This is the 1000th thread!


Lets party :m149:

(i joined this forum just for this. you have the amazing luck of having ME in your forums. another reason to party)
and you get teh honourz of being a dumbie dumbo =(
the 1000th thread in THIS forum so psychology and mbti! duh!

this is much more impressing than the 1000th thread of all anyways
and you get teh honourz of being a dumbie dumbo =(
the 1000th thread in THIS forum so psychology and mbti! duh!

this is much more impressing than the 1000th thread of all anyways

Actually this was the 996th thread in here.
But on the main page, it says 1000 threads!

And like a very wise person said "The main page tells the truth and I like waffles"

Main page lies.

There's 20 threads per page. 50 pages. 16 threads on the last page.

I'll grant you the one sticky which makes it 997 threads.

yea but your forgeting the subforum

Which makes it 1013. 1014 since the new one.

Already missed the 1000th thread.
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So... this thread is now about nachos, right?

Mmm, nachos!

ETA: ahh, one of the few times that Black Earth actually shows text rather than hides it!
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*Nibbles on post #16*
We're one post closer already. We'll make it there in no time.
Who's counting, anyway? Isn't the thread content much more interesting and important?

If the forums weren't keeping count automatically for us, would you have actually gone through and counted up every single thread just to make this post? If so, then... umm, congratulations on having geekier interests than me. You win the prize.

Besides... it's not as if this is the 666th thread. That might actually concern some people.
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Last Friday was Friday the 13th. :)

We had a Go Live on that date and we were joking about it at work. Everything went well.