Removing etheric implants and parasites | INFJ Forum

Removing etheric implants and parasites


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2015
Tri 5-9-4
This thread is for sharing experiences and practical tips in removing etheric parasites and implants. Share your own stories or add links.

I found these articles some weeks ago. I have had some minor success before with removing etheric parasites. There was something big above my head that was removed in one meditation.

There is still a big thing on my head and chest (part 3) - and possibly the spinal cord (part 3). They are going to have to leave next. Part 1 is an introduction.

(part 1)
(part 3)

How can I be sure that I have an etheric parasite? It feels like there is something touching me on my skin places. But there is nothing to see. There is that expression that something is "creepy", "creeping under your skin".

I am not doing some intellectual exercise here for the sake of fun. It is for the sake of my health. These parasites are associated with diseases and psychological problems. This makes hypothesis testing possible, a before-after scenario. I have a hearing impairment and another disease (let us call it X - I do not want to reveal it yet). Both are incurable according to modern medicine.

Do etheric parasites exist or they are just imagination? I will not push either opinion but their effects are testable and that is where I am starting. :D
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Absolutely. THOUGH, I will say that not all etheric implants are negative. There are postive ones there that have been there since birth to aid you in whatever you planned to do here with this lifetime. There are some people who even consider the chakras to be implants. I'll stop there because that is out of the scope of the thread here.

So these parasites. I Would definitely say that they are a thing, and I had to do a few removals on some close friends after we did a group clearing at a house a couple years back; they got very very very very sick, and I recognized the looked like a murky spiky ball in the afflicted area.

You can also develop negative implants from bad experiences, trauma, and just a long-period of negative thinking.

When it comes to removal, I would be very picky with whom I went to. This person needs to really understand energy, and they need to know what they are doing lest there be further negative complications. They also need to be someone that you think and feel you can trust. I have a link to a lady that I will share with you in my next post who does hardcore implant removal and aims to make it less painful for her clients.
Absolutely. THOUGH, I will say that not all etheric implants are negative. There are postive ones there that have been there since birth to aid you in whatever you planned to do here with this lifetime. There are some people who even consider the chakras to be implants. I'll stop there because that is out of the scope of the thread here.

So these parasites. I Would definitely say that they are a thing, and I had to do a few removals on some close friends after we did a group clearing at a house a couple years back; they got very very very very sick, and I recognized the looked like a murky spiky ball in the afflicted area.

You can also develop negative implants from bad experiences, trauma, and just a long-period of negative thinking.

When it comes to removal, I would be very picky with whom I went to. This person needs to really understand energy, and they need to know what they are doing lest there be further negative complications. They also need to be someone that you think and feel you can trust. I have a link to a lady that I will share with you in my next post who does hardcore implant removal and aims to make it less painful for her clients.

Thanks for the warning.

The guy who wrote the articles about parasite removal also warned against removing positive implants. There is a list of positive implants that I can double-check with.

Besides, I have a pendulum to which to ask questions, so there is an evaluation that I can rely on. Even if I remove a positive implant by mistake, it is not the end of the world. There is a lot that I will learn about myself and implants from this process. My self-awareness will be raised and this will help in all areas of life.

The implants that I am thinking of removing feel negative and are listed in the article part 3. I am doing this myself.

Now, I am eating 75% raw vegetarian food now and a minimum of cheese/meat/pasta/bread, etc. I have also spent a lot of time learning to say thanks for pretty much everything that I do, meditating, etc. Raising my vibration this much helps me to remove negative implants and prevent negative reimplantation. I feel confident that I can work it out on my own. The global Schumann resonance is very high by now.
Now, I am eating 75% raw vegetarian food now and a minimum of cheese/meat/pasta/bread, etc. I have also spent a lot of time learning to say thanks for pretty much everything that I do, meditating, etc. Raising my vibration this much helps me to remove negative implants and prevent negative reimplantation. I feel confident that I can work it out on my own. The global Schumann resonance is very high by now.
You are correct, especially in terms of keeping a high vibration and exercising positive thought. It is also what keeps shields strong, should you use them.
If I don't know what you're talking about within a few sentences, I'm not reading anymore.

I have a feeling that you are trying to derail this thread. :m105:
What I am planning on doing next is what you will find in part 3.

* Qigong to get my qi moving. This increases my energy and my ability to feel and make sense of my body.
* Breathing exercises to increase my ability to concentrate.

Doing these things will help me to finally remove an etheric parasite.
I get the feeling you are trying to bump it

Go translate a Shakespeare play into Hungarian, Turkish, Hindu and finally back into English. Then try to make sense of it. It will keep you occupied for a while. :m076:
Amazing. What proof is there of the existence of these things you describe that hopefully goes beyond "faith" they exist?
This, and this, both are great links.

