

Capitalist pig
Anyone ever play the board game "Risk"? I don't know how the online versions are.

What did you think of "Risk" and what verision did you play, the recent version or an older version of it?
It's better than monopoly, and if you control Australia, you win the game.

I've no idea what version I have, because it doesn't tell me.
I LOVE Risk. I play the board game version.

To be honest, I play the players more than the pieces. So much fun! Risk should be the INTJ's official sport. That or chess.

I've heard of people who play with multiple boards, connecting the outlying territories with pieces of tape.
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I'm in the middle of a game that started yesterday night. We ended it because we got tired after playing 2 hours , with a ten minute break 1 hour in. The reason I think it's going so slow is because we've limited it to one attack per turn, and also before we weren't giving new troops to the person at the start of each turn, so it led to one player not having any pieces they could move and...yeah, it was bad.

My mother and father played it with me.

I paused to think for a moment what friends I had who would have the interest and patience to play the game.

Not a single person came to mind.

That seems sort of sad....
I don't have friends with the patience either. It's very sad.

But I'd give soldiers to each person at the start of each round as the rules state.
The rules were kind of hard for me to grasp until I played the game. Before I played I thought to myself, "What the fuck is going on here? Mannnn this shit is whacked." Then I set up the game and refered to the charts a few times and I was like "ohhh".

No matter what verision you have, the way to attack is the same.

Always try to get Australia if you can. You can only be invaded through South East Asia.



You also get more soldiers if you own an entire region. Oceania is the smallest region, and you can only be attacked from one direction. This makes you powerful beyond belief if you let others ignore you.
yea i like the game of risk. It defiantly takes time and I play it with my cousins and some friends of his. None of my friends actually have the patience to play the game.
I've been playing it for two days, probably 2-3 hours each day. So max we've put in is six hours, and no one is closer to winning.

I think it's because we've only attacked once per turn, and apparently, you can attack as many times you want in one turn?
I love the board game (I've only played the old version), but there are few opportunities, usually only when my father and uncle(s) get together.

I've been playing it for two days, probably 2-3 hours each day. So max we've put in is six hours, and no one is closer to winning.

I think it's because we've only attacked once per turn, and apparently, you can attack as many times you want in one turn?

Yes, it's pretty important to allow multiple attacks in a turn. Otherwise the balance of power is much too easy to assess and maintain, and the game drags on forever.
I haven't played it in years - I think the last time I played it, I was ten or so. For some reason I loved strategy games.

I played Risk, checkers, Tripoloy, Monopoly, Stratego (someone else had that game), Othello, and Mastermind. But I couldn't understand or get chess...go figure. :p Can't tell you one thing about it now, though. Sorry. :(
My father told me he was going to teach me Chess, but he never did.
My father told me he was going to teach me Chess, but he never did.

I tried teaching myself but I still sucked. I couldn't figure out which piece did what move when, or why certain pieces were allowed all across the board...it got too complicated when I was a kid. And I don't think the neighborhood kids played it unless they were made to. Lol!
Yeah, well it was last year. My childhood years are blurred by obsessive pokemon playing, which I'm sure was an escape from peer abuse.
I hate risk but I liked risk 2012.
I don't understand, is that a different version or did you make a funny?