Seeking Relationship Advice: should I try to work it out with commit shy ENFJ?


Don't know
I am an INFJ who has been with an ENFJ for 6 months. He came on strong and loving in the beginning, but recently expressed some doubts about our relationship. He feels like I am all in and he says he's not feeling like I'm the one. He doesn't know whether he is capable of deep love or not, and he has not been in love yet. He dedicated his life to his career and now at mid-life decided to stop working and find a relationship. Prior to us he had girlfriends that were superficial or did not progress.

He doesn't like my financial flightiness (any other INFJs relate to that?) but I make good money and am responsible with no debt. He is excellent at managing his money, much better than I and super frugal.

He also may want kids and I can't have kids. He's known that from the beginning.

He kept his concerns bottled up for fear of hurting me. I was happy but sensed something was off and tried several times to talk with him about it. Once he opened up I felt great emotional distress because he is projecting the worst possible outcome for our relationship and focusing on my faults instead of positives.

Yes, when I hurt I sometimes unconsciously play the victim, but nobody's perfect.

He has been all over the map, proclaiming his love one minute and denying it the next, saying he cares for me. All this drama is really hard for me, I like a peaceful life. However I recognize conflict is healthy and necessary so I'm trying to stay connected.

He also worries about giving me affection, says he doesn't get anything out of it, but does it for me. I find him very affectionate. There's one more issue - intimacy. He has no intimate relations with friends or family other than his mother. Some of my male fiends have tried to befriend him, but he rejects them. He has 2 friends but told me if he never sees them again it wouldn't bother him. He is a child of divorce and he has seen his friends either remain single or have bad marriages. So he is very cautious.

This man is highly intelligent and I find him attractive. He also finds me very attractive. He frequently compliments my appearance. We have a lot of fun together and really enjoy each others company. I find him trustworthy, loyal and he works on the relationship. However I don't know what to do with our relationship now. He sees it very casually and i think that's weird after 6 months of living together. We both want a deep relationship p and he's really trying but he also has his career desires he's thinking about, which require him to work abroad. He feels if he pursues that job again he cannot have a relationship.

So despite all these barriers he has "found", he still wants to try to make things work. He is excited to propose that he move out and we date. I am afraid this man will hurt me more if I stay involved with him. Do you see any hope for us or do you think I should cut my losses? I would love to have a more supportive relationship where the man also dotes on me, but I realize he may need time to get there. I just can't decide if I want to stay in this relationship. I am divorced, which he also sees as a negative, but I felt I learned a lot in that experience. I tend to cut people off when extreme conflict arises, so I'm trying to grow and push through this but I can't help but wonder if I am wasting my time.

Do any INFJs out there find close relationships with ENFJs too drama-filled?
I thought ENFJs crave meaningful relationships, why does this guy only have 1 and he's been okay with that? Is that normal? We are both mid-forties.
How long does it take an ENFJ to fall in love?
Do you think I should give this guy a chance?
Do you think he is just playing/manipulating me?

I love him. He says he "cares for me". I don't think he knows what love is actually and perhaps he loves the butterflies/exciting stage of initial meeting.
That sounds very similar to where I have found myself from his perspective. Dont take this to mean I have any clue what goes on in another persons head though.

From my perspective, it sounds like he likes you, likes your company but doesnt have any great feeling for you such as love (yet). Naturally he doesnt want to see you get hurt, wants you to be happy but (currently at least) he doesnt feel with you what he thinks love is or at least enough to know for sure its love and that he can say that.

So what does that mean? I dont know because I do not think I have ever been in "real" earth based love before. In time he may love you or in time he may convince himself he is in love with you. I dont think any of this is bad only that, you could spend more years with him and nothing would change or if you could try somewhere else. There are no guarantees either way.

It sounds like the two of you are on good footing. Perhaps you should try sometime away from each other and see if things change. Now, if you do this, he might find someone else just as you might. You have to be willing to accept that as a possibility.

Did that help at all? I think I just told you what you already know.
Indeed Enfjs can be drama seekers.
This does not mean they are superficial They just like to spice up things unnecessarely.
This is their natural program. They manipulate the enviroment by emotions. So no drama...they have no control.
Yes, thank you, that helps. It gives me food for thought on the time away aspect.
The way you describe it, it is obvious that you should leave... unless you are a sadist.
Run, girl. RUN. If you can't run, take a cab and tell the driver to take you as far away from this guy as possible.

Seriously. When a partner that starts listing the reasons why he isn't that into you and why a deeper relationship between you won't work, do yourself a favour and believe him. This is when he's the most sober, most honest about the way he feels. A man who loves you and wants to be with you wouldn't express his doubts openly like that; it means he's put some thought into it. It means he thinks about leaving you a lot, but hasn't worked up the courage to do so yet. Understand that his confusing, Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde behaviour of 'should I stay or should I go now? is just him wrestling with the fear of what lies beyond the relationship rather than any genuine affection he feels towards you. You putting up with this kind of shit after him telling you all this is incredibly disrespectful to yourself. If you don't respect yourself, I bet you dollars to doughnuts your partner doesn't either. And its clear from his behaviour he doesn't. If he truly loved you and knew it wasn't going to work, he'd let you go rather than stringing you along. Instead, he's using you as a buffer while he tries to figure shit out/find another relationship to jump into.

