths with the intent to rule the world and reduce the population. You think that the large pharmaceutical companies are corrupt and being bought by this elite to make more money, and act on the world through vaccines (to name but one way of acting you think they take, this is just the part that is relevant to this thread). I don't need to know the fundementals because I already understand I can't prove or disprove their existence. As such I understand that I can't rule out such a possibility. However, I do know that saying vaccines are toxic because the elite wants to use it as population control in no way shows that they are in fact any manor of population control.

Now I will tell you muir, if you start spouting random ideas about your conspiracy that is in no way directly relevant to the question of vaccine toxicity, I will not respond. If anything, if you where to take such an action after having been warned, you would necessarily be an internet troll. I would like to think you are not.
You do not know what the conspiracy is therefore if you are a fair and reasonable person you will not say it cannot exist

I find your approach to be filled with NLP whether you are conscious you are doing this or not (i'll withhold my opinion about that)

But because of your constant use of NLP instead of facts i will decline any further communication with you
you assume that is the case but you refuse to even consider the possibility of the alternative. that hardly makes you a reliable or credible opinion.

I consider the possibility that I am somehow programmed to be biased, but that would mean there is a fundamental error in science and logic (because you can't come up with reliable science otherwise) but the evidence to support science and logic is 5000 years in the making, and i'm typing on one paltry example right now. Another example of its success just recently landed on a comet. That seems pretty reliable if for no other reason than its applicability.
I am trying to figure out why you have such a problem with someone having a view that opposes your own. I posted the penn and teller link, not for you, but for the thread as it is relevant to the subject, whether you agree with it or not. I did not link your name to it.

Because as i already told you it has already been posted

And there is a point in posting those sites with those facts. You have no say in what is or is not posted in a thread that was not started by you, nor was it made to cater to your theories.

Thats the problem...they;re not 'facts' and that is what i'm trying to tell you and why i'm saying go over the thread and learn how they are not facts but bullshit

What makes you think that the information you are reading is accurate?

Because i have read what they are presenting me already PLUS extra stuff they haven't read yet

And what makes you so much more educated than everyone else on this subject? Listen to yourself.

No listen to the facts

If you want to get personal i'm not interested

And if I post something that has already been posted in the thread then I'm okay with that.

I did read that article. And I'm still not convinced that that doctor is legit. And I'm entitled to that opinion.

Back off.

Then read all the other stuff from all the other doctors

You back off, i was here first so why should i move for you posteing more of what has already been posted when i am posting new stuff?
As these two articles show there is an approach to public health in the US that is different to other parts of the world

In the US the corproations are able to expose you to things until they are proven unsafe

In europe you cannot be exposed until the product has been shown to be safe:

2 Food and environmental safety
TTIP’s ‘regulatory convergence’ agenda will seek to bring EU standards on food safety and the environment closer to those of the US. But US regulations are much less strict, with 70 per cent of all processed foods sold in US supermarkets now containing genetically modified ingredients. By contrast, the EU allows virtually no GM foods. The US also has far laxer restrictions on the use of pesticides. It also uses growth hormones in its beef which are restricted in Europe due to links to cancer. US farmers have tried to have these restrictions lifted repeatedly in the past through the World Trade Organisation and it is likely that they will use TTIP to do so again.
The same goes for the environment, where the EU’s REACH regulations are far tougher on potentially toxic substances. In Europe a company has to prove a substance is safe before it can be used; in the US the opposite is true: any substance can be used until it is proven unsafe. As an example, the EU currently bans 1,200 substances from use in cosmetics; the US just 12.

There was something else in one of the articles above about how the onus should be on the companies to do long term testing with their vaccinations but they don't bu ti haven;'t found it agian yet so i'll post this instead:

