the realization


Time Lord
I'm not sure if this affected anybody else as it affected me. but I just found out about personality types. I took the Myers Briggs Monday and found out I'm and IFNJ. I realized that I'm not like the people around me, I don't think and feel in the same way, in fact I don't think I've even met another IFNJ until I started Florida christian college.

I realized that when people in my past didn't relate to me or get where I'm coming from in a conversation, it's because i think and feel in a different way.

I've spent most of this week reflecting on this discovery. I'm still not sure how i should respond to this.
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I felt the same way upon discovery of the MBTI. All my life I had been so alone.

for me , just the introvert aspect was enough to surprise me. i always knew the basic idea of one, but i started reading more and more about it and there were some unusual/ unique ideas i never came across. like recently i read introvert babies often have a very intense stare. they look with such focus, concentration. sometimes people say i am looking at them or looking at something (almost like watching/glaring) but i actually only glanced. it's even turned in to a little problem. some INFJ like people-watching, and i do, but i can't haha.

where have you read that you think and feel in a different way? and what ways are those...
thats more of a realization of different types in general, a INFJ doesnt come to conclusions in the same process that say a ENTP would, Iget the staring thing though, I've had simaler issues.

as for not being like others, it really has to do with the rarity of the INFJ type
that is precisely how i felt when i discovered MBTI types. I felt like I finally understood myself for the first time. I have only met in person two other INFJ's in my life.
I'm right with you, Chris. I discovered only recently that I am an INFJ, and that I have one other friend who also is an INFJ. We are pretty rare, but that makes us memorable, I think.
i took a different test this morning. a longer one
i got INTJ ... i find i go back and forth with those. i've taken tests and got INFJ 2x, and now INTJ 2x.

is there another source for info on how the different types' minds work? most of what i read is more like this website
it's not exactly specific

i came across this page.. there's a really interesting overview of "jungian" learning styles here
which breaks down all the four symbols.. I . N. F. J .
Sounds like you are about equal on the T and J side of things, you ride on the cusp!
I never felt more alone and different from everyone else than I did this summer. All these hints that built up over the years snowballed into a giant bout of depression. When I by chance took an online MBTI test and saw that I was an INFJ, I didn't give it much thought until I read the dead on description of the type. I was stunned at how much it was like me.

I did some research and found this website through watching Youtube videos posted by other INFJs discussing what it's like to live as one. I cried (very INFJ thing to do. I know). It was such a relief to know that I wasn't the only person like this. It explained so much.
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I never felt more alone and different from everyone else than I did this summer. All these hints that built up over the years snowballed into a giant bout of depression. When I by chance took an online MBTI test and saw that I was an INFJ, I didn't give it much thought until I read the dead on description of the type. I was stunned at how much it was like me.

I did some research and found this website through watching Youtube videos posted by other INFJs discussing what it's like to live as one. I cried (very INFJ thing to do. I know). It was such a relief to know that I wasn't the only person like this. It explained so much.

Welcome to this site and don't worry. Enjoy here being INFJ!
I never felt more alone and different from everyone else than I did this summer. All these hints that built up over the years snowballed into a giant bout of depression. When I by chance took an online MBTI test and saw that I was an INFJ, I didn't give it much thought until I read the dead on description of the type. I was stunned at how much it was like me.

I did some research and found this website through watching Youtube videos posted by other INFJs discussing what it's like to live as one. I cried (very INFJ thing to do. I know). It was such a relief to know that I wasn't the only person like this. It explained so much.

I felt just like you did at 19. I was not the same as most people, and I was trying to fit in at college. All it takes is one person to change your outlook though! So it was with me. You have the internet, which I didn't have back in my youth, so take advantage of it. Find those who have your same perspective and ideas--and make friends. The INFJ type is rare, thinking back I have known only a very few.

Enjoy the company!
Embrace your inner-self. Did you really need to take any tests to find that out?
Especially in a Christian College, man. I don't have anything against Christianity but as far as I know people tend to be very conservative who go there willingly and the whole environment is very strict. Excuse me if I am not right. Maybe you should transfer to a bigger public University. You will meet more people, see more diversity and it would be easier for you to find a niche to fit in.
Good luck. I know it sounds strange, since I am a strange to you, but if you ever need to talk about it - feel free to PM me. I dealt with similar situations before (I am an immigrant) and I might give you some good moral support.
In reality, things will fall into place eventually. Just take care of yourself.
Embrace your inner-self. Did you really need to take any tests to find that out?
Especially in a Christian College, man. I don't have anything against Christianity but as far as I know people tend to be very conservative who go there willingly and the whole environment is very strict. Excuse me if I am not right. Maybe you should transfer to a bigger public University. You will meet more people, see more diversity and it would be easier for you to find a niche to fit in.
Good luck. I know it sounds strange, since I am a strange to you, but if you ever need to talk about it - feel free to PM me. I dealt with similar situations before (I am an immigrant) and I might give you some good moral support.
In reality, things will fall into place eventually. Just take care of yourself.

like i said this is something I've thought of, the test gave me a new way to look at it. And the new perspective brought me to this conclusion, it gave me a way to word out my thoughts.

As for the christian thing, allow me to correct you. I've never felt more at home then here at FCC. Mainly because we all have a single great bond in Christ Jesus. It makes all our differences seem insignificant.

And trust me this place is strict only in a few ways, and those ways conform to what most everyone at the college believe to be right. In fact this place can seem downright silly at times.

trust me your view of christian schools needs new perspective
and I can't thank you enough for the support.