The World is a bit S##t!


Right the First Time!
The world's climate is warming at an alarming rate, terrorists and extremists are everywhere, we're running out of our main energy supplies, we're plagued by bird flu, pig flu, regular old human flu, Sars, SUPERBUGS!, half of us are morbidly obese and the other half are anorexic or starving, political instability is pretty widespread, the economy is receding with no end in sight and the high seas are once again litteraly swarming with pirates!

It's kind of exciting...

Seriously, there will never be a time where something isn't wrong...
Hah! You won't be so apathetic when cannonballs come crashing through your roof!
The path to enlighenment is through homeostasis...
You're right, I'll be dead!
Hah! You won't be so apathetic when cannonballs come crashing through your roof!
Something about this post coupled with your avatar photo is utterly hilarious to me. I don't know. I'm in a goofy mood tonight.
Something about this post coupled with your avatar photo is utterly hilarious to me. I don't know. I'm in a goofy mood tonight.

I see it too. He's like a philosophical monkey contemplating why the world sucks.

Yes it is and all we can do is watch the

May as well try to enjoy it. :pop2:
The world as it is, is one of the reasons I retreat into myself. It's extremely overwhelming to me, and it's enough for a person like me to be paralyzing. It's hard for me because I feel like there is something I should be doing, but I don't know what it is, or don't feel like it will make a difference. Mostly, I just go about my days, but I would be lying if I said there isn't a part of me that is constantly a nervous wreck. But then again, I get nervous about everything.
Flowers grow well in shit. :)

There's always another way of looking at things. Google for good news. It's worth the effort.
Do you think the media have cried wolf far too many times? Apathy like SHs is going to be more and more common as we get desensitized.
... or, try turning off the T.V. ... things will seem about 20 times better than they seem now.

Who gives a flying monkey if the ice caps are melting? It's happened before, it's happening now and in thousands of year it will happen again. As for pirates, are you planning on shipping coal or oil any time soon?
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... or, try turning off the T.V. ... things will seem about 20 times better than they seem now.

Where's the excitement in that?

Who gives a flying monkey if the ice caps are melting? It's happened before, it's happening now and in thousands of year it will happen again.

That's like saying to a rape victim, "who cares if you get raped again, it's happened before and will probably happen again in the future" not really reassuring.

As for pirates, are you planning on shipping coal or oil any time soon?

Well I'm not gunna broadcast for all the pirates out there on the interwebs to see am I? *eyes Flavus suspiciously*
... or, try turning off the T.V. ... things will seem about 20 times better than they seem now.

Who gives a flying monkey if the ice caps are melting? It's happened before, it's happening now and in thousands of year it will happen again. As for pirates, are you planning on shipping coal or oil any time soon?

Sure... And nearly all the species died then too... Who gives a shit?
Sure... And nearly all the species died then too... Who gives a shit?

If you had a time-machine would you go back to try and save them?

The animals alive today are here because their pregenitors were stronger than the ones which became extinct. In a million years that law will still hold true.
Be known in more than 1000 years? Three most obvious options:

1. Conquer a significant proportion of the world, or impose a radically different form of government on a similarly large proportion of the world. (eg. the Caesars, Alexander the Great, etc.)

2. Make a significant and MAJOR intellectual or litterary contribution. (eg. Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, Averroes, Aquinas, Shakespear etc. )

3. Become a saint. (eg. Peter, Paul, Matthew, Francis, Dominic, etc.)

(Some people mentioned as examples are less than 1000 years RIP, but there's little chance of their being forgotten).
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