Reviews of new tv shows | INFJ Forum

Reviews of new tv shows


Sep 5, 2009
Give your review of new tv shows.
TV is for brainless people, just saying :D

PS: !Sllort eb sllort
Watch paid programs.
Dr Who
Sometimes Falling Skys
Walking Dead
Game of Thrones

Review of Tv shows is that they are like the candy bars of life. Little condensed nuggets of sugar for the brain. Completely unrealistic and bad for you but addictive.
appreciate the responses but could you guys review the shows you list instead of making negative comments about tv or reviews. I'm hoping constructive reviews of new shows can help fans of shows get a general sense of what to expect and explaining what we like or dislike about a show.
Project Runway (Season 2013):

It's a highly enjoyable show but I can't help but miss the seriousness the show once had when it first debuted. I've noticed
this happening with a lot of other TV programs too (America's Next Top Model isn't really about fashion anymore. It's gimmicky now).
Right now, I feel like Project Runway may be following that gimmicky path.

Pretty Little Liars:

Used to be a big fan of this show but I'm sick and tired of their games. I can't follow shows that go on for many seasons. It just
gets kind of old. Right now I don't even care who A is anymore!
Project Runway (Season 2013):

It's a highly enjoyable show but I can't help but miss the seriousness the show once had when it first debuted. I've noticed
this happening with a lot of other TV programs too (America's Next Top Model isn't really about fashion anymore. It's gimmicky now).
Right now, I feel like Project Runway may be following that gimmicky path.

Pretty Little Liars:

Used to be a big fan of this show but I'm sick and tired of their games. I can't follow shows that go on for many seasons. It just
gets kind of old. Right now I don't even care who A is anymore!

Kinda agree. I used to enjoy watching Project Runway when it first came on, but it's gotten so political. I'm confused sometimes about how they are judging the styles. Seems more about personalities than creativity. I used to love watching the creative fashions they would come up with. Now, it's more about the drama between the contestants. I prefer Syfy Channel's Face Off. They're focused on the actual craft and talent of special effects makeup.

I don't really watch Pretty Little Liars although I was tempted. I was always a little put off by the extremely adult lives these teens were living. It always seemed a little odd to me. Never could get into teen dramas. Their lives are so eventful for 16 & 17 year olds.
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Under the dome. A Stephen King mystery sci fi programme about a dome which turns up one day around a fictional town called Chesters Mill. Basically the plots are formed arounds lots of dodgy characters all stuck together trying to figure out how to survive. Love this programme. Series two aired recently and we haven't missed an episode. Big Jim makes me piss. He is so ruthless!

My other programme is Ressurection. The premise is loved ones who have died returning from the dead in a fictional town named Arcadia. So far three have turned up. I'm not as good at following this one. I have about four weeks to catch up on on the planner.

Catfish. At first I laughed at the people on this show. Now I am often rooting for them. It's all about internet romances which unbelievably often have gone on for YEARS without the 'couple' meeting. The exceedingly hot producer person and his mate (who isn't bad on the eyes either) meet the party who wants to link up with their other mysterious half and help them do some basic research on their love interest, who more often than not turns out to be someone else entirely. Darkly amusing, gripping shit. Love that show.

Now, watching the second episode of the first season. It's a slight remake of the tv show New Amsterdam, about a man who has been alive for almost 200 years. Apparently, he became immortal when he sacrificed his life to save a slave on a ship in the 1800s, falling to the bottom of the ocean with a strange watch he keeps to this day. Since then, whenever he dies, he wakes up in water. He is now a medical examiner who uses science and his relationships with people to try to figure out the mystery of his existence. He lives with his son who happens to be in his 60s, who he adopted as a baby during WWI OR II. Now, this guy is supposed to be 35, but looks between 40 and 45. In any case, I like it because of his accent, he is British. But I like heros or anti-heros that aren't overly arrogant and self centered. He seems to be very smart nice guy who helps the police solve cases because of his century plus experience studying death and corpses. The only mystery so far is why he was given immortality and who is this secret contact who claims he has the same immortality.

