The value of MBTI | INFJ Forum

The value of MBTI

For me, it helped me to open my mind more in understanding how I and other people think and act.

A friend of mine wondered why she disliked being an accountant. She was very good at her job, but there was just something nagging her that she didn't like. Then she learned about MBTI and found out that her type was ENFP. It helped her to realized that she really did not like being isolated all day doing detail-oriented work. She went back to school to working towards a degree in Elementary Education.
I've bitched about the MBTI a lot but I really like the system. It's definitely helped me to understand myself better. Moreover, learning about cognitive function has helped me come to closure on certain aspects of my personality.

I also feel less crazy when I read about Ni.
I feel like MB has made me feel a million times better, before it was so much harder to elucidate on how I felt or on issues in my communication skills, or explain why I got along with certain people and not others. It has made me accept that as an INFJ I am spacey and it has made me get in touch with how I come off to others. It has made my relationship a hundred times better.
It let me talk to interesting people that I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.