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Reviews of new tv shows

I'll probably give Limitless a shot though the movie was okay at best. Speaking of movies turned shows i'll be interested to see how Minority Report will be. I have hopes for both but am not getting them too high as TV tends to disappoint and i'm pretty picky.

Quantico looks cliche and not all that great to me, but may be worth a watch. Blindspot i'm hoping will be good even though it looks like a walking cliche/wannabe Bourne. I like both Sullivan Stapleton and Jamie Alexander so I hope it's good. Stapleton also used to work alongside Winchester who is in The Player which looks like it has a lot of potential.

I'm probably most excited for the return of Homeland - that show IMO has been almost completely solid and has had me hooked. The last season was a bit abrupt and i didn't realize it was the finale. Phenomenal acting and mood. Aside from that I hope the others mentioned above are good.
Drugs Inc and Underworld Inc are a couple of my current favorites. They offer what (as far as I can tell) is a far more realistic look at illicit trades of all sorts than anything I've ever seen before.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I am also addicted to food porn like DDD and Man vs Food. I know that the hosts in both cases are cheesy idiots, but for some reason I just don't care because the food just looks so good.

I also like shows about frontier-ish places like Alaska.
Minority Report is one I'm curious about. I am looking forward to Quantico because of the lead, Priyanka Chopra, a Bollywood actress. I was curious about Limitless as well but not sure. Still haven't seen all the previews. I am also interested in the one with Jaime Alexander. This week is the week of premiers, and returns, so we'll see. I guess I'll post more when I know.

Edit: And I almost forgot, Heroes Reborn. So, should be interesting.
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So, I watched Minority Report, and it's interesting but not sure about the casting. Glad to see Megan Goode, but not sure the leads in the series are strong enough. Will wait and see.

Now watching Blindspot and I'm curious. It's the new "Blacklist" I think. Haven't watched Limitless yet, but supposedly Bradley Cooper is in the first episode.
The Whispers start as a cliche tv-show, but give it a few episodes, it can become quite addictive. The mystery is growing all the way up and the tension of the scenes often leads to a dark twist. One of the better tv-shows of this year so far.
Did anyone else see The Last Kingdom premiere last night on BBC America>>? It was excellent! I wish they would make a full length film of the first episode. This is an era of history that I am so fascinated by. so excited. :madgrin:
Poldark is an excellent BBC drama that premiered earlier this year. If you're a masterpiece fan, and you still haven't seen it. I would highly recommend that you do so ASAP.
The first episode of Supergirl as actually very good. The lead Melissa Benoist is great and the character is constructed as just an ordinary person who wants to do good and help the world. Its worth checking out and I found it entertaining at least.

I also started watching Rita on Netflix. Its a Danish show about an eccentric teacher who is making her way in the world. Its subtitled but is holding my interest.