

A true lady
Have you ever pursued an action out of pure revenge? Describe the situation prior to your reaction. What did you do?
No. Not yet.
No. Not yet.

I haven't as an adult but when I was a kid around 9, a boy a year younger than me in our neighborhood beat the bejesus out of my little sister and made her eat dirt. I didn't even wait for her to finish telling me through the tears and dirt what he did before I ran out the door, tackled him and kicked his @ss. He never bothered her again.

Does that count as revenge or justice?

Justice. I've done something similar.
Have you ever pursued an action out of pure revenge? Describe the situation prior to your reaction. What did you do?
Contemplated? Yes.
Acted? Not that I remember.

Oh and I would never be physical. I'd much rather to get to someone with words. I find that guilt is one of the best ones.
If I feel like revenge, I plan about making the other person feel horribly guilty about what they did. Personally if someone gets angry with me, it bothers me slightly. If someone makes me feel guilty, I feel horrible. Using guilt is like taking some sort of moral highground (because you do not actively attack or offense the other), but it still inflicts a lot of regret/pain in the other. It's slightly devious if you ask me. One of my teachers did this onece when I didn't do my homework. He never got angry or punished me with some extra work or something. He just acted sad and disappointed. I felt horrible.

I haven't as an adult but when I was a kid around 9, a boy a year younger than me in our neighborhood beat the bejesus out of my little sister and made her eat dirt. I didn't even wait for her to finish telling me through the tears and dirt what he did before I ran out the door, tackled him and kicked his @ss. He never bothered her again.

Does that count as revenge or justice?

Definitely revenge if you ask me.

Justice is a much debated concept. Just check the huge wikipedia page.
Your action would be justice if you adhere the retributive perspective:
Wrongdoing must be balanced or made good in some way, and so the criminal deserves to be punished.

I prefer restorative justice:
Restorative justice is an approach to justice that focuses on the needs of victims and offenders, instead of satisfying abstract legal principles or punishing the offender
And the need of society I'd like to add. The offender mustn't commit another crime. Locking him up in prison is way to expensive. Better give criminals some therapy to lower recidivism and improve them as persons.
I remember holding an elderly woman, who fainted, in my arms. There was a young couple (in their mid twenties)as well as the caregiver that was with us. Thankfully the male was able to carry the elderly woman to the caregivers car. As I was following behind him to make sure that she was okay his girlfriend was all over me pretending to care as she was giving encouragement with a big smile on her face since I was near her boyfriend. This girl did not give a damn for the woman who fainted and almost bump her head on the floor. I was beyond angry of her fake bubbly personality so I completely ignore her. We went to urgent care to get her checked out and havent seen the couple. It was later on I found out that she convince him to go to a gathering instead of visiting the urgent care. I was deeply hurt. The following week of course the girlfriend pulled me aside and told me how sad she was that day for the old woman. Still upset I looked at her and asked exactly where she went right after dropping her to the car. She told me that it wasnt important. I gave her another good stare for about minute while shaking my head. Knowing that I saw right through her she stayed quiet the whole time I was there.

Could that be revenge?

The statute of limitations has definitely run out, but better safe than sorry.
I remember holding an elderly woman, who fainted, in my arms. There was a young couple (in their mid twenties)as well as the caregiver that was with us. Thankfully the male was able to carry the elderly woman to the caregivers car. As I was following behind him to make sure that she was okay his girlfriend was all over me pretending to care as she was giving encouragement with a big smile on her face since I was near her boyfriend. This girl did not give a damn for the woman who fainted and almost bump her head on the floor. I was beyond angry of her fake bubbly personality so I completely ignore her. We went to urgent care to get her checked out and havent seen the couple. It was later on I found out that she convince him to go to a gathering instead of visiting the urgent care. I was deeply hurt. The following week of course the girlfriend pulled me aside and told me how sad she was that day for the old woman. Still upset I looked at her and asked exactly where she went right after dropping her to the car. She told me that it wasnt important. I gave her another good stare for about minute while shaking my head. Knowing that I saw right through her she stayed quiet the whole time I was there.

Could that be revenge?

I don't think it is. You just let her know you didn't believe her but didn't do anything to her.
[MENTION=12103]Erlian[/MENTION] - So, you try to induce guilt in another in reaction to something that person did. Isn't that a form of revenge?

Yes, inducing guilt on purpose is a form of revenge.

Notice how I first answered your question on revenge. My way of acting on revenge would probably be using guilt.
After that I responded to your question about whether you own action counts as revenge or justice. In my answer I discuss a few perspectives on justice, not on revenge.
Yes, inducing guilt on purpose is a form of revenge.

Notice how I first answered your question on revenge. My way of acting on revenge would probably be using guilt.
After that I responded to your question about whether you own action counts as revenge or justice. In my answer I discuss a few perspectives on justice, not on revenge.