Note: Etheric implants are also known as Archonic or Archontic implants in reference to the Archons, a name given to the negatively oriented etheric entities that took over our reality by the Gnostics. Archon in Greek means “ruler”, and I personally do not resonate with calling them that and so rarely do. I agree 100% with Cameron Day, they are parasites and bloodsuckers of the highest order, ticks and fleas if you will.
This, and this, both are great links.

Note: Etheric implants are also known as Archonic or Archontic implants in reference to the Archons, a name given to the negatively oriented etheric entities that took over our reality by the Gnostics. Archon in Greek means “ruler”, and I personally do not resonate with calling them that and so rarely do. I agree 100% with Cameron Day, they are parasites and bloodsuckers of the highest order, ticks and fleas if you will.

The second link is the same article as "part 1" that I put above.

As for the first link, I will try the copied and pasted text tonight. I have come across it before, about 15 months ago as a newbie on this forum. Lacking in strength and mental discipline due to my depression, it did not go well. It does not seem to be that difficult. You just need determination, a hearty attitude, and know where the parasites are located on your body. Some parasites are too small to be felt and have a stealthy behavior. That is why I am doing breathing exercises and learning to feel joy. I feel more the energy in my body better that way, and etheric parasites are more easily detected. One day, I will succeed.


When you notice ankle biters trying to interfere with your thoughts, emotions or energy, immediately start expanding your Divine Inner Light from your heart until it surrounds your body. This pure, intense light of your Divine Being is painful for these low-frequency ankle biters to be near, and they will withdraw. (I think this may be where the myth of the “blood sucking” vampire who can’t stand sunlight comes from…) However, even when withdrawn, the ankle biters will have a thin “energy tube” connected to you somewhere in your consciousness that they will use to send harmful energy or siphon off your emotional energy.

Command from your Divine Core that the ankle biters present be captured in “containment orbs,” which are energetic spheres of light that keep them from running away and hiding. Then do an energy refund to send their “tubes” and any other connections they have formed in your consciousness back to them. Now, for just a few moments, it’s ok to get a little angry as a temporary way to rise above feeling helpless. Not blinding rage, but a little righteous indignation that these parasites have been messing with you is OK to entertain for a moment. This is a step up from feeling like a helpless victim to these parasites, which is how they WANT you to feel. Just don’t stay angry for long, and instead work to move your frequency higher. Staying totally calm and forgiving should be your ultimate goal, but if a little anger helps get you out of feeling like a victim to the parasites, go for it. I tell you this so that you don’t “feel bad” if you get mad at these parasites for a moment. However, it is important not to engage them in a constant state of anger, as that anger energy will actually FEED them, which we obviously don’t want.

Once they are contained, imagine that you are grabbing them and “squeezing” them to get them to let go of YOUR energy that they have been draining from you. See that low-frequency energy pooling in front of you, then hit it with a blast of light from your heart to purify and transmute it back to a state of pure energy, and reclaim that energy back into your being.

At this point, the ankle biters will be upset and trying to make you feel bad about yourself in any way that they can. I suggest that you laugh at them and remind them that they were NEVER given permission to take your energy or enslave humanity. Then ask the Galaxy Being to “arrest” them and offer them the choice of returning to the light or being incarcerated somewhere that they can’t harm or drain anyone, ever again. In the past, I used to do a “catch and release” with the ankle biters, but things have changed. We are nearing the point where it is time to fully remove the ankle biters’ influence from Earth, and to dismantle their dark control grid. This means that it is ok to ask the Galaxy Being to incarcerate these ankle biters, and to offer them the option to begin healing and gradually coming back to the light.

Offering them the chance to heal and return to the light is an important point to focus on. Ultimately, everything in the universe comes from a single Divine Consciousness, even the darkest of the ankle biters. This means they will eventually re-align themselves with the light and begin their journey of returning to Source, so we are simply acting as Divine Conduits to assist this process to unfold more rapidly. Ankle biters won’t see this as a good thing due to their lack of empathy, and they may even try to make you feel like you are violating their free will. However, humanity’s free will has been repeatedly violated by these parasitic beings, so they are no longer allowed total free will. The only choices remaining to them are to heal and return to the light, or to remain as they are while being “incarcerated” and prevented from harming anyone else.
Amazing. What proof is there of the existence of these things you describe that hopefully goes beyond "faith" they exist?

