Throwing my life away (Literally!)


Chaz's Lovey Bunny
Alright, so in anticipation of moving to Chaz in a few months time, I'm pretty much disposing of 80%+ of all my belongings, including paper records of bygone achievements.

Some of it is sad and scary, simply because I'm attached to things like only essays and jewelry, and I'm worried that disposing of some records might not be a good idea (though it's nothing important, like old CPR certs that don't mean anything now that their out of date), but overall it feels really good to have less and less belongings. Not having a ton of crap that I don't even look at most of the time makes my life feel so much less stressful and busy.

So forums, how many of you have had to do the "Great Purge" in anticipation of moving far-far away and being unable to bring everything with you? How did you feel getting rid of stuff? Did you have a lot of possessions and just ended up hauling most of it anyways, or did you go through everything and feel the pain of tossing old records/pictures/toys? Did anyone have to move overseas and end up having to widdle it down to a few suitcases?

Any of you feel like a weight or burden was being taken off your shoulders after getting rid of your excess crap?
Gosh you make the most random threads. It's like you just sit at home going 'oooh, what thread can I make next, hrmmm, ooooh look, a wash machine... And er... A cat... Next to a can of pea soup... Humm-hummm.' *Goes to computer* -Dear INFJ's, have you ever wanted to wash soup out of your frock, but washed your kitty instead cause he smells like peas? 'cause I bet all of our type thinks boutz it daily-lolz!-

Ahem. In relation to your topic.

No. I cling to life paper like a small child to a power ranger.
You shouldnt throw away your writings. You will regret it. You should have them bound in a book and donate it to the library. Once you are happy with chaz you will probably not do your best writing.

If I had that idea when I made my great purge then I would still have my book of 50 poems right now.
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i've moved several times and each time involved throwing out a lot of junk that i'd wonder why i'd kept in the first place. it's a little painful throwing out old toys and other sentimental items, but the feeling passes, and like you said it can be quite liberating. it helps also to remember that you'll always have the memories :) the items themselves are inconsequential really.
I've done this three times now. I haven't moved over seas but boy would I love to. We'll see whether I make that choice after I get a taste of England for the first time next year.

Anyway, I moved from Ontario all the way out to BC, and I chose to move by plane. So I only brought 2 suitcases with me. I was moving out of my parents house, so most of my belongings were actually able to stay behind with them, so the purge wasn't TOO big.

When I moved back to Ontario I had to get rid of absolutely everything. I was flying again and somehow managed to come back with even less than I had left with the first time I moved.

And THEN I made a third cross country move back to BC again and this time I drove so was able to bring a little bit more.

But each time I ended up throwing a lot of stuff away that I simply didn't need or that was outdated or unimportant. I love the feeling of getting rid of anything and everything. I feel lighter and refreshed knowing that I am not being weighed down by possessions. I think this is why I haven't even bothered owning furniture for several years... lol.
You shouldnt throw away your writings. You will regret it. You should have them bound in a book and donate it to the library. Once you are happy with chaz you will probably not do your best writing.

If I had that idea when I made my great purge then I would still have my book of 50 poems right now.
Well, they were just a few essays. Any creative writing I did I did as a little kid and I may or may not have some of that still, but I've gotten rid of all but one folio I think. Nothing donate worthy for sure. Honestly I never wrote much in the first place, I tend to keep my dreamworlds in my head. I'm afraid someone will do to my potential books what David Lynch did to Dune.

[MENTION=2635]Melkor[/MENTION]: Don't make me kill you!
Don't throw your essays away! Throw things like outdated and ill-fitting sweaters away.. not the fruits of your brain!!

I am kicking myself for throwing all of my essays and creative writing projects away from when I first entered college... all for the sake of getting rid of "clutter."

