Trump Vs Clinton (AKA US Presidential Election 2016 Thread) | INFJ Forum

Trump Vs Clinton (AKA US Presidential Election 2016 Thread)


Must be the feeling~
Jul 31, 2012
No surprise it will come to this. Who will win this clash of titans?

Note to mods: should Sanders by some act of god become the Democratic candidate, please retroactively change the title of this thread.
It might be better if they both had unfortunate accidents.
Framing this as Trump v Clinton is a sinister way to edge Bernie Sanders out of the election, psychologically.
Framing this as Trump v Clinton is a sinister way to edge Bernie Sanders out of the election, psychologically.

Pretty much how it has gone from the get go. Also, take away the superdelegates, and he is pretty close to her. Unfortunately, with the superdelegates, it's rigged in her favor.There should be no super delegates and all primaries should be open so independents can vote. The whole process is bullshit.
Note to mods: should Sanders by some act of god become the Democratic candidate, please retroactively change the title of this thread.
I should make this my signature
Pretty much how it has gone from the get go. Also, take away the superdelegates, and he is pretty close to her. Unfortunately, with the superdelegates, it's rigged in her favor.There should be no super delegates and all primaries should be open so independents can vote. The whole process is bullshit.

Thats no lie.

One thing that gets to me is when people complain that they "have no idea what Trump is going to do". As if they find comfort in the things Hillary will do.
No surprise it will come to this. Who will win this clash of titans?

Note to mods: should Sanders by some act of god become the Democratic candidate, please retroactively change the title of this thread.


You're supposed to make a seemingly impartial thread title and then be obviously biased against one throughout the course of the thread.
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You're supposed to make a seemingly impartial thread title and then be obviously biased against one throughout the course of the thread.

I see.... I guess I don't know how to forum properly. >.<
One thing that gets to me is when people complain that they "have no idea what Trump is going to do". As if they find comfort in the things Hillary will

What gets me is equating Hillary with Trump, like they are somehow equally bad. Lets go through this:

(1) Hillary is not scapegoating minorities for economic ills of America
(2) Hillary is not opening advocating war crimes by stating the families of terrorists should be killed and targeted
(3) Hillary is not a white nationalist
(4) Hillary is not an admirer of authoritarian regimes like Putin's Russia
(5) Hillary is not advocating a ban on Muslims entering the US and giving American Muslims identity badges

People have no idea what Trump is going to do because he doesn't he is wildly inconsistent. Lately Trump has been promoting his "unpredictability doctrine" for himself and America.

Trump touted his unpredictability even before he announced his campaign. In a Fox News interview on May 27, 2015, he told Greta Van Susteren that he had a scheme to defeat ISIS. “I’m not going to tell you what it is tonight,” he teased. Van Susteren asked him why not. “I don’t want the enemy to know what I’m doing,” said Trump. “All I can tell you is that it is a foolproof way of winning.” A week later, on an Iowa radio show, he repeated that he had “a way of beating ISIS so easily, so quickly.” But he declined to say more, warning that if he were to divulge the plan, we would “lose the surprise.”

People buy this garbage?? He doesn't want to say how he is going to defeat ISIS, but because he doesn't want to divulge the plan, he can't say how he's going to defeat ISIS because there is NO plan. There's only one word for it: moronic.

You can read more about in this article.

Yes I'd rather have someone with a few brains in her head in charge instead of Trump. Sorry. Way more damage is done in this world by wilful ignorance and incompetence than by corruption or malfeasance. Sorry that's reality.
I'm sorry man, I don't like proving you wrong all the time but you make it so easy, I simply google each statement you make and find tons of evidence against them... Do you never check your own posts for truthfulnss? because you really should.... And you keep supporting hillary on these things lol.... If it wasen't so obvious you simply do not research, and only speak based on the crap you last saw on telivision I'd think you were trolling.

(1) Hillary is not scapegoating minorities for economic ills of America
Exactly, she just blames everyone thats not corporate elite:
She simply implements things targeting racial minorities instead of naming them:
And just that she isnt officially scape goating them, she doesnt support them:

(2) Hillary is not opening advocating war crimes by stating the families of terrorists should be killed and targeted
You're right, shes just immensely financially supported by the defense industry and likely to start wars and blame warcrimes on others:

You do realise she tried to set things up to have the US slug it out with IRAN right ?
And that she advocated for pretty much every war the US has been involved in since she entered politics ? Ofc this documentaty shows things of pretty much all your points getting debunkt. Actually I could have just linked this documentary, considering it covers pretty much every subject here.

