
Grey Wolf

Airborne all the way!
no idea
how long do you take to recharge? and how long before you need to again?

just curious haha

cos I'm recharging now myself hehe

I think all you INFJs will know what I mean by recharging ;)
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I think I might be seriously neglecting my "I" recharges since maybe 5 months ago. I don't do the alone time thing fully for very long anymore, and I am concerned that this might lead to stress and such. Its not that I have really missed it, well, miss getting the huge amounts I was previously accustomed to.
Even when I do get alone time the first thing I want to do is come on here. I must be developing my Fe like CRAZY though since I'm always with people.

Back to topic: When I USE to recharge alot, this was years back, I'd spend all damn day by myself on the comp playing games. I'd maybe chat some to people on msn but I'd always demand my game time.
A year ago this time I'd be chatting with a current boyfriend and some friends on msn quite a bit, but I'd still go and game for hours a night, and most of a weekend. I'd also frequently check a forum or 2 all the time I was home.
Now, me and chaz are virtually (haha, I r punny) inseparable, and I maybe have 2-3 hours of "just me" time a night. It obvious that I've been headed into a trend of favouring more interaction, especially Fe interaction with people, but I am concerned that I am losing my inner self. There are days when my intuition literally will. not. work.
Now that I have started to feel guilty about recharging, I can't even really tell you. I'm gonna give it a shot tomorrow. I'll let you know.

EDIT: Looks like a couple of hours this morning did the trick.
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I try to recharge a little every day. Even though there's plenty of time for me after being disabled 4 years ago, when I have really busy period, it often takes 2 or 3 days for me to get back on track. I do very well with the Chronic Depression, but one thing that pisses me off is that it is cyclical. I've learned how to recognize when a down period is closing in so that I can catch it early. That way I don't get too far down, and I try to take even better care of myself, be nicer to myself, get extra rest and relaxation. It depends on exactly the responsibilities I have at any given time, and how long they last.
I don't think I recharge much anymore @.@ I used to have time to myself, at least an afternoon, but within the last few years I've had a lot lot lot of time where I'd be around people. Now, whenever I'm alone, it takes a little bit of work in order to get into a "recharge" state -- otherwise, I just feel depressed.
There's a person I'm very close to that I can recharge just by being around them, sometimes. It's heavenly.
I recharge in different ways but it stays a constant need that I have. If I do not take the time to regularly recharge my capacity to handle stress diminishes. I would read, listen to music, soak in a bubble bath or being in my garden enjoying my surroundings (this one works the best as it is very uplifting).

These I would ideally do alone as only then can I truly shut off others emotions from me. Being totally alone is not always possible so I will get it in small doses by reading or listening to music on my mp4 etc; as long as the person understands to respect my space. I am then able to engage with others whole heartedly as long as I get my recharge time.

I have also noticed that when I am in a strong need to recharge and I cannot, then I will resort to daydreaming which can be rude to whoever is in your company but it is a clear sign that I need to recharge.

Another interesting thing that I have noticed it that yes I do come online to recharge as well but if I engage for too long then it becomes like a draining extroverted activity for me, so the time zone difference for me is actually a blessing in disguise as the forums can become so addictive.
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ordinarily i recharge a lot. i love spending time alone every day, for hours in the evening. if i haven't got enough time alone i can stay awake long past when i'm physically exhausted, just winding down. if i don't do it i can't sleep anyway, i lie awake listening to my million thoughts buzzing away.

if i have a major ongoing stress going in my life and one thing tips the scales, like having to spend a few hours doing something for someone, the entire rest of the day is a wipe out and ends up being spent on recharging. if i'm under enough stress sometimes i do nothing for days but try to get my charge back. (it's probably kind of avoidant.) are other people like this?
Usually I get a few hours to myself. In the morning I get an hour or two of quiet time. Then during the late afternoon I can usually grab an hour or two of alone time. What's funny is the only people I am getting away from now is my family. I don't have any friends or acquaintances that I have to get away from. And the few friends I have I actually want to go do things with. And they do not suck up my energy. It's wise to have friends that are not energy vampires. They fill you not drain you...
ordinarily i recharge a lot. i love spending time alone every day, for hours in the evening. if i haven't got enough time alone i can stay awake long past when i'm physically exhausted, just winding down. if i don't do it i can't sleep anyway, i lie awake listening to my million thoughts buzzing away.

if i have a major ongoing stress going in my life and one thing tips the scales, like having to spend a few hours doing something for someone, the entire rest of the day is a wipe out and ends up being spent on recharging. if i'm under enough stress sometimes i do nothing for days but try to get my charge back. (it's probably kind of avoidant.) are other people like this?

haha yeah I'm doing this now :D
been 2 weeks already lol but cant properly recharge. everytime a little gets recharged, I have to go extovert again and its lost :/

the most interesting convo happened btwn my friend and I. shes clearly an E btw.

I asked her something along the lines of: "dont you feel tired? can still talk so much? I mean, whole day out at competition and such." her reply was something like:" huh? when I'm tired i just eat and drink. talking is so much fun"

i nearly laughed HAHA
if i have a major ongoing stress going in my life and one thing tips the scales, like having to spend a few hours doing something for someone, the entire rest of the day is a wipe out and ends up being spent on recharging. if i'm under enough stress sometimes i do nothing for days but try to get my charge back. (it's probably kind of avoidant.) are other people like this?
yes, the same applies to me. The extent would depend on the level of stress or what is going on in my life at that time.

It's wise to have friends that are not energy vampires. They fill you not drain you...
Most definitely!
In my case, it ranges from :

an hour of blankness in the morning,
an hour of blankness in the shower,
then some moment of blankness in the car...

If I'm going out then I must do at least that, for me to function best. And lots of sleep. Lots, and lots of sleep.

Then if I'm stressed out, I can spent lots of me time alone and just....disconnecting. I need to have something to block my inner thoughts from spilling out, tho.

I don't have any friends or acquaintances that I have to get away from. And the few friends I have I actually want to go do things with. And they do not suck up my energy. It's wise to have friends that are not energy vampires. They fill you not drain you...
Agreed. Agreed. So much agreed! >_<
I never thought about this! I always feel like I am "on". I have to be funny, make intelligent, act like an adult, etc.

I do need to recharge after being around people for a while and I get that when I hop into a game or zone out and do nothing but watch the wind blow the leaves outside my window. I take hours to recharge and it's a daily thing.
I've been recharging after a series of house guests. Having guests that spend several days at time can be exceedingly draining for me. When I'm recharging I prefer to be alone but that's not possible. The second best is to be in environment where I don't have to speak much. If I'm online while recharging, I tend to lurk more than post.
I discovered meditation a few years back and recharging usually happens now when I meditate. I also go for hikes and walks alone.

Problem is, when I'm in a high stress mode, my FJ becomes TP and then I could give a rat's assl about anything or anyone including my own self - meditation no longer works at that point.

Need to try to keep that balance before it's too late.
Well I have many ways to recharge so I do it a lot and it keeps me in a great mood because I get all time I need just to think about everything and anything. One of my favorite's is just to go for a drive for an hour or two, either go up to the mountains or visit my brothers grave. Cemeteries are very quiet so it's a perfect place to think even if that does sound creepy or I just come home and even if surrounded by people, putting on head phones and writing is enough for me to recharge because when writing I leave this world and enter the one of my imagination. Recharging honestly is sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane and I couldn't imagine going long without doing it.