The XXXX theory of MBTI personality type preference


The Romantic Scientist
Ok guys so I was thinking of something while I was in a bar drinking and listening hard core heavy metal rock and this is what I was thinking:

Those people who have almost an equal balance of personality functions are they better off than those who are rather strong in their type for example a "thinking" preference? I'm curious because I've always thought that the closer you were in the middle of using a cognitive function the more tolerable you are of other people who might be using other functions. I'm sorry that this is making NO sense whatsover because I'm a bit drunk(and no, I'm not proud of it LOL) but I think it was kind of interesting to hear what other people who consider themselves for example "INFX" have to say in contrast to a person who is a strong INFJ or INFP or whatever.

I'm a true INFJ I feel, but my J is only about 12% and I sometimes feel my perceiving function kind of contradictory when I actually am using it. In addition when I take the cognitive functions test I get primarily the INFJ processes but also the INFP next:
Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************** (20.7)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ******************************* (31.1)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************* (33.1)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) *********************************************** (47.3)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.9)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ****************** (18.9)
limited use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************************************** * (51.5)
excellent use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ********** (10.9)

I'm definetly INFJ, there's no way I'm extroverted.


With this said, do you think it's a good or bad idea to have an XXXX personality type preference rather than a strong type?

Thanks for your input guys :D
There are good and bad sides to both, having strong preferences probably means you're more likely to be truly exceptional at something, or more of a remarkable character. Where as being balanced is more rounded and like you said more likely to relate to and be accepted by others.

Strong preference = idiot savant
Balanced preference = jack of all trades, master of none
You're results are clearly ENFJ by those results. You could be INFJ, but by those I would not say so. I do find it rather odd that your Fi is so low, that is something you don't often see with an INFJ or an ENFJ.

I think everyone can be applied to an MBTI type. The degree that one can be applied though varies by alot though.
Strong preference = idiot savant
Balanced preference = jack of all trades, master of none

I like this. I don't know which one is better or worse.

You're results are clearly ENFJ by those results. You could be INFJ, but by those I would not say so. I do find it rather odd that your Fi is so low, that is something you don't often see with an INFJ or an ENFJ.

I think everyone can be applied to an MBTI type. The degree that one can be applied though varies by alot though.

Yeah Indigo, I was quite surprised myself when I got these results for the 4th time. My Fi is almost non existant and my Fe is really high. Don't know what could've caused this.
Nothing "caused" it, unless you are being dishonest with your answers (i.e. answering how you want to be or how you want people to see you, as opposed to how you really are). I would read details on each cognitive function and see what each of them means, then you will see if each one truly applies to you by correlation to where your scores are.

Some people just have anomolies in their scores. Truly it makes them stand out more. My scores are strange in that my Ne is very low, where as for most INFJ's it is usually slightly high.
Nothing "caused" it, unless you are being dishonest with your answers (i.e. answering how you want to be or how you want people to see you, as opposed to how you really are). I would read details on each cognitive function and see what each of them means, then you will see if each one truly applies to you by correlation to where your scores are.

Some people just have anomolies in their scores. Truly it makes them stand out more. My scores are strange in that my Ne is very low, where as for most INFJ's it is usually slightly high.

The thing is that I've never understood Fi. I've read about it throughly but I still don't get it. I know it has something to do about your inner values and how Introverted feelers have a sense of knowing what they want. But when I try to dig into it it doesn't make any sense. Like Fe is really easy to explain in a logical way, you can say that Fe is about creating relationships with others and how they're always trying to take care of other people's feelings but with Fi it's more complicated. With Fi the only real life example that I could try to give is that when I approach someone I will know immediately if they have good or bad intentions and weather or not they are being sincere and if that's real Fi, I have lots of it.
I saw the "xxxx" and the word "preference" and naturally assumed this thread was about lesbian oil wrestling. No?
I'm a true INFJ I feel, but my J is only about 12% and I sometimes feel my perceiving function kind of contradictory when I actually am using it. In addition when I take the cognitive functions test I get primarily the INFJ processes but also the INFP next:

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************** (20.7)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) ******************************* (31.1)
good use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ********************************* (33.1)
good use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) *********************************************** (47.3)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************** (26.9)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ****************** (18.9)
limited use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************************************** * (51.5)
excellent use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ********** (10.9)

With this said, do you think it's a good or bad idea to have an XXXX personality type preference rather than a strong type?

Thanks for your input guys :D

I'm very familiar with this.

First, each type is made up of 4 cognitive functions. As we develop, we develop each of those functions. Over time, they all start to level out, and our J and P axis begins to become more and more balanced.

However, your results look very much ENFJ or INFP.

Because you are pretty sure you're not extroverted, this lends itself to INFP. If this is the case, it is not uncommon to score high on Fe and not on Fi because it is very difficult to ask questions that apply to one and not the other. There is also a strong philosophical bias that plays for or against the individual's beliefs. Your personal belief system may be very internalized Fi, but include the sorts of concepts the test tries to measure as Fe.

Try this test.

Try to answer the questions as honestly as possible, and not be biased by the fact that they display the function names.
No more porno for you mister haha


I have cognitive function confusion too. When I take a straight Myers-Briggs test I almost always get INTP or INTJ. But when I test with cognitive functions I get Ne, Ti, Fi, Si needless to say you're not the only one confuzzled.


Try this test.

Try to answer the questions as honestly as possible, and not be biased by the fact that they display the function names.

I liked this test, probably one of the better ones I've taken. My results were a little different than usual.

Ne, Ti, Fi, Te
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I'm very familiar with this.

First, each type is made up of 4 cognitive functions. As we develop, we develop each of those functions. Over time, they all start to level out, and our J and P axis begins to become more and more balanced.

However, your results look very much ENFJ or INFP.

Because you are pretty sure you're not extroverted, this lends itself to INFP. If this is the case, it is not uncommon to score high on Fe and not on Fi because it is very difficult to ask questions that apply to one and not the other. There is also a strong philosophical bias that plays for or against the individual's beliefs. Your personal belief system may be very internalized Fi, but include the sorts of concepts the test tries to measure as Fe.

Try this test.

Try to answer the questions as honestly as possible, and not be biased by the fact that they display the function names.

Ok, thanks Von Hase for your post and I took the test and surprisingly this is what I've got:
- Ni Ne Fi Se Fe Ti Si Te

I actually take my assesments really seriously and always try to take them as objectively as possible so it doesn't influence my results. This time though I must admit they were quite different from other times but I felt really good in the way I answer those questions.