The Fi effect


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Let's talk about the Fi effect in XNFJs.

Fi is a strongly principled and uncompromising feeling.

The Fi effect is caused by the Ni and Fe interaction in NFJs. This can result in some rather strangely paradoxic and yet rigid views such as...

A certitude about there being no certitude...
Intolerance of intolerant people...
A hatred for emotions like hate...
A lack of respect for those you find disrespectful...
Judging others despite feeling that it is wrong to judge...

Of course, better developed INFJs counter the Fi effect with Ti detachment and the emotional state changes...

Amusement resulting from observing those who have certitude...
Dismissal of people who show intolerance...
Reflection on reasons behind feelings such as hatred...
Respect for those who assert themselves, even if it is perceived as disrespectful...
Empathizing with other's positions so that judgement becomes unnecessary...
Satya said:
Judging others despite feeling that it is wrong to judge...
Amusement resulting from observing those who have certitude...
Dismissal of people who show intolerance...
Respect for those who assert themselves, even if it is perceived as disrespectful...
:shock: You described me perfectly.
sriv said:
Satya said:
Judging others despite feeling that it is wrong to judge...
Amusement resulting from observing those who have certitude...
Dismissal of people who show intolerance...
Respect for those who assert themselves, even if it is perceived as disrespectful...
:shock: You described me perfectly.

It should. Those are rational responses. Your type's problems are a whole different story.
BallentineChen said:
Wow, how did you learn about the interplay of these functions?

Bluewing. Although we disagree on how they interplay. Hence the discussion.
From my introductory thread:

BallentineChen said:
I always try to self-moderate my posts to make them palatable to opposing viewpoints, or otherwise try to pour cold water on irrational exuberance, otherwise people just become entrenched, until they wear themselves out and discover that they didn't differ in opinion that much in the first place. I don't believe in moderation for its own sake, but people need to center themselves enough to be able to put solutions before themselves. But sometimes I still like to lose myself in self-absorbed rants.

My want to "pour cold water" on other people's arguments are my way of dumping on their intolerance, but I exercise emotional restraint for the sake of pragmatism.
I can relate to what you are saying.

However, where I fall into difficulty is when I am not consistent with my emotional restraint. To others, this can lead to me appearing like I'm enraged about a topic at one point and then completely detached/intellectual about it the next. This appears passive aggressive to some, but in reality, it is merely the result of invoking that Ti detachment. Or in the case of the "enraged" moments, I'm giving into the Fi effect for the instant emotional gratification. However, I think I only go that route when I reach a certain point of frustration.
An example of me getting into a self-absorbed rant from INTJf:

BallentineChen said:
I'm wondering what are some of the perceptions of INFJs are among INTJs here. Aside from the playful jabs at NFs, these two types share the same dominant function, Ni. I'm interested in this as an INFJ.

Uytuun said:
From my - admittedly limited - experience, one thing immediately springs to mind: you're so insecure.

BallentineChen said:
I think that's obvious to everyone, I admitted it in the OP when I said "I'm curious as an INFJ." I'm comfortable with admitting my insecurities and willing to acknowledge them in the presence of other people. I think a bigger shame would be to deny my insecurity instead of addressing it with honesty. I never feel secure, it also happens to be one of the biggest motivations in my life, though a negative driver. I'm glad that you posted your response, however obtuse, maybe we can have an inward looking conversation about internal conflicts. I love that shit, I used to have a blog about it, and I'm in the process of creating a new one.

Aside from that, I am also interested in how the "logical" variant of Ni views the "values" variant of Ni.

And if you're going to say something, say it with some balls instead of hedging yourself with statements like "admittedly limited."
Satya said:
sriv said:
Satya said:
Judging others despite feeling that it is wrong to judge...
Amusement resulting from observing those who have certitude...
Dismissal of people who show intolerance...
Respect for those who assert themselves, even if it is perceived as disrespectful...
:shock: You described me perfectly.

It should. Those are rational responses. Your type's problems are a whole different story.

:lol: Here we go again...
BallentineChen said:
An example of me getting into a self-absorbed rant from INTJf:

BallentineChen said:
I'm wondering what are some of the perceptions of INFJs are among INTJs here. Aside from the playful jabs at NFs, these two types share the same dominant function, Ni. I'm interested in this as an INFJ.

Uytuun said:
From my - admittedly limited - experience, one thing immediately springs to mind: you're so insecure.

BallentineChen said:
I think that's obvious to everyone, I admitted it in the OP when I said "I'm curious as an INFJ." I'm comfortable with admitting my insecurities and willing to acknowledge them in the presence of other people. I think a bigger shame would be to deny my insecurity instead of addressing it with honesty. I never feel secure, it also happens to be one of the biggest motivations in my life, though a negative driver. I'm glad that you posted your response, however obtuse, maybe we can have an inward looking conversation about internal conflicts. I love that shit, I used to have a blog about it, and I'm in the process of creating a new one.

Aside from that, I am also interested in how the "logical" variant of Ni views the "values" variant of Ni.

And if you're going to say something, say it with some balls instead of hedging yourself with statements like "admittedly limited."

I dedicate entire threads to my rants. :mrgreen:
Satya said:
Duke of York said:
:lol: Here we go again...

Damn those NTJs! Yadda...yadda...yadda. I'm done. :mrgreen:
Let me provide a thoughtful yet respectful responce... :P