Say something you would never say...


A true lady
I will go first:

"Will you stop telling me all of your problems! I am too busy to listen to you."
Even though I tend to weigh my words I find it that it is more about what I'm trying to impose and not as much what I'm saying.

Probably some racial slur.

edit: not sure impose is the right word, hope you get what I mean.
When my psycho dog kills your new kitty, don't say anything to me. You were the one that brought that little pussy cat into his house.
Would you bring a kitten into the home of a rescued German Shepherd that had been through three homes and was going to be put down because nobody could handle him?
The kitten was on the road to death when the wife found it. Someone had dropped it out. Six weeks young, dehydrated, couldn't keep food down, spent $60 at my vet for the kitten. We saved its life, but she thinks it belongs in the house with this dog we rescued. Bad decision. Needs a new home when it gets better. Staying in one of our rooms now behind closed doors.

I'm not going to BEAT this dog because of his nature. They should be kept apart. I kennel him when he tries to bite kitten legs and paws under the door.

This story was so much better when it was a euphemism
I hate fried chicken

''I hate chocolate, yuck!''

''Stop talking to me. You're seriously annoying!''
meet me in the utility closet in 5 minutes *wiiiiink*
I love fried chicken...............and spring.
What's a hipster? Is it kind of like a hamster worn on the hip?