

Addicted to Bagels
I have a friend who I was sorta close to. We worked in a factory together. Lately it seems though I dont want to be bothered with her though. I still care about her. Its just that she kinda bores the hell out of me and depresses me. I dont know. Has this happened to anyone?
my goddddd this happens to me all the time. it's not like i deeply, deeply hate these people, or even want to be rude to them. like you, i still care about them as people and would probably be sad if something harmed them but yeah, i just can't be bothered sometimes. :(
I think it is a release of pent up emotions. When I'm around people who rub me the wrong way, I often suppress my negative emotions and can get along with them for an awfully long while. But its like holding a beach ball under water and it has to come up sometime. Eventually I let up and become ultra sensitive to even the most minor annoyance by those people.
I have a friend who I was sorta close to. We worked in a factory together. Lately it seems though I dont want to be bothered with her though. I still care about her. Its just that she kinda bores the hell out of me and depresses me. I dont know. Has this happened to anyone?

Yes. Many times.
I still want to be her friend but everytime we talk or whatever she kinda depresses me. Its not that she is a negative person, just kinda boring. lol. I am mean. lol.
Kay let me whip out my Tee here :D friendships should bring you some form of joy, whether it be from simple fun interaction or from a deeper caring you should get something out of it. When what you mainly get is a 'depressing feeling' than it's reached a point where you either need to talk to them (in situations where their actions are causing issues) or take a break.

Spending time with someone out of guilt or obligation is something you do when you have no choice or you want to be a martyr, it’s not healthy to do often. You don’t have to disregard them but relationships change and reach the point where the other person is no longer providing you with what used to bring joy.

There is nothing mean about not wanting to spend time with them, actions can be mean but not your feelings, usually it happens when they appear to be no longer heading in the same direction as you or at the same speed and we often feel guilt as we think we’re leaving them behind. It’s not the case you’re just moving in a different direction. Spend less time, less often with her and get rid of the guilt.