Putin not afraid of anyone(runs to China for dual port) | Page 3 | INFJ Forum

Putin not afraid of anyone(runs to China for dual port)

I am not fully immersed in the political lingo anymore or all the world affairs but have watched a lot of interviews with Putin. I don't get the feeling he minces words or says anything to placate other people. There is something about him as a person that I really enjoy quite a lot. I think that he is a fucking beast, and I like it. Now, how that kind of personality will play out in the next decade or so as the leader of a nation I am not sure. But I am always interested in hearing what he has to say unlike a lot of leaders who are just trying to appeal to people's feelings.

I'm not a fan of politicians but if i had to have one then Putin would be the one....he's nobodys fool
@muir , I don't see Obama anything like that at all.

The neo-cons are one group in the network of people behind Obama

For example Truman capote said the ruling class in the US was made up of approximately 10,000 people

Now of course all those people are not going to agree on everything for example sometimes their business interests will compete but there will be one thing they are ALWAYS agreed upon which is their dominance over the rest of society

So the neo-cons have been one very thrusting force in US foreign policy over the last few decades...they are HAWKS (ie they believe in using violence to acheive their ends)

But another very defining thing about Obamas tenure is that he surrounded himself with WALLSTREET advisors

This was a tell-tale sign when he first came to power on a wave of 'yes we can' phoney baloney that he was not the messiah

If he was going to bring genuine improvements for MAINSTREET then he would have had to curb WALLSTREET because wallstreets gains are our loses....you can't serve both masters

This is a vital point that the brilliant US economist Prof Michael Hudson from Kansas University made when the banking bailouts occured....he said that by bailing out the banks (instead of letting the markets reset things) the politicans bailed out the global investors (who the banks owed the money to) and by doing so they borrowed money from the public purse (ie they used our taxpayers money and the tax money of our unborn children) to bail out the already super rich global investors (they are already billionaires and trillionaires)

By bailing out the banks with our tax payers money they then left the economy to recede

So they bailed out the super rich NOT the people. This Hudson says shows who the real constituency of the politicians is: the global investors

If Obama was going to genuinly come in and try to rectify that giant swindle then he would not have surrounded himself with WALLSTREET guys

Obama also surrounded himself with zionist advisors such as Rahm Emmanuel who is basically a conduit for the Rothschilds. Rahm Emmanuel was Obamas zionist handler and made sure obama did what the global investors (lead by the rothschilds but including the likes of George Soros) wanted him to do

So there are various groups who are all connected up in various ways (financially and otherwise) who are the real puppetmasters of Obama


''Ok bammy, this is what Mr Rothschild wants you to do...''
From what you are insinuating, a president is always used for profit of the wealthy.

Cyberspace is used to create situations for the wealthy.

Wars are thought about and produced for the wealthy.

I think the wealthy are so diversified, they make money with whatever situation occurs. The wealthy have not chosen to go fight ISIS, but they will make money doing so. The wealthy most likely stole from everyone back in the late 2000s by manipulating things. They don't manipulate every...thing.
From what you are insinuating, a president is always used for profit of the wealthy.

President Andrew Jackson called the central bankers 'a den of vipers' and he swore he would 'rout them out'...he survived an assassination attempt when the assassins pistols failed to fire

President Lincoln refused to take war loans from the international bankers and instead created his own interest free currency called 'the greenback'...he did not survive the assassins bullet

President Kennedy passed an executive order that gave the government treasury the ability to issue a silver backed currency that circumvented the federal reserves paper money...he did not survive the assassins bullet

President Eisenhower warned the US public in his farewell speech that the US was in danger of being taken over by what he called 'the military industrial complex' which is really the big corporations and financiers who benefit from war....there was no point assassinating him as he was leaving office when he warned the public

If you serve the banksters they reward you with wealth and positions and a future on the after dinner speech circuit after office; if you oppose them they shoot you dead

Cyberspace is used to create situations for the wealthy.

Cyberspace is increasingly being used to create situations for the general public which is why the wealthy want to place it under more controls

Wars are thought about and produced for the wealthy.

Yes and laws too

Bankers have always benefitted from wars throughout history because they give war loans to the combatants. The rothschilds became incredibly wealthy by funding both sides in many european conflicts over 300 years...fuelling the carnage and the rifts within christendom

I think the wealthy are so diversified, they make money with whatever situation occurs.

