The Love of Your Life?

I had a really nice admirer once, it was a lot of fun at the time, but it didn't work out. But still, I'm glad it happened. It would seem silly to others but it made me feel special. In a lot of ways I felt like it satisfied my need for romance in life. Relationships can be so messy and unrewarding, I feel like what happened was rewarding enough for me that I don't really need to experience another love relationship.
yes. we had to go through a LOT to fight for the relationship. But he died. so yeah. :/ i dont think i found another or will find another like what we had. :)
For now, the love of my life is me, myself and I.

yes. we had to go through a LOT to fight for the relationship. But he died. so yeah. :/ i dont think i found another or will find another like what we had. :)

@Bellosome I'm sure they are always with you in your heart, that never changes.

I could try to say something cute about beer, pizza, chocolate or Shakespeare, but I won't. I think if you truly love someone or they you, that never ends.

Sometimes sadly I think it becomes apparent what you have experienced was not really love, even if you wanted it to be. Whenever i see people endure loss or do the smallest kind thing, not for reward or to further an agenda. When I see people take a risk or make an effort for others. When they make something or do something not to impress or for gain, but just because they can, then I am moved by it.

To me that's love. And it happens a lot more than we are sometimes willing to acknowledge, as love is such a powerful thing it can be overwhelming to us.

Exit to pizza joke.
I've a great capacity for love and have had many loves of my life. I've been fortunate that most are still around.

If we are talking exclusively romantic love...I had one. We met officially in my stairwell. After 3 months I knew that he was the one. After 8 years I found the strength to end it.

It takes a great toll to let the part of you that loves die. 2 yesrs later I'm still not fully healed and may never be.
No, but I rather think I fall in love easily... or maybe I think it is love when it is not. I can't describe the feelings, but it feels warm and cuddly. I have thought a lot of women are "it" for me or they are the one, assuming it is love lol. So I don't know what true love is...
I have had short-lived crushes. I don't fall in love easily at all. I did only once and stayed in love long enough to get married. I spent the rest of my life trying to make that work until it ended last year.

No love of my life yet. I have hope, though.
I'm starting to fear that I'm incapable of love.
Whenever I get close to someone, I get uncomfortable and start looking for ways out of the relationship. That goes for friendships, too.
I love people more than anything in the world, though.

It's like Fiona Apple sang: "How can I ask anyone to love me, when all I wanna do is be left alone?"
I'm starting to fear that I'm incapable of love.
Whenever I get close to someone, I get uncomfortable and start looking for ways out of the relationship. That goes for friendships, too.
I love people more than anything in the world, though.

It's like Fiona Apple sang: "How can I ask anyone to love me, when all I wanna do is be left alone?"
Was the same for me. Then you meet someone who tells you to knock off your shit or they are gone and suddenly it matters and you just do.
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@Bellosome I'm sure they are always with you in your heart, that never changes.

I could try to say something cute about beer, pizza, chocolate or Shakespeare, but I won't. I think if you truly love someone or they you, that never ends.

Sometimes sadly I think it becomes apparent what you have experienced was not really love, even if you wanted it to be. Whenever i see people endure loss or do the smallest kind thing, not for reward or to further an agenda. When I see people take a risk or make an effort for others. When they make something or do something not to impress or for gain, but just because they can, then I am moved by it.

To me that's love. And it happens a lot more than we are sometimes willing to acknowledge, as love is such a powerful thing it can be overwhelming to us.

Exit to pizza joke.

i really cried. :( that was beautiful thank you.
Has anyone felt like a close family relationship is the most important relationship of their life, whether maybe a sibling or parent? Can this kind of relationship be the most important loving relationship of your life even though it's not romantic?

I have a friend my age who had an extraordinary relationship with her Father all throughout her life. They just clicked. Two INFJs with a boundless love for the planet and Nature. He died a few years ago...and is currently her guide through her Shift journey. Much like when B died he became my mentor guide for me.

Our Soul Family members play many many roles with us as we incarnate in numerous lives on this planet. Our biological family members are often ones from our Soul Family and we hold deep bonds and love for them in our heart of hearts.
i really cried. :( that was beautiful thank you.

sorry, I am as clumsy as ever. tears are sometimes a release though, and I am sure you are/will be together. to me love is the music of life, and we hear it all the time. it surrounds us, scares us and sustains us, and maybe sadly at times we feel like it torments us. but it's ever present, and hopefully at times we get to meet people to share it with.

provided they do not eat our chocolate mini rolls. those people are beyond redemption. ;)

ex if you are reading this you shouldn't be, and YES that is aimed at you. 4 out of 5 mini rolls ? seriously ? that's wrong. very very very wrong. :(
I don't fall in love very easily. Hmmmmm, I wonder what that's about....? :m083:

Met my husband at uni - he fell for me first and was also the first one to say, "I love you" - AWKWARD!!! I didn't know at the time but I've always wanted so much more from love (whether that's romantic, family, friends etc - is that unrealistic?) than just what I've witnessed around me. For someone who is supposed to be an Fe type, I was very disconnected from my emotions/feelings. It took a couple of incidents (probably more) for me to realise that "something" was going on (1) when I tried to sabotage the friendship/relationship (2) felt jealous that another girl was interested in him.

Love for me has to be tried and tested against the storms of life - otherwise, I'm not sure I can call it love. We lived out our marriage vows "for better or worse" before officially making those promises in front of each other and others. Still together (nearly 18 years) and love him more than when I first "fell in love" with him. Suppose I should ask "him" how he feels....:tearsofjoy: :hearteyes: