The funky donut test

You Are Charming

You radiate charisma, and you have a dazzling personality that puts others at ease.
You have a winner's attitude, and people who aspire to success like to be around you. You are downright magnetic.

You don't mind being the center of attention - in fact, you secretly love it. You're just sure not to hog the spotlight.
You may have had a rich and full life, but you still are youthful and playful. There's still so much to be excited for.

You Are Impassioned

You are a very passionate and playful person. You try to get all you can out of every moment, because it's never coming back.
You exude happiness and joy, so much so that it may surprise others. You have a true and deep love of life.

While you are bubbling with excitement, you still have a calming presence. Your optimism reassures others that everything is okay.
You are assertive and confident but never angry. You just don't let your energy go to a dark place.

[On my best days this is mostly true, but on the majority of days? Probably not so much. ]
You Are Impassioned

You are a very passionate and playful person. You try to get all you can out of every moment, because it's never coming back.
You exude happiness and joy, so much so that it may surprise others. You have a true and deep love of life.

While you are bubbling with excitement, you still have a calming presence. Your optimism reassures others that everything is okay.
You are assertive and confident but never angry. You just don't let your energy go to a dark place

On my best days this is mostly true, but on the majority of days? Probably not so much

Same here. I hate everyone almost always! Jerks...
You Are Impassioned

You are a very passionate and playful person. You try to get all you can out of every moment, because it's never coming back.
You exude happiness and joy, so much so that it may surprise others. You have a true and deep love of life.

While you are bubbling with excitement, you still have a calming presence. Your optimism reassures others that everything is okay.
You are assertive and confident but never angry. You just don't let your energy go to a dark place.

Who would have thought, so much about my personality here from the colour choice of one donut.!
You Are Expressive

You are an open, friendly, and approachable person. Others find you easy to communicate with.
You are extremely creative and sensitive to the world around you. You see possibility and art everywhere.

You take a long view on life, and you're more positive and optimistic for it. You don't get bogged down with everyday worries.
You are as cheerful as you seem, and you are totally happy with yourself. You have an inner glow that can't be denied
You Are Cultured

You love nice things, and you're the first to admit that you can be materialistic. However, you are prudent with what you buy.
You have a natural and simple sophistication that others envy. You know what is too little, too much, and just enough.

You are a very reflective person, and you spend equal time thinking about the past and future. You are constantly having new insights.
You are able to be raw and even vulnerable with people. You don't believe in hiding from who you are.
You Are Impassioned

You are a very passionate and playful person. You try to get all you can out of every moment, because it's never coming back.
You exude happiness and joy, so much so that it may surprise others. You have a true and deep love of life.

While you are bubbling with excitement, you still have a calming presence. Your optimism reassures others that everything is okay.
You are assertive and confident but never angry. You just don't let your energy go to a dark place.
You Are Warm


You are kind, compassionate, and good to everyone you meet. You make friends easily.
You are quite trustworthy and dependable. You like to help people you know in small, practical ways.

You are quietly confident and know how to walk into a room. You may have a strong presence, but you are never the life of the party.
You don't seek attention, although plenty of people pay attention to you. You prefer to let others shine whenever you can.
You Are Cultured

You love nice things, and you're the first to admit that you can be materialistic. However, you are prudent with what you buy.
You have a natural and simple sophistication that others envy. You know what is too little, too much, and just enough.

You are a very reflective person, and you spend equal time thinking about the past and future. You are constantly having new insights.
You are able to be raw and even vulnerable with people. You don't believe in hiding from who you are.

You Are Resilient


You are spontaneous and quick to act. You are optimistic enough to believe most things will work out.
You look on the bright side of life, and you enthusiasm can bring almost anyone out of a funk. You keep things fun.

You love to uplift others. Times may be tough, but it's all about what you make of them.
You are very light-hearted, but that doesn't mean you're weak. Your strength is fueled by taking risks and having adventures.
You Are Cultured


You love nice things, and you're the first to admit that you can be materialistic. However, you are prudent with what you buy.
You have a natural and simple sophistication that others envy. You know what is too little, too much, and just enough.

You are a very reflective person, and you spend equal time thinking about the past and future. You are constantly having new insights.
You are able to be raw and even vulnerable with people. You don't believe in hiding from who you are.
You are Warm

You are kind, compassionate, and good to everyone you meet. You make friends easily.
You are quite trustworthy and dependable. You like to help people you know in small, practical ways.

You are quietly confident and know how to walk into a room. You may have a strong presence, but you are never the life of the party.
You don't seek attention, although plenty of people pay attention to you. You prefer to let others shine whenever you can.
You Are Cultured

You love nice things, and you're the first to admit that you can be materialistic. However, you are prudent with what you buy.
You have a natural and simple sophistication that others envy. You know what is too little, too much, and just enough.
You are a very reflective person, and you spend equal time thinking about the past and future. You are constantly having new insights.
You are able to be raw and even vulnerable with people. You don't believe in hiding from who you are.
Your Are In Trouble


JK... I'm "Cultured".