How to Get Away with Murder

Was looking forward to this series about a tough, brilliant law professor who chooses six students from her class to work as interns on a case handled by her law firm, whose staff has questionable ethics. The students later become embroiled in a murder conspiracy involving the professor's husband. The professor is African American and her husband is white. Not sure if race is supposed to be a key aspect of plot relevance, but show creator Shonda Rhimes has strived to put black female actresses in major lead roles. I had high hopes for this series but did not like the first episode. Felt as if they went from 0 t0 120 in 60 minutes. They advanced the plot too quickly. They rushed the character development of all the key roles. A major crime happens before we get to learn about these characters. There's something to be said about getting to know characters gradually. Everything was too rushed.
New seires of Doctor Who:

I like Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. He's able to portray the Doctor at his darkest and at his most humorous. Even when saying the silliest, most ridiculous lines, it feels natural. I've also gotten to like Clara a bit more this season. Up to now I found her boring and devoid of character. The sets, acting and music have all been up to standard and overall the production values have hit a high.

It's a shame then that this has been one of the weakest seasons of Doctor Who since it's resurrection. The storylines haven't been very interesting, there has been far too much focus on Clara, and her relationship with Mr Pink this is likely going to get worse. The themes are regurgitated from earlier seasons and the plot twists are contrived and predictable.

I think the biggest problem is that Moffat has been doing this for too long. Now I'm a big fan of his work, I love the Sherlock series and his first two seasons writing for Doctor Who are two of the best. Unfortunately it's been going downhill since then. He reuses ideas, doesn't give enough time developing characters and his plots have gotten more and more convoluted. With a new Doctor, I think we need a new writer. If the show doesn't start to draw me in soon, I'm afraid I'm going to have to skip this season. Which I would be sorry to do because I love the show.


Elementary has received a lot of criticism, for the way it seemed to be riding on Sherlock coattails, for it's procedural nature and for all the liberties it took with the source material. Because of this, I approached the show with skepticism. I didn't expect it to be much more than another repetitive crime show. I was, however, pleasantly surprised. The characters and interesting and believable, the story lines (while often not as imaginative as Sherlock's) are always enjoyable and though it follows a traditional route, it brings quite a few new ideas to the genre

For me, the biggest draw is Lucy Liu's Watson. Her acting is fantastic and the character is very well written. In so many other shows where a "genius" is involved, their sidekick is often used as a straight man, someone who makes the "genius" seem far more intelligent that s/he actually is. Watson, however, adds far more to the show. She's allowed to argue with Holmes, without it coming across as ignorant. She brings ideas and new ways of looking at things that add to the investigation. She feels like a partner, not just a sidekick and seeing her grow and mature is a fresh breeze in a genre where so many characters end up stagnating.
Watch paid programs.
Dr Who
Sometimes Falling Skys
Walking Dead
Game of Thrones

Review of Tv shows is that they are like the candy bars of life. Little condensed nuggets of sugar for the brain. Completely unrealistic and bad for you but addictive.

Dr. Who - I like it.
Cosmos - addicted to shows like this. Unfortunately the last episode I saw concerning global warming was not able to lift itself above projected science. "I want this to be true so it is." There is nothing sadder in the world than a scientist that abandons reason for conjecture.
Falling skies was interesting but its clear they are making the story up as they go. I think I am done with it. The blonde hair star child annoys me to no end. This series in my mind is just a spin off from v now. Humans have such limited concepts of how we would react and deal with an alien presence on this world.
Game of thrones is entertaining and I will continue to watch but the story is getting boring for me. Characters are predictable the little person Tyrion (no I cant think how to spell his name right now) small person with a bg heart that people ahould be listening to. Everyone has their dark and light place in the story. Its not surprising that it grows old. It comes from the mind of a single person after all.
Walking Dead is enjoyable but also getting predictable each season. Conflict comes up and must be resolved...zombies get in the way of everything.
These are the shows I watch though. Glad I do t have real tv. Would likely find myself vegging out on commercials. I was at my brothers house the other day where I saw some that made me want to pull hair out that I dont even have anymore. Dont miss them at all.