(3) Hillary is not a white nationalist
Right, she was only a proud goldwater girl:
She moarns the loss of her good friend and mentor who was a leader of his own chapter in the KKK:

(4) Hillary is not an admirer of authoritarian regimes like Putin's Russia
So you've been to russia, lived there and speak from experience do you now ? I know quite a lot of russians and none of tem is afraid to speak their minds, they also are quite supportive and approving of putin, something you did not see people from the former soviet union do about their former leaders.

but ok lets see if your statement is true, and look up her ties to authoritarian regimes, Worse than putin's russia, lets see if she really does not admire them. Because I know for a fact she does :p
- saudi's funded her for 25mil - oops.

She also made no dissaproving comments on US allies that are clearly Authoritarian states such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia as far as I could find, no, if Hillary needs a scape goat it is Russia and alternatively Iran. And she particularly paints Russia however she wants you to see them (the same as the former soviet union) and not how it really is now a days.

(5) Hillary is not advocating a ban on Muslims entering the US and giving American Muslims identity badges
Shes financially supported by saudi arabia one of the most authoritarian regimes out there... so why would she ?

If hillary is so great, why didnt she win last time against obama ?


Personally If i was american I'd vote for Sanders, but if he doesnt become the democratic nominee, and does not go independant, then I'd vote Trump.

Hillary Clinton Feels Sorry For Young People That Distrust Her (primarily sanders supporters)
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Nobody could beat Obama.
In fact if he were running for a third term (which is unconstitutional) he would win.
I've never really been a cynic politically, but with these two I honestly hardly care. I feel like we live in oligarchy now and it is all kind of just a joke on the American people. It's like vote for POS1 or POS2. I just don't care anymore.
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[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] Riddled with falsehoods and half truths. You accuse me of not checking my sources and believing whatever I heard on television. I'd say the same for you, and I would swear that you are one whose trolling

There are just so many of your so called rebuttals that are plain wrong but lets pick on one shall we?

She moarns the loss of her good friend and mentor who was a leader of his own chapter in the KKK:

The one about Robert Byrd. Its true that in his younger years he was a member of the KKK, but in his long tenure in the Senator (as Senator of West Virginia) he completely renounced his formerly racist views. For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) rated Byrd's voting record as being 100% in line with the N.A.A.C.P.'s position on the thirty-three Senate bills they evaluated. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10,000,000 in federal funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that, "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently" Hardly the views of a white nationalist.

You tell one part of the story, but leave out the other parts.

Also you seem unwilling to face the facts, Emperor Trump has no clothes! You have not challenged this fact at all, while continuing just to attack Hillary, you haven't said why Trump is better than her. The Presidency is not an entry level position, bottom line. For all her flaws, she is more qualified, more experienced and more capable than he is and nothing you have said so far has changed my opinion.
[MENTION=11651]Artisan[/MENTION] Riddled with falsehoods and half truths. You accuse me of not checking my sources and believing whatever I heard on television. I'd say the same for you, and I would swear that you are one whose trolling

There are just so many of your so called rebuttals that are plain wrong but lets pick on one shall we?

The one about Robert Byrd. Its true that in his younger years he was a member of the KKK, but in his long tenure in the Senator (as Senator of West Virginia) he completely renounced his formerly racist views. For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) rated Byrd's voting record as being 100% in line with the N.A.A.C.P.'s position on the thirty-three Senate bills they evaluated. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10,000,000 in federal funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that, "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently" Hardly the views of a white nationalist.

You tell one part of the story, but leave out the other parts.

Also you seem unwilling to face the facts, Emperor Trump has no clothes! You have not challenged this fact at all, while continuing just to attack Hillary, you haven't said why Trump is better than her. The Presidency is not an entry level position, bottom line. For all her flaws, she is more qualified, more experienced and more capable than he is and nothing you have said so far has changed my opinion.

I am not attacking hillary, I simply show when things ain't right and at which points I take issue with her, much like you should do on trump instead starting about intelligence and hillary being the better choice because of all these things that arent true about her.
You might have noticed that I do not dispute points you make against him that are truthful.

Robert Byrd went into politics. Ofc he officially claims that he changed his ways.
Same goes for Clinton our Goldwater girl.
Which is why current KKK heads endorse hillary.

Does that mean that they change however ? or did they simply mask their thoughts on matters to fight the battles when and where they can win ? It's a lot easier to pretend to be something your not if you let money do the talking for you. I'm not a racist, I can't be racist, I just donated to this and that or like mr. Byrd just recommended to give the states money.