A: I had a friend whose baby died after a DPT shot.
Q: Did you investigate?
A: Yes, informally. I found that this baby was completely healthy before the vaccination. There was no reason for his death, except the vaccine. That started my doubts. Of course, I wanted to believe that the baby had gotten a bad shot from a bad lot. But as I looked into this further, I found that was not the case in this instance. I was being drawn into a spiral of doubt that increased over time. I continued to investigate. I found that, contrary to what I thought, vaccines are not tested in a scientific way.
Q: What do you mean?
A: For example, no long-term studies are done on any vaccines. Long-term follow-up is not done in any careful way. Why? Because, again, the assumption is made that vaccines do not cause problems. So why should anyone check? On top of that, a vaccine reaction is defined so that all bad reactions are said to occur very soon after the shot is given. But that does not make sense.
Q: Why doesn't it make sense?
A: Because the vaccine obviously acts in the body for a long period of time after it is given. A reaction can be gradual. Deterioration can be gradual. Neurological problems can develop over time. They do in various conditions, even according to a conventional analysis. So why couldn't that be the case with vaccines? If chemical poisoning can occur gradually, why couldn't that be the case with a vaccine which contains mercury?
Q: And that is what you found?
A: Yes. You are dealing with correlations, most of the time. Correlations are not perfect. But if you get 500 parents whose children have suffered neurological damage during a one-year period after having a vaccine, this should be sufficient to spark off an intense investigation.
Q: Has it been enough?
A: No. Never. This tells you something right away.
Q: Which is?
A: The people doing the investigation are not really interested in looking at the facts. They assume that the vaccines are safe. So, when they do investigate, they invariably come up with exonerations of the vaccines. They say, "This vaccine is safe." But what do they base those judgments on? They base them on definitions and ideas which automatically rule out a condemnation of the vaccine.
Q: There are numerous cases where a vaccine campaign has failed. Where people have come down with the disease against which they were vaccinated.
A: Yes, there are many such instances. And there the evidence is simply ignored. It's discounted. The experts say, if they say anything at all, that this is just an isolated situation, but overall the vaccine has been shown to be safe. But if you add up all the vaccine campaigns where damage and disease have occurred, you realize that these are NOT isolated situations.
Because as i already told you it has already been posted

Thats the problem...they;re not 'facts' and that is what i'm trying to tell you and why i'm saying go over the thread and learn how they are not facts but bullshit

Because i have read what they are presenting me already PLUS extra stuff they haven't read yet

No listen to the facts

If you want to get personal i'm not interested

Then read all the other stuff from all the other doctors

You back off, i was here first so why should i move for you posteing more of what has already been posted when i am posting new stuff?

I could care less how many times it was posted in this thread. No one cares except for the person that doesn't agree with it. Oh well.

You can say that info is not fact and that it's bullshit. Okay. Thank you for your opinion. I disagree.

And I wasn't getting personal. It was a real question. What makes you more educated than anyone else on this subject? Why would that be viewed as a personal attack?

And "I was here first"? What are we in Kindergarten? I don't care what you or anyone posts on this subject. Watch and learn.

And stop trying to take ownership of this thread. Anyone and everyone can post here; whether you agree with them or not. Sheesh.
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I could care less how many times it was posted in this thread. No one cares except for the person that doesn't agree with it. Oh well.

You can say that info is not fact and that it's bullshit. Okay. Thank you for your opinion. I disagree.

I don't care about your opinion

I'm giving you the facts

And I wasn't getting personal. It was a real question. What makes you more educated than anyone else on this subject? Why would that be viewed as a personal attack?

Its the poeple i'm posting that are educated

Pen and teller are a pair of egotisitcal opinionated but ignorant fucks who will act tough until they meet someone who is

And "I was here first"? What are we in Kindergarten? I don't care what you or anyone posts on this subject. Watch and learn.

I said i was here and am posting new stuff where as you are rehashing stuff

It was a fair point

If you are genuine about 'learning' you'll look at the info in this thread


[h=1]Vaccine Autism Coverup, French soldiers did not get Gulf war syndrome[/h] Since I have discovered that Dr Eisenstein has dramatic proof that AVOIDING ALL vaccinations for children significantly may reduce the incidence of hospitalization of children for Asthma by as much as 90%, it seems that our epidemic of autoimmune diseases clearly has a major vaccine component.

The outstanding presentation 2 weeks ago in San Diego on Vaccines, by NY Board Certified Pediatrician Lawrence Palevsky MD, made it clear that we now need to find convenient ways to let our patients learn for themselves about the real issues surrounding vaccinations. It could be simplified to the main issue around benefit to risk ratio. His research made it clear that the benefits are unproven and grossly exaggerated, whereas the real risks are seriously underplayed. The question then becomes for patients who may decide to modify the process by using only single vaccinations not combinations or by refusing entirely to have a child vaccinated – what is their best course of action?

