Sanders with an S

Here is Obama responding to his critics about "dividing Americans"

This ones for you at [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION]

Ill watch it when I have video capability. I suspect I already know what he will say, "Im not responsible" ect. I dont suspect him to take credit for the things he actually is responsible for and expect him to take credit for things hes not like killing Bin Laden.

Here the quote from President Obama:

"Now, whenever I point out that women, or whenever I point out that any group of Americans face challenges that some of us don’t, I'm apparently being “divisive.” (Laughter.) There he goes again, being divisive -- by pointing out that women earn less than men, or that women are frequent targets of sexual harassment, online or offline, or that women face greater threats of sexual violence. Essentially, they’re arguing that by pointing out these challenges I'm dividing us.

I want to say to those critics, this shouldn’t divide us because you should care about it, too. (Applause.) This is not about one group versus another. This is about how all of us can improve the situation for all of our daughters -- and all of our sons -- for future generations. This should matter to all Americans. Because we know that countries where women enjoy equality and can fulfill their potential do better than countries where women are oppressed. When any group of Americans are experiencing discrimination or not being treated fairly, that hurts all of us -- and it undermines our ideals. It corrodes our aspiration to ensure that every single one of us is entitled to a life of liberty and that we're able to pursue our happiness."

There you [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION] now you can read it for yourself
tl;dr thread. Bernie Sanders is obviously the best candidate in the election, he would dismantle the political system as America knows it, making elections that are no longer rigged in favour of lobbyists and superpacs, I think you can actually trust that he would work against the big banks unlike Obama who was an epic disappointment (again, his hands where tied up by lobbyists financing his campaign, although I believe his intentions were not bad). Hilary Clinton and them goldman sachs speeches just tells you what she is going to be like. If only America was not so asleep it would realize that it is far more exciting to have the first crowdfunded president as opposed to the first female president. Too bad he will lose, I'm not even American and this was the most excited I had been about any politician, he's out of the system. He probably wouldn't have been as radical because all policies would get watered down by the senate to some extent, but you bet he would have pushed things in a direction Clinton will only pretend to.

tl;dr thread. Bernie Sanders is obviously the best candidate in the election, he would dismantle the political system as America knows it, making elections that are no longer rigged in favour of lobbyists and superpacs, I think you can actually trust that he would work against the big banks unlike Obama who was an epic disappointment (again, his hands where tied up by lobbyists financing his campaign, although I believe his intentions were not bad). Hilary Clinton and them goldman sachs speeches just tells you what she is going to be like. If only America was not so asleep it would realize that it is far more exciting to have the first crowdfunded president as opposed to the first female president. Too bad he will lose, I'm not even American and this was the most excited I had been about any politician, he's out of the system. He probably wouldn't have been as radical because all policies would get watered down by the senate to some extent, but you bet he would have pushed things in a direction Clinton will only pretend to.


Absolutely no room for socialism in America. There is a silent majority in the US and you are about to see the sleeping giant awoken. It will not be pretty, it will not be calm.
There is a silent majority in the US and you are about to see the sleeping giant awoken. It will not be pretty, it will not be calm..
...and they have no idea that social security, medicare and unemployment insurance is socialism, (not to mention the entire tax funded infrastructure we all use daily)
...and they have no idea that social security, medicare and unemployment insurance is socialism, (not to mention the entire tax funded infrastructure we all use daily)

Some may not know or have considered it.
Of course you are right. There is some socialism in the US just like there is some dirt in most water.
Some may not know or have considered it.
Of course you are right. There is some socialism in the US just like there is some dirt in most water.

So, is there something you personally dislike about the idea of having access to healthcare no matter what social sphere you happen to be born into?

I don't understand America, it seems like there is a percentage of the population that is still brainwashed by cold war propaganda into being repulsed by "socialism" because it looks like communist anticapitalistic anti-meritocracy stuff or something. Their right wing discourse makes me facepalm so much.

yes, her highness Higs is a socialist monarch apparently :-o

although I wouldn't care to define myself as anything really, just talk about the ideas and the consequences and implementations.

[MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] cool article.
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So, is there something you personally dislike about the idea of having access to healthcare no matter what social sphere you happen to be born into?

That question has a lot going on with it.
But taken as a whole the very simple answer is no.
Absolutely no room for socialism in America. There is a silent majority in the US and you are about to see the sleeping giant awoken. It will not be pretty, it will not be calm.
Except it's not socialism. It's just tax money going to things that actually benefit people... instead of things that benefit corporations and banks...
The government is already taking your money. How about we spend it on things that are going to improve people's lives?
Except it's not socialism. It's just tax money going to things that actually benefit people... instead of things that benefit corporations and banks...
The government is already taking your money. How about we spend it on things that are going to improve people's lives?

I will agree that the money spent on corporate interests to include banks needs to be looked at very closely. The auto and housing industries never should have been bailed out. But even so, what did we Americans do about the fact they were?
I dont have any problem with benefiting people. I have an issue with giving people free stuff. I have said it before and my position has not changed and it never will. There is a reason people get out of bed every morning and become a functioning part of society. They have to. If you just give people things why would anyone ever go to work? Sure some would pursue what they love but how many people love to collect trash? We go to work so that we can have the things we need (food, health care). Give that to people with no expectations and the world comes to a halt.
I will agree that the money spent on corporate interests to include banks needs to be looked at very closely. The auto and housing industries never should have been bailed out. But even so, what did we Americans do about the fact they were?
I dont have any problem with benefiting people. I have an issue with giving people free stuff. I have said it before and my position has not changed and it never will. There is a reason people get out of bed every morning and become a functioning part of society. They have to. If you just give people things why would anyone ever go to work? Sure some would pursue what they love but how many people love to collect trash? We go to work so that we can have the things we need (food, health care). Give that to people with no expectations and the world comes to a halt.
It's a difference of perspective. I don't see it as "freebies," but an investment.
Except it's not socialism. It's just tax money going to things that actually benefit people... instead of things that benefit corporations and banks...
The government is already taking your money. How about we spend it on things that are going to improve people's lives?

Exactly….if Sanders is voted in, we are not all of the sudden going to turn into Communist Russia for fucks sake…btw…having travelled to Russian three times there are clear disadvantages to where they currently are compared to where they were as the USSR…and many of the older gen. there would rather go back.
That being said…they were all very warm-hearted, kind and generous people.
Healthcare for all is not a new idea and has worked very well in many, many countries.
If you want links just ask, you know I have them. (even if a certain someone always ignores and discounts them without providing any supporting his own opinion).
We already pay for general education because we deemed it necessary to compete in the world and not be a nation of idiots (though certainly not enough ((we pay to house prisoners for much more)).
So now college is a necessity.
And no one is mandating anyone to go…if someone wants to go into the trade field then go for it.
But for us to continue to keep up with the rest of the world, we need a little more than a HS diploma…this isn’t fantasy, it’s fucking reality…you want links, once again just ask.
And why is our right-wing Senate and Congress always trying to gut Social-Security?
It can easily be more than solvent if the government didn’t dip their fingers in the funds (which used to be against the law until Reagan), then all we have to do is move the cap up to those making $250,000 instead of $150,000.
You pay for college by a speculation tax on Wall St.
You seek out and collect the estimated $21 trillion dollars in offshore bank tax havens.
You make corporations that make record profits every single year pay their fair share of taxes instead of us giving them fucking money back.
You establish a living wage, because Walmart isn’t going out of business and no one else is either…there is so much data showing how good this would be for the economy.
Again I have links.