The reason my posts always seem to ft. clinton, is because I got an issue with untruths, I primarily call you on it because you keep posting posts favoring clinton with untruths. When you say something that is not correct followed by an indirect statement about intelligence, I cannot help but post, its like you're daring me to call you out on it, it is too appealing.

The way I see it is that there are 3 candidates left. Sanders, Trump and Clinton. The majority of your posts favor clinton. Sanders is not out of the race, you claim to support him but you only mention clinton. You keep using clinton as a shield against trump, but fail to directly point out your issues with trump without facts behind him. The only thing you got is his unpredictable thing. Whilst I agree its a flimsy argument its nothing I don't see hillary do in her own way, which is saying how everyone supports her and what amazing credentials she has. So whilst you claim that I have not said why trump is better than her, you keep failing to point things out against trump that hold actual substance to it.

To me my argument why I like trump better than hillary is rather simple:
- He does not have such an extremely easy to find long trail of lies throughout his career for me to follow as Hillary
- And Hillary voted for, advocated for and/or proposed pretty much everything that I believe is wrong with america today since she entered politics

To me Bernie Sanders makes the most appealing candidate because:
- Hes consistant in what he stands for and I share many of his views

And the reasons I like Both Sanders and Trump,

Both oppose globalist treaties like TTP and TTIP. ( so u know what it means) sign here if you're against it and european )
Both support maintaining or expanding current levels of Social Security benefits.
Both support some upper-income tax hikes.
Both are against money in politics.
Both opposed going to war with Iraq and believe the money would have been better spend domestically.
Both have been known to worry that increased immigration could have a negative effect on working-class wages.

There are just so many of your so called rebuttals that are plain wrong but lets pick on one shall we?
lol. You picked the only one that does not involve hillary directly, You picked the only one that you can reasonably attempt to argue against and you picked the only one that depends on how much you believe a politician can truely change on the inside. No bright, the reason you never really try to oppose any of the things I point out as incorrect in your hillary related statements, is because you simply can't.
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I am a Sanders supporter but I know he cannot win the nomination unfortunately. Its not fair or just in many ways, but it is what it is. Sanders is the only candidate who has shown himself able and willing to propose policies and take on Wall St and the Big Banks. Now Trump is talking like a Republican about deregulating financial services

Between Hillary and Trump I would reluctantly vote for Hillary if I was an American faced with that choice.

And the reasons I like Both Sanders and Trump,

Both oppose globalist treaties like TTP and TTIP. ( so u know what it means) sign here if you're against it and european )
Both support maintaining or expanding current levels of Social Security benefits.
Both support some upper-income tax hikes.
Both are against money in politics.
Both opposed going to war with Iraq and believe the money would have been better spend domestically.
Both have been known to worry that increased immigration could have a negative effect on working-class wages.

Some major differences:

Trump proposes defunding Obamacare and replacing it something fantastic of his own creation. Bernie proposes single payer system.
Bernie proposes eliminating college tuition, Trump says "just trust me" on the student loan crisis
Trump claims to be against the Iraq even before it started, but that's clearly not true.
On immigration Sanders and Trump are nowhere near "the same" Sanders does not scapegoat immigrants for the economic problems nor does he propose mass deportations.

Fortunately I am not an American and this is not a choice I have to make.
I just appreciate that Bill Clinton showed up to serve fried chicken to black people and that Hillary is really into carrying hot sauce with her everywhere she goes.

Those two things secured my vote.
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What I find interesting about a lot of the dialogue surrounding these two candidates is that it usually is just spewing hate at the individual. What I'm more interested in is what the people voting for them are thinking about when they make that decision.

If it's true that Trump is getting increasingly more offensive in what he says, what is it about millions of people that makes them attracted to that. Moreover, what is going on in the country as a whole when people decide that they want to deviate from fairly standard candidates and choose someone who is so vastly outside of the normal political sphere.

So is Trump to blame, or are past Presidents to blame for driving people to want to vote for this type of personality?
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I just appreciate that Bill Clinton showed up to serve fried chicken to black people and that Hillary is really into carrying hot sauce with her everywhere she goes.

Those two things secured my vote.

It is maddening how nobody cares that she campaigned with Barry Goldwater who wanted to bring back racial segregation! Nobody cares that she has only just recently began supporting gay rights. Nobody cares that her husband passed legislation that resulted in mass incarceration of African American men. Nobody cares that Trump cannot speak above a 4th grade reading level and has denounced the Geneva Convention and tgat he cites the National Enquirer as a news source.I feel like we're now living in some bizarro parallel universe where nobody cares about anything. The world is mad. People vote against their best interests. What the hell happened?
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