It was very interesting to read your stories - thank you for sharing.
I am extremely skeptical of any "supernatural" occurrences, because of my 6 years spent studying advanced math in university

A lot of strange occurrences can be explained by simple possibilities. For example people tend to experience a sense of dejavu when there is only a 70% visual match - the rest of the details are ignored by the intuition happening in the brain. Dreams can also be explained in the same manner. For INFJs their intuition can sometimes work overtime - resulting in a feeling of "just knowing".
Having said that, there are at least 3 or 4 cases in my life that cannot be explained by common logic. Thus I am a believer after all. The last one happened half a year ago. Back then I was really disappointed by my constantly failing relationships with girls. I was so frustrated that seemingly no one on this entire planet can ever ever understand how I feel sometimes (I didn't know of type theory then). So I turned my mind to God (I am a religious person) and asked for some help on this. And I got the freakin' answer !!! It's like I got this unmistakable and certain feeling that everything will be taken care of. Then a week later for the first time in my life I met a girl who was exactly like me - I recognized my own thought patterns, feelings, values. Everything matched perfectly - like favorite music or colors. We even had the same birthday, went to the same school, considered the same career paths. It was like meeting a female version of myself, one who really CAN understand me - my mind was overwhelmed

Later she told me that she's INFJ and I was like "huh, what's that?"...
I couldn't have known it happening, the encounter was purely random. But what were the chances for it to be a simple coincidence - one in a million?