I got some bad, bad vibes from this. Save yourself some heartache and get out with your heart in one piece.
Omg he sounds crazy lol. He might even be a sociopath. Tell him to screw off and I hope you don't take his judgments about you and your life seriously.

So you are in a completely, 100% one sided relationship where, while he may love you is absolutely NOT IN Love with you. He doesn't see a future with you. You don't have the same values. You cannot have a life together that you both want (children, for example). And he wants to make it work?

Fuck no.

You nope the fuck out of that relationship asap. As someone who dated an ENFJ for a long time who pulled a lot of this shit, it will be the absolute best decision you ever make for yourself. Stop LETTING him waste your time and your energy. Because that's what you're doing. Waiting around for someone who doesn't see a future with you is just asking to be let down.

I say you drop him like a hot potato, say thanks but no thanks, and if down the road he wants to get serious and can also be "all-in" that he can give you a call, but that doesn't mean you won't move on to someone else who can meet you where you're at and actually provide you with a fulfilling, GENUINE relationship.

I mean, sorry, but it's laughable that you are considering staying after only being together not a long time.
What is the relevance of this person being shy?
Wow, I haven't been on here for awhile, but am glad to be here for this one.
Spent MANY years with an ENFJ. His behaviors and spoken words in the beginning should
Have been enough to make me end it. I stuck around, not wanting to hurt him and yet, didn't
Consider myself I guess. I'm thankful for who I became though, as I was young and basically
Grew up with this person, in spite of the crap. Anyways...end it, don't look back.
Don't waste your time. Manipulating, wishy washy about our relationship and just kept me
Around while saying I was "too good" for him. Like I was too good, but yet never good enough.
That's what I began to believe about myself until..... Say goodbye and don't wonder if it is
A mistake. It won't be. And I'm not even bitter, just glad as heck to be out!!!
Wow, I've been in the same situation this year....except that my guy is probably not ENFJ. He was (and still is) pretty much the guy you described: wishy washy, doesn't know what he wants, tells me he loves me one day and not the next, etc. We broke up a few months ago because he's been on/off with his ex for 4 years......and he is the same with her, but she is an older woman (over 50) and doesn't want children, which he does apparently. I think these guys want to have their cake and eat it too.

I am dating another guy now who pursues me. The problem with my ex was that I constantly felt a) insecure and b) like I was the man in the relationship. He could barely communicate, a trait which the older woman he's been on/off with has confirmed. She said that she has no idea what he wants in life.

May I offer some advice? Try dating another guy for a while and make sure he knows about it. Date someone you like and if the ENFJ doesn't get jealous and step up to the plate, let him go. It is exactly what I am doing right now.
Try dating another guy for a while and make sure he knows about it. Date someone you like and if the ENFJ doesn't get jealous and step up to the plate, let him go...
The only thing this will prove is that he has a strong sense of entitlement. Of course if that is the trait you desire then fine. But if it is knowledge of his true feelings you are after then that will only come if he is capable of real intimacy, which is what he seems incapable of.
In any case, I advocate getting back at him. By being with someone else that you like and making him jealous. In the long run, you will probably like the other guy or guys more than him.
You win nothing by still being with this jerk.
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In any case, I advocate getting back at him. By being with someone else that you like and making him jealous. In the long run, you will probably like the other guy or guys more than him.
You win nothing by still being with this jerk.

That's stupid.

You win nothing by plotting revenge either. If you're only getting together with someone with the hopes that someone will notice you, you're not being fair to the new person you're with and you're also, in effect, no better than the jerk you're trying to get back at. Should your new partner also exact revenge and try to win your genuine affection by making you jealous too?

In the end, the only one who ends up winning is the jerk, even if he doesn't realize it. You're so obsessed with him, you're willing to continue the relationship beyond the break up and hurt yourself and other people for the sake of getting back at him. Is he really so important that you'd waste your time, thoughts, and future happiness trying to get his attention?

The best revenge is actually being happy and successful, not just pretending to be. Move on with the intention of moving on.
Wow, I've been in the same situation this year....except that my guy is probably not ENFJ. He was (and still is) pretty much the guy you described: wishy washy, doesn't know what he wants, tells me he loves me one day and not the next, etc. We broke up a few months ago because he's been on/off with his ex for 4 years......and he is the same with her, but she is an older woman (over 50) and doesn't want children, which he does apparently. I think these guys want to have their cake and eat it too.

I am dating another guy now who pursues me. The problem with my ex was that I constantly felt a) insecure and b) like I was the man in the relationship. He could barely communicate, a trait which the older woman he's been on/off with has confirmed. She said that she has no idea what he wants in life.

May I offer some advice? Try dating another guy for a while and make sure he knows about it. Date someone you like and if the ENFJ doesn't get jealous and step up to the plate, let him go. It is exactly what I am doing right now.

Is this one of the guys you emailed for your experiment?
There is something called circular dating, OP. I realize that it is not popular with many on this forum, but I think it is actually helpful given that most men these days are not looking for a commitment. And anyone who says competition in dating doesn't work is lying. It does wonders for people who are looking to move the relationship along.