Type Archon and win big!

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So, I don't know what my type is.

I'll let you guys decide. When that has been decided, I shall take on a new persona. I shall become a new person! Yes.

So, here goes:

- 4 years old.

-2 years old

- 16 years old

- 7 years old
Why would you become a new person? Finding out your type shouldn't change who you are.

We definitely cannot tell your type just by looking at pictures of you, especially pictures of you at such a young age. You often cannot type someone until they are 17-18 at the earliest.

Really though, if you want any help being typed, we need a comprehensive overview of your cognitive processes. How do you think? Literally.
Why would you become a new person? Finding out your type shouldn't change who you are.

We definitely cannot tell your type just by looking at pictures of you, especially pictures of you at such a young age. You often cannot type someone until they are 17-18 at the earliest.

Really though, if you want any help being typed, we need a comprehensive overview of your cognitive processes. How do you think? Literally.

Lessee, I can do a you guys ask me questions and I'll answer them on a video or something:P

I don't know how I think.I don't get the cognitive functions. :(
A lot of us do understand cognitive functions, so you understanding them or not is not a factor. In fact many of us use them as the core of figuring things out.

Just describe yourself, how you think, feel, take in and put out information. Ect. Look at other "type me" thread as an example. Many of us are simply not going to sit and listen to a bunch of videos with responses to questions (myself included) when they can simply be typed out. No need to make this excessivly complicated. Phographs and videos aren't super useful standalone, and they have to be current (within a year) for any sort of accuracy.
Have you ever taken an MBTI test?
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INTP - the Architect
You scored 0% I to E, 16% N to S, 62% F to T, and 68% J to P!

xtraverted Sensing (Se) ********************** (22.2)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.4)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************ (36.4)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ********************************** (34.6)
good use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************************* (45.6)
excellent use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) *************** (15.2)
introverted Feeling (Fi) ******************** (20.1)
limited use
Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: INTP

Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Thinking (Ti): Gaining leverage (influence) using a framework. Detaching to study a situation from different angles and fit it to a theory, framework or principle. Checking for accuracy. Using leverage to solve the problem.

Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Intuiting (Ne): Exploring the emerging patterns. Wondering about patterns of interaction across various situations. Checking what hypotheses and meanings fit best. Trusting what emerges as you shift a situation
A lot of us do understand cognitive functions, so you understanding them or not is not a factor. In fact many of us use them as the core of figuring things out.

Just describe yourself, how you think, feel, take in and put out information. Ect. Look at other "type me" thread as an example. Many of us are simply not going to sit and listen to a bunch of videos with responses to questions (myself included) when they can simply be typed out. No need to make this excessivly complicated. Phographs and videos aren't super useful standalone, and they have to be current (within a year) for any sort of accuracy.

Let's see.

I like to debate. I like winning debates.

I look kinda lost. When I get lost in thought I stare "through" things, not at things.

I like reading fantasy novels (LOTR, Harry Potter are childhood favorites).

I like history, I can (somewhat) remember dates and my memory is very selective. I'll study something, learn something and after let's say 6 months, if I don't go back to it, it's gone.

I have to choose what to store in my memory and what to throw out.

My favorite period in history is WWII. I was obsessed with the politics, the leaders and the technological advancements. I watched videos/speeches by Adolf Hitler for a while.

When I work on something, I get distracted easily. If it's music, I won't be able to work unless I'm in one of those modes where I'm lost in thought and I can BARELY hear any external noises. My sister talks to me, asks me for help and I can barely hear her, I'm so immersed in what I'm doing.

I can't really multi-task.

I also have very low stamina. I work in short bursts. If there's a writing composition, I'll finish it in 30 minutes and it'll leave me exhausted...my energy reserves are gone. I hate writing rough drafts, editing and all that. Annoys me.

I don't like being told what to do. I'm extremely stubborn.

I can be quite rude and I have a sharp tongue.

When talking to people, I usually just listen and give them my input.

When I talk to people I care about...and I have to tell them something that they won't like, I'll hesitate for days. Sometimes, I never tell them.

I get nervous around people. I prefer small group discussions (1-2 people). Talking in front of 10+ people is just scary. I start shaking and I lose control.

I can barely memorize anything. Speeches...I'm dead. I'll try for days, repetition, it won't work. What I do is take the general idea of each paragraph and then go along...it works better for myself.

I've been depressed for the past...8 months or so...so I don't really know who I am, what my purpose is...

I don't know what I want. Don't care about anything. If I could kill myself, I probably would take the chance. No one really understands me. I understand them though. Or, at least I think I do. People are so easy to read.


My mother's an ESFJ. We don't get along well. She has always favored me over my sister though. She's been kinda abusive as well. She holds grudges...(I don't). She's a love tank. She needs to be told "I love you" and hugs and all that...bleh, it's annoying.