Some of which my professors were very impressed with..
But that I can barely remember the gist of any longer. I wish I had kept them and developed those ideas...
There wasss a young layyydee called Doveee,

who was awfully crazy in lovvveee,

she was random and

less dove and more COOOO-COOO,

(Oh and congratulations to you guys by the way.)
Don't throw your essays away! Throw things like outdated and ill-fitting sweaters away.. not the fruits of your brain!!

I am kicking myself for throwing all of my essays and creative writing projects away from when I first entered college... all for the sake of getting rid of "clutter."

Some of which my professors were very impressed with..
But that I can barely remember the gist of any longer. I wish I had kept them and developed those ideas...
If it makes you feel any better, I never threw away any of my drawings or other artwork. Thats the stuff I think is best of what I've made. 4 essays written on books I read, and 1 about the Vietnam war can hardly compare. Not to mention the pages are covered in teacher scribbles.

[MENTION=2635]Melkor[/MENTION]: I'm not playing anymore
//takes ball and goes home
Heyyy, where did my word go?:<

Now my ball too?


*Pulls out a stool and sits on it grumpily*

Curse you all.

Oh, my parents have never liked me writing, my mother would often get angry at me, and, as if in revenge, would tear up, drown, burn or throw out my sketchpads, notebooks and plot graphs. It's horrible losing work, it's like a slice of your mind you let free...
I threw out an essay for a philosophy course that after reading, my professor encouraged me to consider doing post-graduate philosophy..
For the life of me, I cannot even remember what I said.. something about metaphysics..(I barely know what that means anymore.)
He said I came up with some plausible idea he had never heard of. And I cannot remember anything about it. I have a difficult time with philosophy and barely grasp the concepts..
So I'm still kicking myself years later that I made some kind of sense about it. I'm like an idiot savant every now and then..
If it makes you feel any better, I never threw away any of my drawings or other artwork.

same here. i keep all of my old sketchbooks, even though i'd be mortified if anyone ever looked at them, haha. so so bad ><
same here. i keep all of my old sketchbooks, even though i'd be mortified if anyone ever looked at them, haha. so so bad ><

I've thrown out all my old sketchbooks. I used to draw for hours and hours and hours. I was fairly decent I guess.

I had thought I had thrown away most things from when I was in school, but my mom was really sneaky and apparently saved a bunch of it lol. I'll let her hold onto it if she so pleases. I just get embarrassed when I look back on things I get embarrassed for thinking it was good haha.
written documents can be put on your computer, drawings can be scanned, records can be reordered.
written documents can be put on your computer, drawings can be scanned, records can be reordered.
I agree. Too many ways to keep stuff nowadays without taking up a lot of space. There is also mail, etc. I would leave a few things in a time capsule for someone to find one day before just throwing the originals away.
I've thrown out all my old sketchbooks. I used to draw for hours and hours and hours. I was fairly decent I guess.

i've been so tempted to throw mine out, because i don't like the idea of being attached to old art, but i just can't do it. they mean too much to me :/ how does it feel, getting rid of them?
i've been so tempted to throw mine out, because i don't like the idea of being attached to old art, but i just can't do it. they mean too much to me :/ how does it feel, getting rid of them?

I think that when I was doing a lot of purging in terms of my art and other creative things, I was too apathetic to hold onto them. That's where my mom had to secretly salvage things lol. It was very easy for me to part with them and I don't know how attached I would be to it all now... Probably not very. I guess I didn't take it seriously enough for it to mean too much to me, even though I know sometimes it's nice to have those things and look back on them at an older age.
I love minimizing my life.

It's really quite liberating.
You don't even really realize that so many of your things are gone.
At least I don't. But I rather enjoy simplicity. Open-space.
I don't own a lot of stuff and don't have a problem with throwing away things. One of my cousins has one plate, one fork, one spoon, one knife and one cup for his kitchen. This is accommodated by one frying skillet. That's all. He has a bed mattress in the bedroom but it is one room studio and the area where the living room is, completely empty. Some of the carpet is crunchy because it never gets stepped on. And he has a computer in his bedroom so that's all he does.

I plan to do something similar.