I’m sorry…but healthcare is still not affordable, nor is college or attempting to retire.
You do realize that the bottom 80% of the US fight over only 7% of all the wealth?
Where did the rest go I wonder?
And if we continue to elect the status quo on either side it will continue to funnel upward.
All those laws that were passed that worked so well after the New Deal have now been dismantled.
People have no retirement savings…only 60% of baby boomers have saved…and even less have saved enough.
Guess we’ll just toss em out in the streets.
Climate change is real, and man made - if you disagree you need to reassess your supposed logical thinking process.
These are all things that cannot wait any longer to be addressed.
Does anyone honestly think anyone other than Sanders is going to do anything but start more wars in the middle east?
These folks should bury their heads a little deeper in the sand and maybe it will all go away...
I will agree that the money spent on corporate interests to include banks needs to be looked at very closely. The auto and housing industries never should have been bailed out. But even so, what did we Americans do about the fact they were?
I dont have any problem with benefiting people. I have an issue with giving people free stuff. I have said it before and my position has not changed and it never will. There is a reason people get out of bed every morning and become a functioning part of society. They have to. If you just give people things why would anyone ever go to work? Sure some would pursue what they love but how many people love to collect trash? We go to work so that we can have the things we need (food, health care). Give that to people with no expectations and the world comes to a halt.

why do you assume that it will just go to crap? There are people that feed/free-ride off any system, regardless of the type. But it seems to work well for some other countries. Or at least, not poorly.
while all good points, and simple in concept, they are not simple in implementation. If these get passed, implementation will be anything but simple.

Exactly….if Sanders is voted in, we are not all of the sudden going to turn into Communist Russia for fucks sake…btw…having travelled to Russian three times there are clear disadvantages to where they currently are compared to where they were as the USSR…and many of the older gen. there would rather go back.
That being said…they were all very warm-hearted, kind and generous people.
Healthcare for all is not a new idea and has worked very well in many, many countries.
If you want links just ask, you know I have them. (even if a certain someone always ignores and discounts them without providing any supporting his own opinion).
We already pay for general education because we deemed it necessary to compete in the world and not be a nation of idiots (though certainly not enough ((we pay to house prisoners for much more)).
So now college is a necessity.
And no one is mandating anyone to go…if someone wants to go into the trade field then go for it.
But for us to continue to keep up with the rest of the world, we need a little more than a HS diploma…this isn’t fantasy, it’s fucking reality…you want links, once again just ask.
And why is our right-wing Senate and Congress always trying to gut Social-Security?
It can easily be more than solvent if the government didn’t dip their fingers in the funds (which used to be against the law until Reagan), then all we have to do is move the cap up to those making $250,000 instead of $150,000.
You pay for college by a speculation tax on Wall St.
You seek out and collect the estimated $21 trillion dollars in offshore bank tax havens.
You make corporations that make record profits every single year pay their fair share of taxes instead of us giving them fucking money back.
You establish a living wage, because Walmart isn’t going out of business and no one else is either…there is so much data showing how good this would be for the economy.
Again I have links.

I’m sorry…but healthcare is still not affordable, nor is college or attempting to retire.
You do realize that the bottom 80% of the US fight over only 7% of all the wealth?
Where did the rest go I wonder?
And if we continue to elect the status quo on either side it will continue to funnel upward.
All those laws that were passed that worked so well after the New Deal have now been dismantled.
People have no retirement savings…only 60% of baby boomers have saved…and even less have saved enough.
Guess we’ll just toss em out in the streets.
Climate change is real, and man made - if you disagree you need to reassess your supposed logical thinking process.
These are all things that cannot wait any longer to be addressed.
Does anyone honestly think anyone other than Sanders is going to do anything but start more wars in the middle east?
These folks should bury their heads a little deeper in the sand and maybe it will all go away...
why do you assume that it will just go to crap? There are people that feed/free-ride off any system, regardless of the type. But it seems to work well for some other countries. Or at least, not poorly.

That will take some serious word count to answer. I am on my phone, I will try to remember to c9me back to it when im not.