Haha! Thank you. You never fail to amuse me.
Can't do revenge. You lower yourself to the same level as the person who has harmed you if you pursue revenge.
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Have you ever pursued an action out of pure revenge? Describe the situation prior to your reaction. What did you do?

I documented it, classified it, considered its requirements and laid out every possibility for my next encounter of the scenario.

Round 2: I go full retard for the lulz!

It is a full nuclear meltdown, everyone getting buried alive, let nobody survive. Bystander my ass, you all accomplices! I'm coming for you, you, and you and your little dog toto too!
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In the distant past, I dated some guy for almost 4 years. He was great at first which made me love him in my own way, but things changed 2 years in. He started to become jealous, physically abusive, and controlling. The Jeckel and Hyde switch completely took me by surprise. He would stalk me if I tried to leave, beg for my forgiveness...I still can't believe that I let myself go through all of that. It was completely out of character of me.

Anyhow, I found out that he was cheating on me with a girl he met at work AND he got her pregnant. I didn't overreact. I didn't yell, throw things or go after anyone. That wasn't my style. What I did do was plot out my revenge. Did I still care about or want him? Fuck no. But he needed to be taught that what he did and who he was was unacceptable. So I waited til the time was right. I knew he was going to some technical school and that they were very strict about the students being in the class at 7pm or they weren't allowed in the building. I knew he always parked his car under a light so he could find it.

Background info: he was into some freaky shit when it came to sex. I was fine with that but there were a few things that made me question what team he was on, if you know what I mean. Anyhow, we would always go to these sex shops and buy a ton of sex toys. So many that we had a big duffel bag filled with "fun". When I found out about his cheating, the "bag" was in my possession...

Now back to the parking lot. I pulled into the parking lot at 6:58pm (2 months out). Once I saw they were inside, I took the sex bag out of my car and walked over to his car parked under the light. I proceeded to cover his car in dildos, anal beads, vibrators, etc., and then I covered his car in k-y and anal ease. Then I put a big poster board on his windshield that read, "HERE'S THE DILDOS BACK THAT YOU MADE ME FUCK YOU UP THE ASS WITH YOU FUCKING FAGGOT." Now, I know they had a break at 8pm and most of them went outside to smoke. His car was in plain site.

I did receive a call that night from him. He was so angry I couldn't understand anything. But there were a lot of curse words. He did get me on the phone eventually and I told him I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. He started laughing and said, "whether you will admit to it or not, you got me good. Damn. I didn't know you had it in you. Every time one of my classmates sees me they say, "yo, A---, you got any batteries? They were crying and laying on the ground laughing." I could tell that he was turned on by my boldness. What a stupid prick. But yeah. I get creative when I'm wronged.

This. Long-term humiliation is my preferred method.

I found this in another thread:

Mmmm...I love me some good ol' NTs. Especially when they're upset.

Totally random, but...yes. Smoldering, plotting, and planning NTs turn me on.

...If you make an enemy of an NT (especially INTJ) you won't see the revenge coming. And even after it happens, you'll be all - WTF just happened? You still might not know who did it.

Much truth there.

Nothing to be ashamed or proud of. Just the way it goes, I suppose.
Nope, then I would be at the same level as the person who did something bad which "would" make me want to revenge.
INFJs can be masters of revenge; more the shadowy side of being an INFJ and fully integrated infjs knows this. The keen observations into other's underlying motives and their desires are easily used by an infj to destroy someone from within. of course it will all depend on how bad an infj was wronged and which way; in most instances infjs will find it within their hearts to forgive and heal. But on a darker side; infjs are very adept at manipulation and revenge if one chooses to commit to this type of path. To say that all infjs are geared towards love and helping others is not always true. The psychological power an infj holds over others cannot be denied.
I've never really gotten into the whole revenge concept. However, when I was younger and on a camping trip with my family, my sister was being intentionally annoying so I replaced Oreo filling with toothpaste, and gave it to her. She had trouble eating Oreos for awhile after that...
A few years later I found Mint Creme Oreo cookies and gave them to her for her birthday. The irony is that she loves them. Your welcome ;)
INFJs can be masters of revenge; more the shadowy side of being an INFJ and fully integrated infjs knows this. The keen observations into other's underlying motives and their desires are easily used by an infj to destroy someone from within. of course it will all depend on how bad an infj was wronged and which way; in most instances infjs will find it within their hearts to forgive and heal. But on a darker side; infjs are very adept at manipulation and revenge if one chooses to commit to this type of path. To say that all infjs are geared towards love and helping others is not always true. The psychological power an infj holds over others cannot be denied.

Sadly, this.

For the topic, I have. I'm trying to holding myself from doing another one of those.
The price of my conscience is very high, too high for me.

I covered most of my bases, I'm going to use it as a defense tho; hopefully not an offense.

Why, I stop to ask. Why the desire for justice--Why and when did it start to taint and turned into vengeance.
