The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread | Page 11 | INFJ Forum

The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread

CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden stated that this latest case of Ebola was due to a breach in medical protocol. This current patient is a nurse who was part of the team treating Thomas Eric Duncan, who died last week from Ebola.

As we all know, Mr. Duncan was very sick and he was in an isolation unit for more than a week.

I would have imagined that the CDC would have been all over the supervision of this patient in the hospital, making sure that all protocols were being followed properly.

So you see my conundrum. Did the CDC drop the ball? Or are we blaming this breach of protocol on hospital staff?

I have been saying that not all hospitals are created equal and have the infrastructure necessary to fully protect its staff. The infrastructure is not available in many cities in the U.S.

So the question is: How are we going to control further contamination?

The time has come to have specific centers where patients with suspected Ebola need to be monitored and treated. Hospital staff needs to be better protected.

I think that Dr. Frieden needs to evaluate whether he is qualified for this national task. I think that Dr. Frieden needs to consider whether to delegate this responsibility to the Department of Defense, because dealing with Ebola warrants a military medical approach rather than a bureaucratic political Washington approach.

Tough decisions need to be made. Dr. Frieden's argument of not closing West Africa to commercial travel does not hold water. A better approach would be to have military flights bring supplies and volunteers to eradicate this epidemic in that continent. It would minimize the potential dangers to other communities around the planet as the world works on better treatment plans. Otherwise the Ebola war will continue for generations to come.

Dr. Manny Alvarez serves as Fox News Channel's Senior Managing Editor for Health News. Prior to this position, Alvarez was a FNC medical contributor

I find this to be in line with my thinking. It seems like since day one of finding out Duncan had ebola the cdc has acted clueless or unconcerned.
[MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] Do you think there may be more infected people in the US, in different cities that we just don't about know yet?
[MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] Do you think there may be more infected people in the US, in different cities that we just don't about know yet?

How could I possibly know that? Everyone should be concerned that the CDC doesnt seem to have a clue what they are doing. They should have had a plan in place. Instead they made a plan only after it was here. Whats up with that?
Ebola can survive 21 days outside of a host on many surfaces. Did the disinfect the airport Duncan walked through? What if he sneezed it got on the floor and some kid just happen to play there. What if he sat down and someone sits in the chair? The CDC should have outlined their protocol for dealing with OBVIOUS questions the public has or should have but they havent because they dont have a protocol.
Ebola itself doesnt scare me nearly as much as the incompetence the CDC has shown along with the brush off the Obama administration is showing.
It was more of asking for an opinion, not for facts, but thanks anyways...
I’m still not worrying about it.
And definitely there will be more either here or flying here in the near future.
Still not worried.
I mean honestly…if FOX and CNN reported the truth, we would all be dead a thousand times over from Ebola.
Really it's no different than trying to avoid the common flu, right? Just wash your hands a lot and don't come into contact with fluids from strangers.
You know something is up when WHO starts giving out "untested" and "experimental" vaccines.
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The CDC can't have a proper response!

How can you have a good panic if the threat is properly contained?

And if you don't have a good panic then how can you justify pushing your latest vaccine on people?
Really it's no different than trying to avoid the common flu, right? Just wash your hands a lot and don't come into contact with fluids from strangers.

And don't rub yourself in shit and dead bodies. You know, the usual.
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It was more of asking for an opinion, not for facts, but thanks anyways...

Well I could be doom and gloom and say even if there isnt now there will be.
Second nurse treating Duncan gets ebola and was on a plane a day before symptoms showed.

This really shows that the CDC, the people that are supposed to know, have no clue.
Second nurse treating Duncan gets ebola and was on a plane a day before symptoms showed.

This really shows that the CDC, the people that are supposed to know, have no clue.

To be fair I think we will stay on top of it even though a couple will inevitably slip through. After this event they're grounding everyone who worked on Duncan, and they're taking the entire plane the nurse flied on out of service and cleaning it. They're already taking extreme precautions in comparison to what goes on in Africa.

Nigeria saw 19 cases and they managed to shut it down, and that's Nigeria. If they stay on top of it, it will turn out ok for the US. It won't be perfect but if Nigeria can stop it at 19 I am certain we will stop it at less.

As for the rest of the world... I'm not so sure.
Second nurse treating Duncan gets ebola and was on a plane a day before symptoms showed.

This really shows that the CDC, the people that are supposed to know, have no clue.

lol no they do have a clue!

The ebola has been created in US laboratories as have the vaccines

The CDC is not trying to contain the virus...even the mainstream news will tell you ''they don't yet understand how these people contracted the virus''

They say it's a mystery to them because in reality it is being spread deliberately

They want to create a panic and they want to push their vaccine on you
At a press conference Wednesday morning, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings also warned the situation “may get worse before it gets better” -- while assuring it ultimately will get better.

Such statements are a departure from the confident Obama administration claims just days ago that they would stop Ebola “in its tracks.

Article from news
At a press conference Wednesday morning, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings also warned the situation “may get worse before it gets better” -- while assuring it ultimately will get better.

Such statements are a departure from the confident Obama administration claims just days ago that they would stop Ebola “in its tracks.

Article from news

I'm glad you raised this actually because this is something the psychopathic control grid do all the time....

They tell you one thing then they go and tell you the complete opposite

One minute they'll tell you eggs are bad for you the next minute they'll tell you eggs are good for you

One minute they'll tell you saturated fat is bad for you, the next minute they'll tell you saturated fat is good for you

They do this all the time and the reason they do it is because it messes with your creates cognitive dissonance so that you no longer know what to believe, the rational mind switches off and you'll just do what the authorities tell you to do

This is touched upon in the following article:

Hypnotic data: 4 essential features
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To be fair I think we will stay on top of it even though a couple will inevitably slip through. After this event they're grounding everyone who worked on Duncan, and they're taking the entire plane the nurse flied on out of service and cleaning it. They're already taking extreme precautions in comparison to what goes on in Africa.

Nigeria saw 19 cases and they managed to shut it down, and that's Nigeria. If they stay on top of it, it will turn out ok for the US. It won't be perfect but if Nigeria can stop it at 19 I am certain we will stop it at less.

As for the rest of the world... I'm not so sure.

Happy thinking. I like it.

I wonder how likely do you think it is that nurses after seeing what what happened with Duncan are going to be copesetic to individuals who may have or have ebola now? You know, when the CDC after their involvement is scratching their head as to how two apparently informed health workers contracted it but not only that, after one of those decided to get on a plane flight? What about hospital patients who now have to wonder if their nurse has treated an ebola case?
I really do make an effort not to promote fear and to base my opinions on factual news. But come on here. Doesnt anyone else find it odd that the CDC has been so dismissive of ebola only to find out later on they really and truly dont have a clue? That or they just dont care as much as they should habe or should. Why werent there any plans in place or protocols at the same time we are being told "well if it does come here well be all over it like white on rice."

Wtf. I mean seriously.