That requires them to become very knowledgeable and few will have the time to get the 90 minute audio recording from his ACAM presentation or to get the PowerPoint, which was made available to all attendees on a CD. But some of these YouTube connections may be useful to help alert the public to the complexities involved. Dr Eisenstein, as an MD and attorney, has a book that discusses religious and personal exemptions and the laws differ from state to state and that will influence the choice consumers may have to make if they choose to not have a child vaccinated.

For those that feel that they cannot fight the system, at least let̢۪s protect the person to be vaccinated by delaying to a later age if possible and making certain that they are NOT ILL when vaccinated. Additionally Vitamin C clearly has been shown in Australia by Archie Kalikrinos to reduce adverse reactions to vaccinations. There the aboriginal children often died after vaccinations and the death rate was markedly reduced with simple administration of oral vitamin C, which could loosely be given as 1 gm per 10 # of weight or even 1 gm Vitamin C per year of age.

Longevity Plus̢۪s BioE̢۪nR-G̢۪y C is far better tolerated so at least have that form of vitamin C to help diminish stomach upset or diarrhea in children. Then the issue becomes complex, as to what is the true risk of a population that is not vaccinated and that was also well covered in Dr Palevsky̢۪s presentation. Simply search his name on Google and you can access his internet based presentations and learn much more ( [url]! [/URL]

Additional internet based vaccination information can be viewed at the following links sent to me by a FACT member.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

From: David Ponsonby

Does this explain what is happening to the leadership in this country – they’ve all been vaccinated? "Rainmen Rule". They have all the answers; they just can’t match them up with the right questions.
Vaccine Mercury Brain Degeneration

Part 1: Mercury Toxicity & Autism The French did not get Gulf war syndrome because they didn’t get vaccines

Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Coverup

The Truth About Vaccines

Dangers of Vaccines – Part 1

Gardasil vaccine to thousand of health complaints and more than 30 deaths.

This video exposes the truth about Gardasil and HPV vaccinations: They don’t work and may actually be dangerous to women. The FDA knew HPV did not cause cervical cancer in 2003.


FDA approves spraying meat with viruses
Access the FACT website:

I don't care about your opinion

I'm giving you the facts

Its the poeple i'm posting that are educated

Pen and teller are a pair of egotisitcal opinionated but ignorant fucks who think they're tough until they meet someone who is

I said i was here and am posting new stuff where as you are rehashing stuff

It was a fair point

If you are genuine about 'learning' you'll look at the info in this thread

You don't care about anyone's opinion but everyone should care about yours. That sounds reasonable.

You have "facts" you found online. What I mean is, since you want to believe them then they must be fact. Okay.

Being educated does not necessarily equate to being 'right'.

Penn and Teller-egotistical, opinionated, ignorant fucks. Wow. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

You can post new "stuff" all you want. And again, if I post something that was already posted than...GET OVER IT.
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[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION] you need to stop. You are getting ridiculous. You need to step away from the computer and breathe. If she wants to be here, she can be. You know why so many people don't debate with you muir? Because you are ridiculous to debate with. I don't even know how many people messaged me that it is pointless to debate with you. But I keep at it because I think its fair to a certain extent, and I can practice arguing with someone who is illogical. That's to my benefit. However, when you start saying things like "i was here first" you are only demonstrating your immaturity. [MENTION=12327]Anywhere But Here[/MENTION] was right when she said the only reason why you don't like her post is because you disagreed with it. There is a considerable amount of evidence to support her view, and only a marginal amount to support yours. You just can't see her evidence BECAUSE it disagrees with you. But you know what muir, if you keep acting like your superior and everyone else are idiots, then I'm going to be done with you too. I don't have to subject myself to your attitude and neither does anywhere.
Now if you are done with acting like that, I will address your video
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[h=1]Highly toxic squalene MF59 adjuvant that caused Gulf War syndrome in military servicemen now being added to some civilian flu vaccines[/h] Friday, September 27, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: Gulf War syndrome, flu vaccines, MF59

Compulsory vaccination has long been a requirement to serve in the U.S. armed forces, and it is well documented that many of the vaccines administered to servicemen over the years have been experimental in nature, meaning they contained untested adjuvants and other questionable additives. But it has recently come to our attention that the highly toxic vaccine adjuvant squalene MF59, which was first given to servicemen back during the first Gulf War and later linked to causing Gulf War syndrome, is now being added to some civilian flu vaccines.

