Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

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Also look at infidelity and people on their 7th marriage. Look at kids who go through way too many step parents. Look at custody battles, kids who have never even met their father, and don't understand who their 'real' mother is and why she doesn't live there.

Heterosexuality doesn't automatically make relationships be natural and ok.
This is important to me because it creates an environment that people stumble upon.

I'm not sure that you're aware but it's not possible to unread things once you see them. And I'm interested because I want people to know there are those who care. I care about the social order that we have to live in and how it effects people. There's no such thing as "just saying your opinion" because everything contributes to the prevailing atmosphere.

Everything matters.

Also if you want me to propose a truly rational argument, it would be this:

I argue that due to the social stigma against LGBT persons, there is a higher probability that any person who "comes out" already cares less about social mores. They had to be incredibly brave and uncaring about how people see them, and that is the perfect setup to go public.

I argue that, logically speaking, repression is what causes these apparent tendencies to be flamboyant and thrill seeking. Repression is what causes the parades to happen.

If by and large homosexuality is considered deviant, then you'll get people coming out who don't care about being deviant. I argue that if we stop repressing alternative sexualities there would not be as much of the wild stuff because it wouldn't take an already wild person to finally come out.
Interesting argument, but for me I think it's about the quest for feeling normal, deep inside a homosexual feels abnormal and guilty for defying his true nature, thus he seeks outside acceptance maybe it would heal or cover what he feels inside, but healing is very simple just embrace your God given masculinity and love your true self. Rebellion is not always a good thing, specially when it is against nature and God. There is no love in anal sex, there is revenge and violence, it is literally bondage and slevery, it is not freedom, one is free when he controls his urges, not let them control him like an animal.

I'm not going to say that this is false in every individual but I will say that it isn't true enough to be a generalized rule.
That's what she said.

Also, who told you that straight couples don't engage in anal? Because then I've got news for you!

Or that homosexual couples always do?

I'm personally not even fond of it. In reality I don't even like sex that much all together. I get everything I need from being near a person.
There is no love in anal sex, there is revenge and violence, it is literally bondage and slevery, it is not freedom, one is free when he controls his urges, not let them control him like an animal.

Well, i knew someone who said if there's no love, then no back door.... Oh well whatever.
Or that homosexual couples always do?

I'm personally not even fond of it. In reality I don't even like sex that much all together. I get everything I need from being near a person.

backdoor is always bad and unnatural. But tell me something if you will, whom did you like more, your father or mother?

-If it's not important why do you read it?

-I am no different than anybody else, I have my belief like you have yours.

-The statistics about suicide show how confused LGBT community members are, because they are following a mirage. Heterosexuals don't go on showing their deviancy in public display, they don't have a heterosexual pride day. The video I posted about the guy who goes undercover into a gay bar and find out that most of the people were molested or are child molesters shows the high percentage among gays, I don't think you can get the same responses if you go to a straight bar. Also most heterosexuals don't get involved in harmful self abuse like sodomy, sadomasochism ... etc like Homosexuals do, heterosexual sex is not harmful in itself.

I would infer that many heterosexuals do engage in bondage and sado. They just don't talk about it that much, i don't see how gay people would engage on that more often. That's just preconceived nonsense. Not that bondage is "bad" anyway.
As for child molesting or being molested, i don't think that's true.
backdoor is always bad and unnatural. But tell me something if you will, whom did you like more, your father or mother?

Sorry but I'm not going to let you have access to personal information just so you can twist it around and make a point.
As a forum member I say: being gay/lesbian/bi/transgender is definitely not a choice since I am at least two of those. The AMA and WHO agree with me. Medical science. Logic. Blah blah I'm tired.

[MODS]As a mod, this thread was a flame war from the start, but I let it go because I saw it as an opportunity to educate people. We're past that now though and delving into hate speech, so this thread is closed.[/MODS]
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