They are not that diversified

They are bound together under certain umbrella organisations for example the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). If you go onto wikipedia there are lists of the CFR's members and you can see how far their reach extends into politics, media, banking, business etc.

This group acts as a steering group for the top 1%

Then there are other groups like the freemasons who you will be invited into if your face fits

The wealthy have not chosen to go fight ISIS, but they will make money doing so.

The CFR represent the interests of the globalist bankers and the big corporations and the military industrial complex

They ARE the wealthy and they control the CIA who recruit much of their personnel from amongst the wealthy

The CIA trained syrian rebels (who became ISIS) in Jordan and armed them with US weaponry and funded them as did the gulf state monarchies who are in cahoots with the CFR

They also funded ISIS indirectly through NGO's

You could also call the CFR the 'military industrial complex', the 'corporatocracy', the 'power elite', the 'globalists', the 'shadow government', the New World Order, the 'secret society network', the 'banksters', the 'illuminati' or the 'banking cabal' because they are all the same thing

The wealthy most likely stole from everyone back in the late 2000s by manipulating things. They don't manipulate every...thing.

Yeah they were behind the 2008 crash, they control the banks, the fed, the rating agencies, the corporate media and they have manipulated the economy in such a way as to move all the wealth out of the hands of the public and into the hands of themselves, hence the failing economy and their growing wealth
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I saw where Putin grabbed another large oil firm, placing the owner in jail like before. It sent the economy there into a scary withdrawal.
I saw where Putin grabbed another large oil firm, placing the owner in jail like before. It sent the economy there into a scary withdrawal.

When the USSR broke up some powerful zionist oligarchs grabbed much of the resources

This of course was a bad start to a 'capitalist' future as it meant that from the get go a small band of people already held all the chips

Putin is trying to bring the countries resources back under the control of the Russian people...this is not a bad thing

It is exactly what i want my Scottish government to do after independence...i want them to nationalise the oil industry so that the oil becomes the property of the scottish people and is controlled by them

The people behind the biggest 4 banks in the US also own the biggest 4 oil companies and these people are behind the oil wars in the middle east. They benefit from war not only by exploiting other peoples oil but also in giving loans to governments to build weapons and then further loans after the violence to rebuild the things the weapons they provided destroyed!

It's a sick game so well done Putin...take the power back off the oligarchs! (its a shame none of the politicians in the US have the backbone to take power off the ooligarchs in the US!)
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I think the guy is being charged with money laundering, at the very least. I'd like to see where the oil money he is getting from other countries is going...
From what you are insinuating, a president is always used for profit of the wealthy.

Cyberspace is used to create situations for the wealthy.

Wars are thought about and produced for the wealthy.

I think the wealthy are so diversified, they make money with whatever situation occurs. The wealthy have not chosen to go fight ISIS, but they will make money doing so. The wealthy most likely stole from everyone back in the late 2000s by manipulating things. They don't manipulate every...thing.

I dont believe "the wealthy" are as homogenous a group as that, wars cost them, more than the average tax payer and sometimes the destruction of wealth and prospects is unimaginable, much worse than any other policy a government can undertake. So I'm not sure that they're all meeting in secret and plotting the next war with a plan to sponsor both sides and max out their revenues.

Even military industrial complexes, militarised bureaucracies and subsidary industries, while trying to exaggerate threats and escalate spending, do try to limit warfare because it could bring trading to an abrupt and very final finish.
The wealthy people in the corporatocracy DO want war because they profit from it

This is what President Eisenhower was talking about when he warned the US that it had become a war economy

These war profiteers working in a wide range of business who provide everything required for war from bullets, to missiles, to boots to bog roll do indeed meet in forums like the CFR and discuss going to war

The US government and CIA has always protected the buisness interests of the big corporations because the US government is dominated by the corporations. The CIA, politicians and corporate types have a 'revolving door' set up where they all move between these different entities

For example president Bush snr was the director of the CIA and Cheney the vice president was the chairman of the corporation Halliburton which won lucrative contracts to rebuild Iraq after the US military had destroyed it

When political power and corporate merge it is fascism and unfortunately that is what has happened in the US hence the endless wars

The occupy movement argued against the 1% but in reality the real movers and shakers are more like the top 0.001%
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