My father's an ISFP. I can tolerate him. He's extremely sensitive. He keeps talking about my future and if I don't pick my act up, I'm going to screw up. He thinks I'm a failure etc. I don't work hard...blah, he's just annoying and I ignore him for the most part.

My sister's an INFP. We get along when I'm in a good mood. She constantly seeks approval and always wants my advice/guidance. I try to help her when I can. She idolizes me lol.

I don't have much respect for authority unless they've done something that I admire. I find that I don't respect many people. There's always a flaw in everyone. It's funny cause I'm a perfectionist (in people at least) and people always manage to disappoint me.


I had a girlfriend for about a year: She's an INTP.

I noticed some changes a few months ago...she wasn't really happy. The relationship had stagnated. I did what I had to do. We talked about it, and I decided to give her up. She's happier now, I think. I don't think anyone would want to be in a relationship with a depressed jerk. So yeah.

After the breakup, I was lost. I'm still lost. A wise man once told me that all relationships end. That keeps me going. It's true. All relationships do end. You can be married to someone for 40 years. They'll die. Will you ever meet them in heaven again?

See...these complexities confuse me. I do not know what to make of them.

I've barely loved anyone in my life. She was the first. I just want her to be happy. Everyone deserves some happiness.


I don't have many friends. The only ones that I manage to keep are the ones that approach me. I'm unapproachable. There was this ENFJ guy...we had a fucking awesome time together. He was witty, charismatic and just fun to be around. The only friend I have now is an ISFP. We get along but not on a deeper level. He's just so "boring", I find. Sleep, eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop. He lives in the here and now. He enjoys the present, something I've never been able to do.


I find that I get infatuated with things. I get attached, not to materialistic possessions but people. I've had 3 crushes in 6 years...(I'm 17 btw). So yeah, whatever.

If I could do anything right now, I'd roam the fields and meadows of Ireland. Feel the breeze. Feel the serene Irish day.

I have this fascination with rain. I hate the sun. I don't really like snow either, though it is beautiful.

I like walking outside on rainy days...I like the moonlight, and the stars fascinate me. There are so many possibilities, a fraction that we know of.

What truly pisses me off is the political system and greedy people. I hate the competition. I hate that people have to compete with each other. Yes, hard work should be rewarded, but this life is just too hard. I'd love to live in some nomadic tribe from 3000 years ago where I'd hunt, tell stories, have fun. Yeah.

I'd say more, but I guess this is enough?
Even without the descriptions, you have a classic INTP cognitive breakdown. And remember, we're not 100% our types - we can't be, or we'd all act the same way. Nuances make us different, while being under the same umbrella.

I think you're an INTP, my friend. :mhula:
Archon's MBTI Type

I just made one because arbygil made one and if can make one, then I can make one, which I will because that is my forum-given right as a member of this forum which has been bestowed upon me by the forum gods which do not include the forum administrators so I don't know what I'm saying but I want your peoples opinions and thoughts on Archon's type because Archon is terrimad right now and wants to make a thread that people will read and type him on. Shoot.
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So, describe your everyday thinking and communication style?

What makes you the most or least uncomfortable when relating to people?
So, describe your everyday thinking and communication style?

What makes you the most or least uncomfortable when relating to people?

I don't communicate much with people. I only speak when I have to.

Nothing makes me uncomfortable because I don't relate to people. I've long forgotten the existence of love and life. I'm in my own little depressed shell; My beautiful turtle island! An island only made for one.
You know what? I hate this forum. You guys are a bunch of fucking pussies. You won't let anyone speak out. You're a bunch of conformists with no balls. This is an autocracy run by fucking fools. What a joke you are. What a fucking joke. If anyone attempts to use Ti here, you make stupid claims and speak out of your asses. So fuck the administrative team. You guys are a bunch of lying scumbags who think they know something about this world. You're stuck in time. You dumbfucks. Ban me now.
And especially fuck you Indy. You're one of the worst people I've ever talked to. You phony little faggot.
You know what? I hate this forum. You guys are a bunch of fucking pussies. You won't let anyone speak out. You're a bunch of conformists with no balls. This is an autocracy run by fucking fools. What a joke you are. What a fucking joke. If anyone attempts to use Ti here, you make stupid claims and speak out of your asses. So fuck the administrative team. You guys are a bunch of lying scumbags who think they know something about this world. You're stuck in time. You dumbfucks. Ban me now.

It's things like this, resorting to insults, and speaking out against some pretty lax rules that get you yelled at. If you are banned so be it. I hope you have a better time IRL because it seems like you blame all the actions that have been levied against you here on others while failing to see you have only yourself to blame.

Good day
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