At a 2010 gathering of the American Rally for Personal Rights in Chicago, registered nurse and retired Air Force Captain Richard Rovet warned his listening audience about the dangers of squalene MF59, the devastation and horrors of which he witnessed first hand during his time in the service. The experimental oil-in-water adjuvant, which was forced on all servicemen beginning in 1999 via the mandatory anthrax vaccine, caused many of Capt. Rovet's comrades to suffer severe and permanent side effects. One of Capt. Rovet's closest friends, in fact, was actually killed as a result of squalene MF59.

"For the past 64 years, the United States Military and other agencies within our government have used our servicemen and women as test subjects, oftentimes in secret and without informed consent," explained Capt. Rovet. "In December of 1994, the United States Senate released a report titled, 'Is military research hazardous to a veteran's health? Lessons spanning half a century' ... [that] outlines the unethical use of servicemen and women as test subjects, guinea pigs."

After establishing that squalene MF59 was admittedly experimental, Capt. Rovet went on to explain how the U.S. government willfully ignored all documented evidence showing that the anthrax vaccine, and squalene MF59 in particular, was directly responsible for triggering an epidemic of Gulf War syndrome that left hundreds of thousands of servicemen seriously injured or dead. Not only this, but the U.S. Department of Defense actually ordered that both the anthrax vaccine and a related botulism toxoid vaccine, both of which contained experimental squalene MF59, not be annotated in soldiers' medical records -- they were instead generically identified as "Vac A" and "Vac B" in order to conceal their identity.

"Roughly one in four of the 697,000 veterans, my brothers and sisters who served in the first Gulf War, are afflicted with Gulf War illness ... [and] study after study shows a higher rate of Gulf War illness in vaccinated veterans. That's a fact," added Capt. Rovet. "Military members can be ordered to take medicines and vaccines against their will, or be imprisoned and discharged from the armed forces with a criminal record for the rest of their lives, right up there with rape perpetrators."

[h=1]Novartis now using MF59 in Fluad influenza jab, investigational swine and bird flu vaccines[/h] Just before bursting into tears while recalling the atrocities he witnessed as a result of this experimental vaccination conspiracy, Capt. Rovet urged those in attendance at the rally to be on the lookout for squalene MF59, as he believed at the time that it would soon be added to civilian vaccines. And sure enough, Switzerland-based drug giant Novartis admits that squalene MF59 is currently being used in its Fluad influenza vaccine, which is used in Italy, as well as in pandemic influenza vaccines like Aflunov that are currently in development.

You can view a Novartis document admitting its use of squalene MF59 here:

It is important that the public be made aware of the true history behind squalene MF59, and its pattern of causing serious injury and death. Novartis has obviously whitewashed the adjuvant's safety record, and the mainstream media has yet to address this very serious issue. But the science speaks for itself.

"Folks that fought alongside us in the Gulf War who did not take the anthrax vaccine have no incidence of Gulf War illness," concluded Capt. Rovet.

To learn more about the experimental anthrax vaccine, be sure to check out the book, Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers -- and Why GI's Are Only the First Victims by Gary Matsumoto:

You can also view Capt. Rovet's full speech here:

Sources for this article include:

You don't care about anyone's opinion but everyone should care about yours. That sounds reasonable.

You have "facts" you found online. What I mean is, since you want to believe them then they must be fact. Okay.

Being educated does not necessarily equate to being 'right'.

Penn and Teller-egotistical, opinionated, ignorant fucks. Wow. Does any of that sound familiar to you?

You can post new "stuff" all you want. And again, if I post something that was already posted than...GET OVER IT.

When i said i'm not interested in getting personal i mean it which is why i will not speak to dogman...he continued to attack me instead of looking at the information

You are now doing the same

if you want to learn about vaccines i will be posting more info

If you want to launch personal attacks at me i will be ignoring you
[h=1]HPV Gardasil Vaccine Proves Lethal - 47 Girls Now Dead[/h]
[h=1]Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines - Movie - directed by Gary Null[/h]