Now, watching the second episode of the first season. It's a slight remake of the tv show New Amsterdam, about a man who has been alive for almost 200 years. Apparently, he became immortal when he sacrificed his life to save a slave on a ship in the 1800s, falling to the bottom of the ocean with a strange watch he keeps to this day. Since then, whenever he dies, he wakes up in water. He is now a medical examiner who uses science and his relationships with people to try to figure out the mystery of his existence. He lives with his son who happens to be in his 60s, who he adopted as a baby during WWI OR II. Now, this guy is supposed to be 35, but looks between 40 and 45. In any case, I like it because of his accent, he is British. But I like heros or anti-heros that aren't overly arrogant and self centered. He seems to be very smart nice guy who helps the police solve cases because of his century plus experience studying death and corpses. The only mystery so far is why he was given immortality and who is this secret contact who claims he has the same immortality.

How to Get Away with Murder

Was looking forward to this series about a tough, brilliant law professor who chooses six students from her class to work as interns on a case handled by her law firm, whose staff has questionable ethics. The students later become embroiled in a murder conspiracy involving the professor's husband. The professor is African American and her husband is white. Not sure if race is supposed to be a key aspect of plot relevance, but show creator Shonda Rhimes has strived to put black female actresses in major lead roles. I had high hopes for this series but did not like the first episode. Felt as if they went from 0 t0 120 in 60 minutes. They advanced the plot too quickly. They rushed the character development of all the key roles. A major crime happens before we get to learn about these characters. There's something to be said about getting to know characters gradually. Everything was too rushed.

I checked out the first episode of Forever last night- I gotta say...I didn't like it. Seems a bit to soapy for me. I like the concept...but....I dunno. I'll have to watch the second one.

How to Get Away with Murder - I was sooooooooooooooo looking forward to this....but I don't like the way they're telling the story, and I really don't like Viola's character. I really wanted her to be a strong, professional, cheer-worthy character, and she's turned me off.
I like the vibe of Forever but I think they'll likely cancel unless it picks up. I think it's a bit tame and low key compared to other popular shows. I like that it's more laid back and has a classic, old school vibe but not sure if that's appealing to the modern generation of viewers.
I like the vibe of Forever but I think they'll likely cancel unless it picks up. I think it's a bit tame and low key compared to other popular shows. I like that it's more laid back and has a classic, old school vibe but not sure if that's appealing to the modern generation of viewers.

Currently my favourite show! Shame about the stereotypical British accent but I am really enjoying it.
Last Episode of Gotham, Penguin's Umbrella, was awesome, the Penguin ate the whole episode though (strongest character so far). Victor Zsasz appereance was a good one too, i was looking forward for that one.
Overall the series is not bad at all. But there are some lame episodes here and there, also some characters like Barbara, are not well developed (forced), yet. Nonetheless, it's a good one, certainly better than expected. Better than Flash by a long shot so far.
Also, i don't think you have to be like a big Batman comic book fan to enjoy the show.
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Last Episode of Gotham, Penguin's Umbrella, was awesome, the Penguin ate the whole episode though (strongest character so far). Victor Zsasz appereance was a good one too, i was looking forward for that one.
Overall the series is not bad at all. But there are some lame episodes here and there, also some characters like Barbara, are not well developed (forced), yet. Nonetheless, it's a good one, certainly better than expected. Better than Flash by a long shot so far.
Also, i don't think you have to be like a big Batman comic book fan to enjoy the show.

Gotham is awesome I cant wait until they introduce the joker,hopefully its in the first or second season.
Gotham is awesome I cant wait until they introduce the joker,hopefully its in the first or second season.

Oh, yeah, that will be awesome. The expectations for that character are incredibly high though. Some say that a comedian that appeared in the first episode, in Fish Mooney's nightclub was him.
The 100. Epic!! :) My new favorite tv show and I don't watch tv almost at all but this I am addicted to. ^__^

Great mix of sci fi, thriller, adventure and drama. It gets better by every episode...

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Person of Interest, anyone?
I have been watching Rectify on Netflix, well written and well acted.
There is a general dearth of decent sci fi shows, I watched three seasons of Continuum a few weeks ago and while it was mostly engaging, some of it was just plain bad.
I have also been watching Dark Matter and it hardly qualifies as Science Fiction (wtf?) [but this one looks good, have to give it a try.
And Falling Skies finally ended, I watched it but was disappointing.

but I highly recommend Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
What are your picks for the Fall tv schedule?