According to David Icke and many others we were genetically engineered to use only our five senses by some ETs long ago. They were never completely successful though. You have some psychic powers and you can train them to be better. We are slaves on this planet and are here to serve our masters.

Believe whatever you want about that. Not sure what to believe myself, but I am absolutely convinced that our politicians and bankers are mainly psychopaths - whether ETs or terrestrials - who do not have our interest at heart. There is too much that is wrong in society and it cannot be explained by "error" or random "negligence".

Let me tell about personal experience with etheric parasites. Maybe they exist or not. Even if that theory is incorrect, there is something else, factor X. What is factor X? I do not know. But the knowledge of how to remove etheric parasites is just as useful on them as on factor X. That is sort of my hypothesis.

My personal observations:

1. I do feel that there is something on my head. I do not have this feeling in other parts of my body. It feels like a wet blanket there and on top is a helmet. I want that to be removed. This is supposedly a giant octopus on my head, according to the links that I posted. If this feeling were normal, it would be constant. But sometimes the feeling is stronger. When I start meditating, I get a nauseous feeling. That does not make sense from a scientific point of view.

2. I also have a similar feeling at the bottom of my spine. It is always there and sometimes it stings with some pain for no apparent reason. Especially when I go to bed, it is there. It is a discomfort and I want it removed. I sleep badly because of this.

3. I am hard of hearing, only having some hearing in my right ear. I have no relatives who were born HOH, so there is no genetic component involved. There is a faint odd feeling in my ear canals sometimes, like a feather. This fits the description of an etheric parasite.

4. Previously, I used to feel something creeping on my chest a lot. After doing a meditation of removing it, that feeling was gone. This might be a parasite that was removed, or it changed behavior so as not to be bothered by me.

5. I was meditating and imagining a beam of golden light from the galactic central sun hitting me from above. I imagined all negativity being pushed to the edges of this beam. Suddenly, my head snapped and I felt that my mind was clearer afterwards. Perhaps that something negative above my head was removed. (It is a particular meditation for Lightworkers to clear negative energy from their aura. I was testing it out of curiosity (I am just normal bloke, not a Lightworker) and it had an unexpected positive result for me.).

That is my story. :D
Ok. Can you talk a bit more about the idea you have an octopus on your head? I dont understand any aspect of that. Even if invisible, where did it come from. Are we not where we believe we are meaning, are we in a Matrix like trance where our bodies are really some place we don't know or is this creature from another dimension we can't physically touch.
Also, isn't it possible you are simply having an issue with your sinuses?
Why can't we just be exactly what we seem to be and all of these issues you describe have a regular explanation?
I think it's possible aliens engineer or directed our development, it's something we ourselves as humans would do if in our power... but it's also possible we are exactly what we seem to be, a natural evolution.

If you are right though, I have some serious parasites attached to me.
This is really old, so I’m not replying to the original people on here, I’m just adding this for anybody who reads it in the future. Since this is, I feel like it’s important to point out that INFJs don’t have spiritual problems like this. If you can identify with what’s been said here, and you’ve been thinking you’re INFJ, you need to reconsider your type.

Dominant Ni makes INFJs immune to spiritual problems because it naturally bestows as much spiritual power as a person can possibly have. They’re automatically at the top of the spiritual food chain. Their Ni is nondual. You only get into problems when you split a function up into more than a unified whole (so, the further down the stack you go, the more dangerous a function is). The positive vs. negative dualism displayed in this thread is an inferior Ni thing, like something an ESTP or ESFP would go through.

An INFJ’s dominant Ni won’t perceive enough spiritual detail to get hung up on anything. They’re not spiritually sensitive. They’re the spiritual heavy-lifters who find relief, purity, fun, humor, joy, warmth, unconditional love, and wholesomeness in the spiritual filth (“evil”) that terrifies, injures, and repulses sensitives. You can throw spiritual turds at an INFJ, do your best black magic on them, etc., but it’ll just make them laugh, because they’re bulletproof, and an “attack” is like being tickled to them—if they even notice it in the first place. They’ll have a good time winning by default while the attacker exhausts themselves. And no attack will ever come from spiritual entities because INFJs are the popular kids in the spirit world. All the entities like them.

INFJs are spiritual goofballs/pranksters who can’t take it seriously. They’re the most likely to drop out of occultism classes due to boredom. They’re spiritually hyperactive and the people who take spirituality really seriously absolutely hate them and complain about them being dangerous bullies/scammers/trolls, even though they’re the heroes doing all the work rescuing those same complainers from the spiritual equivalent of a burning building.
Dominant Ni makes INFJs immune to spiritual problems because it naturally bestows as much spiritual power as a person can possibly have.

Ah, of course.