It's a long time since I read this. I'm a great fan of Jung and I've just re-read
Flying Saucers - A Modern Myth .... which was written at about the same time as
The Undiscovered self. Fan is the wrong word really - he scratches one of my deepest itches in understanding what it's all about from a subjective viewpoint. I'm just as much fascinated by objective science, particularly in the physics of reality, the roots of our objective existence. Jung gives a wonderful insight into what it means to be a human being - and not just as we experience it consciously, but as we are in total. I think it's important to see that Jung is to our understanding of our own psyches what someone like Galileo is to modern physics - we have moved well past that level of insight in physics, but Jung himself recognised that we were all at a much earlier stage in understanding ourselves.
I like that he is a magus - both scientific and magical. That's pure gold.
Have you got the actual book, or are you using a reader? This is mine - I love the mirror cover which is dead right for this work:
View attachment 76587
The first few pages seem so relevant to the situation in the USA over the last few years - and not just in the USA either, but all over the world. People who have become squashed into emotional collectives for which there is no reasoning, and no sense of the utter eternal value of the individual. The internet has been a terrible agent in acting as a facilitating tool for this.