So, what's going on down the road?


So, what's going on down the road?

What do you see? Where is it headed?

Are you bringing anyone with you?

Any interesting stops along the way?

(Feel free to come back and revisit the road and plot a new course anytime. )

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So, what's going on down the road?

What do you see? Where is it headed? The road ends at a pebbled beach. It's very private and not very large. There's a small white house off to the left, and there's a dock leading out into the water where there is a tied up boat. It is mostly silent.

Are you bringing anyone with you?
I'm going alone.

Any interesting stops along the way?
I'm not really making any stops but I'm certainly taking my time, walking very slowly, listening to the sounds, smelling the air and anticipating reaching my destination.

So, what's going on down the road? (see pic)
- it's an endless, narrow, winding road, just keeps going, cozy dirt/stony path. Quiet and silent, uncertain.

What do you see? Where is it headed?
- It's headed nowhere, just moving in one direction, no particular place in sight. It's the journey.

Are you bringing anyone with you?
- No, seems like a lonely path but it's necessary to visit alone.

Any interesting stops along the way?
- Stops along the sides of the road sometimes. Walking slowly and picking up a few things along the way, taking it in strides as it comes and goes. It's wandering . . . never know what you will see along the way.
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So, what's going on down the road?
there's a parade.. fireworks in the distance. i hear people cheering loudly, glimpse flashes of color between the trees. there's something exciting in the distance.. i need to get closer to it.

What do you see? Where is it headed?

somewhere better. i'm headed on a journey, there are people everywhere, lots of dancing and laughter and play

Are you bringing anyone with you?

no, i'm on my own. i'm discovering it with the vivacious excitement of a young child, my wide blue eyes delighting in the scenery

Any interesting stops along the way?
a plane flies overhead; the noise causes me to look up. to either side of me there are dark shadows that flip and waver rapidly between the trees, tempting me towards them.. but i stay on the path, resolute against their seductive powers. i'm determined to find out what's next, what happens next. it has to be something amazing.
I'd like to play this game the way it's suppose to but every time I see a picture of a forest I always end up trying to find Slenderman in it...
In fact my answer to the first question: "So, what's going on down the road?" was "I dunno but I think I see Slenderman there". Its like a horrifying game of Where's Waldo.

However: I will bring someone with me, with a camera and along the way I hope I don't find bodies or any cryptic warnings scrawled on tree trunks. If I do, then the first interesting stop will be me sighting Slendy from afar, then I run to the scene of my demise >.<.
What do you see? Where is it headed?
The trees thin out ahead, and there are rolling snowy hills.

Any interesting stops along the way?
I take a stop on a large rock off to the side of the path, and I happen to spook a couple of fluffy squirrels near by. They run away, but they come back when they see I've brought trail mix with me.
So, what's going on down the road?

A man is digging a hole. His family is watching him, sitting off to the side.

What do you see? Where is it headed?

All the way around the world and back to this spot.

Are you bringing anyone with you?

A dog I've known for years. He doesn't make much noise. When I look down at him, he looks right back up at me.

Any interesting stops along the way?

Lots of shanty towns. A bridge over train tracks. A small waterfall. Groups of squirrels that run back and forth along the path. Unpopulated expanses under clear skies.
Nice imagery guys. :)
So, what's going on down the road? What do you see? Where is it headed? Any interesting stops along the way?

The road kind of splits into two directions. One is paved, the other is a dirt path. The paved road leads to a summit overlooking a carnival. Below, I can see all the tents, game stands, rides, and an enormous ferris wheel lit up with Christmas lights. There's vaudeville music, laughter and children's voices carrying over the busy throng. The breeze brings in the inviting smell of freshly made funnel cakes and buttered pop-corn. Fire works shoot up into the air and explode into bursts of coloured magic. I stop to admire the display, before I turn back and try the other path.

The dirt road, however, leads into a thick, lush underwood. Although everything is the brightest green I've ever seen, the forest is littered with leaves from last year's autumn and they rustle as I walk. There's mossy rocks and mossy logs, and I hear something that sounds like a stream gurgling somewhere near by. I push forward, clambering down the changes in level as it becomes clear I'm going deeper and deeper into the woods. I startle a rabbit from its hiding spot and I watch him zig-zag into the next ferny bush. However, I don't stop walking until I find the source of the rushing water, which seems to be coming from the top of the ravine. I clamber up the slippery rocks and soil. When I reach the top, I find myself next to a rushing waterfall, pouring down into a clean stream that cuts through the heart of a forest. I decide to sit and rest a while, before I make my way back.

Are you bringing anyone with you?

Guess not. lol.
Love this TD, especially the second paragraph. So peaceful.