@Deleted member 16771
Being international observers, what were your impressions?
I appreciated that Harris was firm about not being interrupted and that she was shaking her head and laughing at the absurd trash talking points Pence had rehearsed. He didn't offer anything of substance except to try to prop up the old ideas of what he thinks Americans want to hear about America.
The fact that he is so bent about fucking fossil fuels and fracking is crazy to me.
The arguments Pence had against systemic racism are fucked. Like, Trump has Jewish grandkids so he CAN'T be a Nazi basically. Yeah OK.
The arguments about the looting and completely bypassing the racial issues in the states and then repeatedly talking about how he stands for Police. Yeah OK.
Somehow Pence thinking that Trump "won" the Trade War with China was wild considering the ramifications. They didn't even bring up the failed tariffs against Canada.
There is so much wrong, old and outdated with the Trump campaign. They literally have no plans for the future and it's just shouting about accomplishments that didn't do ANYTHING for the regular American citizen. Like taking credit for destroying ISIS for example. WHAT?
I think Harris tried to present what Joe Biden is hoping to achieve while President which I thought was refreshing. I think the way she presented herself was reassuring and I hope Biden wins. I think she made good points about the economy, about COVID and how that was handled, about issues with China, about the Paris Accords, etc which were all extremely reasonable and what we would just EXPECT in a first world nation. I think it was bold of her to declare she was Pro Choice because I know that's a hot topic in the USA and I also like that there were time when Pence was clearly trying to bait her and she didn't bite which was good.
Overall it was better than the Trump/Biden debate and we actually got to hear each of them speak though Pence had a lot of can't-shut-the-fuck-upsim going on.